CHP 9 Flashcards
What is the overall size of the workforce?
Aging of population, concentration of younger workers in developing countries, and trend to work longer is developing globally
What is urbanization?
Rural to urban shift starting in developing countries
What is the global unemployment?
What was the increase over 2007?
34 million, with 2/3 in developed countries
what is the projected Employment growth?
What are some factors of Economic recovery?
- Slow reduction of unemployment rates
What does the vulnerable workforce include?
workers who work on their own account or as contributing family members… and is Growing
What was the aging population in 2010?
7.6% were 65+ old, getting older and found in developed countries
What is the projection growth for aging population?
8.4% in 2015 and 16.4% in 2050
What are some impacts in the urbanization of workforce
- Shift from agriculture to industry to service sectors
- Growing low-cost, low-skill labor pool
- Large % vulnerable workforce
- Quick to learn industrial skills
- Social and psychological concerns adjusting to industry and service sectors
Why do people immigrate?
secure better economic situations (labor mobility), regardless of their socioeconomic level,
What are the ranges in Migrant Labor skills?
3-D(dirty, dangerous, and degrading) to highly skilled IT and medicine
US had ?% of world population and ??% of migrants
5%; 20%
What is remittance and how much was sent in ‘08?
funds earned in one country and sent to another… in ‘03 $338 billion was remittances.
Where does Child Labor exist?
globally, in developed and developing countries
Who advocates for children’s rights world-wide and sets standards?
What are UNICEF’s 4 core principles?
- Nondiscrimination
- Devotion to the best interest of the child
- Right to life, survive and development
- Respect for views of the child
Who are the typical victims of forced labor?
Women, children, and low-income men
What is Brain Drain?
Loss of a nation’s best minds (skilled professionals) who migrate to other countries
Where is revers brain drain trending and reason?
is beginning in India, China, and Russia as workers return home
What are Guest Workers?
Legal immigrants attracted by countries with low birth rates and labor shortages
for work in service, factory, or construction jobs
What are some considerations in employment policies?
social status, sexism, racism, the existence of minorities within traditional societies, and overall labor situations commonly encountered in developing nations
How is Social Status relevant to culture?
Understanding social status is necessary to understanding cultures because in some cultures, social divisions are more extreme than in others.
What is Sexism?
denial of equal status and participation for women
Where does Racism exist?
Worldwide. Globalization may eventually minimize it
What is an advantage to foreign employers?
Outside minorities are better educated, more experienced; speak multiple languages, and a good source of labor in some economies
What is a disadvantage to foreign Employers?
prejudice against their success
What are reasons for Labor Shortages?
low education levels, poverty and social unrest
What contributes to inadequate labor pools?
Challenges of HIV/AIDS and poor health
What is a primary challenge to employers?
Up-skilling the local workers to minimal standards
What are some proper labor preparations when entering a market?
Firm must study labor market prior to investment but be ready to accept what is available
What are some readily available data sources?
Government and NGO data and reports
What are European labor unions usually identified with?
socialist and democratic political parties.
US Unions are more?
Pragmatic- collective bargaining represents everyone in a bargaining unit
Japanese unions (enterprise-based) tend to identify strongly with..
the interests of the company
What is the trend in the level of Labor members?
membership trends are downward and declining
Since when has international companies expanded rapidly?
Examples of National Unions Include: (5)
- successful multinational unionism in EU
- European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
- Union Network International (UNI)
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in U.S.
- International Confederation of Trade Unions (ICFTU)
International labor standards include treaties and recommendations on: (7)
- minimum standards for basic labor rights
- freedom of association
- the right to organize
- collective bargaining
- abolition of forced labor
- equality of opportunity and treatment
- other standards regulating working conditions