Chp 12 Flashcards
Frederick Taylor on financial incentives
Father of scientific method
Popularized incentive pay-paid a financial reward to workers who exceeded a predetermined standard
- traditionally paid workers based on output
- The question… is it better to pay based on passage of time or output/productivity?
Motivation and incentives
1) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Self-actualize Love & belonging Safety & security Physiological needs
2) Hertzberg’s two factory theory
Hygiene (job dissatisfaction)-pay, office, etc (increase pay leads to decrease job dissatisfaction)
Motivators (job satisfaction)-increase responsibility leads to increase satisfaction. Sense of achievement & responsibility.higher pay will not increase job performance for cognitive jobs (non-physical)
3) Edward Deci-extrinsic rewards could decrease intrinsic motivation
Individual employee incentive & recognition programs
- Piecework plans-oldest to most popular
a) straight piecework-paid by output of work, manual labor
b) standard hour plans-worker gets premium equal to % by which his/her performance exceeds the standard - Merit pay-any salary increase awarded based on indiv perf (perf appraisal) (increase base pay)
- Lump-sum merit raise
- Merit pay tied to individual & organization performance
Incentives for salespeople
Salary plan
Commission plan
Combination plan
Short term Incentives for managers & executives -annual bonus
Fund size
Individual performance
Strategic long-term incentives for managers & executives
A)stock options
B)other stock plans
-performance-contingent restricted stock-receive shares only if s/he meets present performance targets
-restricted stock plans
Other executive incentives
-Golden parachutes-extra ordinary payment made to executives in connection w/ change in ownership or control of company
Team & organization-wide incentive plans
- profit-sharing plans
- scanlon plans (gainsharing plan)
- at-risk pay plans
- employee stock ownership plans-doesn’t really act as an incentive for individual employees bc if 1 works hard & the others don’t, is not gonna impact stock price