CHP1 Flashcards
National Physical Activity Guidelines - the minimum guidelines for PA in order to gain some benefits
NPAG’s- Baby, Toddlers, Preschool
0-5yrs old T= D= > 3hrs O= no screens for under 2yrs, 2-5yrs < 1 hr
NPAG’s - children + youth
F= everyday I= mod-vig T= variety D= 60+min 0= <2 hr of screen
NPAG’s - Adult
F= 5+ days I= mod T= all D=30+min O= vig PA 3-4 a week X 30 min
NPAG’s - Adult 4 guidelines
- think of movement as an opportunity not as an inconvenience 2. Be active everyday in as many ways as you can 3. 30+ min of MPA most days 4. regular VPA for exra benefits
NPAG’s - older adults (65+)
F= 5+ days I= mod T= variety D= 30+ min
NPAG’s - overweight/ obese adults
F= everyday I= mod T= all D= 60+min
NPAG’s - adults - lost weight
F= everyday I= mod T= all D= 60-90min
NPAG’s - overweight /obese children
F= everyday I= mod T= all D= 30+min / more than normal O= < 2hrs screen
Dimensions of PA
Frequency - how often Intensity - how much work Type - what Time - how long
Domains of PA
HALO or GOAL household/ garden active transport leisure time occupational
variables of PA
3PBESH Psychological Physical environment Policy Behavioural Economic Socio- cultural Health
Variable - Psychological
attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, values, enjoyment
Variable - Physical Environment
availability + access to facilities, PA programs, active transport
Variable - Policy
workplace PA, walking / cycling policies
Variable - Behavioural
time spent outdoors, sedentary behaviour, car use
Variable - Economic
cost of recreation activities / facilities, cost of car vs transport
Variable - Socio- cultural
social participation / support, parents attitude to children’s sport
Variable - Health
overweight: height weight, waist circumference other: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease
Purpose of measuring PA: population level
- document frequency and distribution of PA in population groups - monitor achievement of PA guidelines - study the relationship between PA and health conditions - evaluate the effectiveness of large scale PA intervention programs
Purpose of measuring PA: Individual level
- detect change in an individuals health and/or behaviour - determine the effect of any change in PA behaviour
Subjective Measures
-assessment relying on an individual’s recall of activity’s and ts perceived intensity -predominantly used for populations
Objective Measures
- assessment using either direct observation or a device that can produce solid data - predominantly used for individuals
Self report / proxy report
self-administered, interviewer, proxy report (reporting on behalf of someone else). uses interviews, questionnaires, diaries or logs
self/ proxy report advantages
-assess PA over multiple domains -low participant burden -low cost -administered quickly to a large audience -potential to predict approx energy expenditure - qualitative or quantitative
subjective measures disadvantages
- validity problems - social desirability bias - recall problems for under 10s and over 50s - sensitivity
social desirability bias
people provide what they perceive to be the desired response
sensitivity problems
changing behaviour because you know you are logging behaviour
require someone to remember what they have done - short, simple questions :self administered, interview, proxy report - Active Australia Survey requires people to remember their PA over the last week