Chp. 6 social stratification Flashcards
What is social stratification
The organization of society into layers reflecting their class or status
What are the patterns of social inequality
Wealth: assets-liabilities
Income/ after tax: amount of & earned
What are the factors of economical success AND influencing income
Degree of natural talent and effort + economical capital + human capital
Social capital+ cultural capital
What is MBM
Market basket measure: cost of basic living needs to enjoy standard living.
Criticized by campaign 2000
3 myths of poverty
1.ppl are lazy
2.ppl are immigrants
3.ppl are trapped in poverty
Individual level explanations of poverty
How do poor people differ from non poor ppl ( inherited or acquired attributes)
Structural explanations of poverty
Social organizations of a society:
lack of good jobs
Social policy
Tax collection and allocation
Ideological perspectives
Negative images creates discrimination and leads to less success finding jobs
Marx conflit theory
-DID NOT view social strat as inevitable.
-Capitalist= no class conflict
-Workers would become class consciousness
-capitalists = crisis of overproduction and underconsumption
Bourgeois: ownership class
Proletariat: working class
What are the 5 critical evaluation of Marx’s conflict theory
1.industrial societies did not polarize into 2 opposed classes
2. Investments in tech = Higher profits for capitalists
3. Efforts from workers resulted in improved living standards
4. Communism did not emerge in highly industrialized countries
5. Averted overproduction and underconsumption
Functionalist theory of Davis and Moore
Believes the inevitability of social stratification
1.some jobs are more important than others
2. Ppl must sacrifice for important jobs
3. Substantial inequality
What was Webers compromise
Argued that we must analyse classes, status groups, and parties as independent bases of social inequality
Their effect on social mobility (up and down the strat system)
What are the 4 main classes in capitalist societies (Weber)
- Large property owners
2.small property owners - Property-less employees manual workers
What are the parties (Weber)
Other bureaucratic orgs.
Control over parties does not depend on wealth
Status groups (Weber)
Differ from one another in the prestige or social honour that they enjoy/ lifestyle
What is social mobility
Intragenerational mobility: occurs in a single generation
Intergenerational mobility: occurs between generations
Open or fluid societies
Have Greater equality of access to all positions in hierarchy of inequality
Closed or rigid societies
Your social origins have major consequences for where you are located in the hierarchy of inequality
Ascription based
Allocation of rank depends on the features with which a person is born
(Ascribed characteristics)
Acheivement based
Allocation of rank depends on a persons accomplishments
Modernization theory( a variant of functionalism)
Global inequality results from the dysfunctional characteristics of poor societies
Dependency theory (a variant of conflict theory)
Global inequality is the result of patterns of domination and submission
Colonizing countries impoverishing less powerful
3 types of countries
Core: source of tech and capital
Peripheral: source of raw materials and cheap labor
Semiperipheral: former colonies attempting to become prosperous
How do peripheral and semi peripheral differ?
1 type of colonization
2 geopolitical position
3 state policy
4 social structure