Chp 6: Digestive System D&C Flashcards
Lack or loss of Appetite, resulting in inability to eat
Inflammation of the appendix, usually caused by obstruction or infection
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, usually as a result of chronic liver disease, a neoplasm, or inflammatory disorder in the abdomen
Rumbling or gurgling noises that are audible at a distance and caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine
Physical wasting that includes loss of weight and muscle mass and is commonly associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and cancer; also called wasting syndrome
Presents or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder
Scarring and dysfunction of the liver caused by chronic liver disease
Crohn disease
Form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), usually of the ileum but possibly affecting any portion of the intestinal tract; also called regional enteritis
Inflammation of the intestine, especially the colon, that may be caused by ingesting water or food containing chemical irritants, bacteria, Protozoa, or parasites and results in bloody diarrhea
Gas in the G.I. tract; expelling of air from the body orifice, especially the anus
Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD
Backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus as a result of malfunction of the sphincter muscles at the inferior portion of the esophagus
Foul smelling breath
Vomiting of blood from bleeding in the stomach or esophagus
Swollen varicose veins in the anorectal region categorized as external or internal
Intestinal obstruction
Mechanical or functional blockage of the intestines that occurs when the contents of the intestine cannot move forward through the intestinal track because of a partial or complete blockage of the bowel