chp 4 organisms and their environment Flashcards
what is a population
A population is defined as a group of organisms of one species, living in the same area at the same time
What is a community
A community is defined as all of the populations of different species in an ecosystem
what is an ecosystem
An ecosystem is defined as a unit containing the community of organisms and their environment, interacting together (eg a decomposing log, a lake)
how do populations expand at the expense of others
Those which are the best adapted to their environments generally increase their populations at the expense of those less well adapted
factors affecting population
Food supply
changing temperature or light
immigration (individuals moving into the area)
emigration (individuals moving out of the area)
reasons fro human population grwoth
Improved technology leading to an abundance of food = rapid increase in birth rate
Improved medicine, hygiene and health care = decrease in death rate
phases of sigmoid growth curve
what is lag phase
organisms are adapting to the environment before they are able to reproduce; in addition, at this stage there are very few organisms and so reproduction is not producing larger numbers of offspring
what is log phase
food supply is abundant, birth rate is rapid and death rate is low; growth is exponential and only limited by the number of new individuals that can be produced
what is stationary phase
population levels out due to a factor in the environment, such as a nutrient, becoming limited as it is not being replenished; birth rate and death rate are equal and will remain so until either the nutrient is replenished or becomes severely limited
what is death phase
– population decreases as death rate is now greater than birth rate; this is usually because food supply is short or metabolic wastes produced by the population have built up to toxic levels
what is nitrogen fixing bacteria
Bacteria which can absorb nitrogen as a gas from air spaces in the soil and build it into compounds of nitrogen
what are decomposers
Organisms which break down dead animal and plant material, releasing the nutrients into the soil
what is nitrfying bacteria
Bacteria which convert ammonium compounds into nitrate
what is denitrifying bacteria
Bacteria that use nitrate ions in their metabolism and release nitrogen gas