Chp 4: Impact of the ecosystem on organisations and strategy Flashcards
What are the three main characteristics of Globalisation?
- Mulitnational/multi-company supply chains
- Offshoring work
- Increasing mobility
What are the destruction and capitalisation effects of automation?
- Destruction: technology forces workers to become unemployed or reallocate their skills elsewhere
- Capitalisation: Follows the destruction effect, in which demand for new goods and services increases, leading to new occupations, businesses and industries
What are two important benefits from ecosystems?
- Improved access and lower cost of skills
- Using the ecosystem to expand the scope of strategic business opportunities and initiatives
What are the four main ecosystem roles?
- Experience providers - provide specialist competencies in unique functions
- Asset providers - provide or manage assets used in production
- Process providers - manage processes and SLAs across shared activites to increase seamlessness
- Platform providers - provide the environment that supports the ecosystem and enables it to operate
What is the direct network effect?
That the value of a product/service to a user increases exponentially with the number of users also using the same product/service
What is the indirect network effect?
The value of a network increaes with the complementary products or services added to it
Participants in an ecosystem can be defined by which three components?
- Role played in the environment
- Reach through the environment
- Capability or contribution to the environment
What three components can be referenced when defining interactions in an ecosystem?
- Rules governing the environment - principles
- Connections of elements - linkages across the environment
- Course of interactions - speed and direction content is shared
How do the four ecosystem types (based on complexity and orchestration) change an organisations strategy for value creation?
- Shark Tank (LC, LO) - Need to differentiate from competitors
- Wolf Pack (LC, HO) - Build diferentiators and build strong relationships with orchestrators
- Hornet’s Nest (HC, LO) - Must find their own ways of value creation, will lead to fragmented competition
- Lion’s Pride (HC, HO) - Align strategic objectives with the orchestrator. Avoid disintermediation by differentiating
What are the six key principles for building trust-based platforms?
- Security - cyber-security measures
- Accountability - platform must be reliable, participants comply with standards and operators held responsible
- Transparency
- Auditability - externally
- Fairness - in value allocation. Regulators would play a key role in this
- Ethics