CHP 11-12 Flashcards
What are the components of the CNS?
Brain and spinal cord.
What are the components of the PNS?
Sensory receptors and nerves.
What are sensory receptors?
Endings of neurons or separate, specialized cells that detect stimuli.
What is a Nerve?
A bundle of axons and their sheaths that connects the CNS to sensory receptors, muscles and glands.
What is a Ganglion?
A collection of neuron cell bodies outside CNS.
What is a Plexus?
An extensive network of axons, and sometimes neuron cell bodies, located outside CNS.
What is the role of the Sensory (afferent) division of the PNS?
Transmits action potentials from receptors towards the CNS.
What is the role of the Motor (efferent) division of the PNS?
Transmits action potentials from the CNS to effectors (muscles, and glands).
The motor division of the PNS consists of these two subdivisions.
The Somatic nervous system and the Autonomic nervous system.
The Autonomic nervous system is a __ neuron system consisting of these 3 divisions: ____, ____, and ____.
Two; sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.
The Somatic nervous system is a __ neuron system.
The ____ prepares the body for physical activity.
What is the role of the Parasympathetic nervous system.
It regulates resting or vegetative functions such as digesting food or emptying the urinary bladder.
What are the cells of the nervous system?
The neuroglia (supports and protects neurons), and Neurons, or nerve cells that receive stimuli and transmit action potentials.
The types of neurons can be classified based on ____ and ____.
Structure; function.
Bipolar neurons are found in the
retina of the eye and nose.
Unipolar neurons are found in the
____, or ____ neurons transmit APs toward the CNS.
Sensory; afferent.
____, or ____ neurons transmit APs away from the CNS.
Motor; efferent.
What is the role of the somatic nervous system?
Allows us to consciously move our muscles.
What are the major functions of the CNS?
The CNS is the major site for processing information, initiating responses, and integrating mental processes.
What are the major functions of the PNS?
The PNS destecs stimuli and transmits information to the CNS in the form of AP. The PNS conducts AP from the CNS to the muscles and glands.
The axon hillock and the initial segment forms the
Trigger zone.
What role does the Dendrites play?
Dendrites recieve input from other neuron’s axons and from the environment.
The ____ is the source of information for protein synthesis.
Neuron cell body.
What is the function of the trigger zone?
APs are generated at the trigger zone.
What is the role of a neurotransmitter? Where is it stored?
Neurotransmitters are stored within presynaptic terminals. They cross the synaptic cleft to stimulate or inhibit post synaptic cells.
What characteristic makes neuroglia different from neurons?
Neuroglia are the major supporting cells of the CNS; they form the blood-brain barrier, phagocytize foreign substances, produce CSF and form myelin sheaths around axons.
What is the function of the Blood-Brain barrier?
Determines what substances can pass from the blood into the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord.
Which 4 types Neuroglia are found in the CNS?
Astrocytes, ependymal cell, microglia, and oligodendrocytes.
Which 2 types of Neuroglia are found in the PNS?
Schwann cells and satellite cells.
What functions do the Astrocytes serve?
Forms the blood-brain barrier and regulates extracellular brain fluid composition.
Astrocytes form feet that
cover the surfaces of neurons and blood vessels and the pia mater.
What functions do Ependymal cells serve?
Ependymal cells line brain ventricles and spinal cord central canal.
Specialized versions of ependymal cells form choroid plexuses. What function do they serve?
Choroid plexuses secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Cilia help move fliud through the cavities of the brain. They have long processes on the basal surface that extend within the brain tissue, may have astrocyte-like functions.
What functions do Microglia cells serve?
Microglia are specialized macrophages that respond to inflammation, phagocytize necrotic tissue, microorganisms, and foreign substances that invade the CNS.
What functions do Oligodendrocytes serve?
Oligodendrocytes form myelin sheaths for multiple axons (80% lipid, 20% protein) which support and insulate axons in the CNS.
What are the Neuroglia of the PNS called?
Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) and satellite cells.
What functions do Schwann cells serve?
Schwann cells wrap around a portion of only one axon many times to form the myelin sheath.
What functions do Satellite cells serve?
Most of the neuron cell bodies in the CNS are found in __.
Grey matter.
What role does white matter in the CNS play?
White matter (myelinated axons) for nerve tracts that propagate APs from one area in the CNS to another.
In the spinal cord, white matter forms the __ portion, and grey matter is __.
Outer; Deeper.
A stroke may cause damage to the Brochas area, resulting in Brochas Aphasia, or ____.
some ability to understand speech, but an inability to produce intelligible words.
The spinal cord extends from the ____ to ____
Foreman magnum; L2.
The Cervical enlargement supplies the
upper limbs.
The Lumbar enlargement supplies the
lower limbs.
____ is the tapered, inferior end of the spinal cord.
Conus medullaris.
What is the cauda equina?
origins of spinal nerves. Extends inferiorly from lumbosacral enlargement and conus medullaris.
What are the Meninges of the spinal cord?
C.T membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain. Consists of dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater.
Dura mater.
Continuous with epineurium of the spinal nerves.
Arachnoid mater.
Thin and wispy.
Pia mater.
Bound tightly to the surface of the brain and spinal cord. Forms the filum terminale, which anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx.
What functions does the filum terminale serve?
Anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx and the denticulate ligaments that attach the spinal cord to the dura mater.
Anesthesia is injected in the ____ space.
The epidural space contains ____, ____, and __.
Blood vessels, areolar C.T, and fat.
The subdural space contains ____.
serous fluid.
The subarachnoid space contains ____ and ____ within web-like strands of arachnoid tissue.
CSF; blood vessels.
In, the spinal cord The ____ horn is narrower than the ____ horn
Dorsal; Ventral.
Of the three horns found in Grey matter, which is associated with the ANS?
The lateral horn.
What are commissures?
a band of nerve tissue connecting the two sides of the spinal cord.
Dorsal root ganglion.
The dorsal root ganglion contains the cell bodies of sensory neurons (pseudo-unipolar) that bring information from the periphery to the spinal cord.
Basic functional unit of nervous system and simplest portion
capable of receiving a stimulus and producing a response .
In addition to being an automatic response to a stimulus that occurs without conscious
thought, Reflexes are also ____.
What makes a stretch reflex unique.
Lack of interneuron.
This reflex prevents contracting muscles from
applying excessive tension to tendons.
Golgi tendon reflex.
the function of this reflex is to remove a body limb or other part
from a painful stimulus.
Withdrawal Reflex.
Reciprocal innervation causes
relaxation of extensor muscle when flexor muscle contracts. Is found in withdrawal and stretch reflex.
Crossed extensor reflex is when a
withdrawal reflex is initiated in one lower limb, and the opposite lower limb is flexed.
Spinal nerves consist of __, __, and __.
Axon bundles, Schwann cells, and C.T.
The __ surrounds individual neurons.
The __ surrounds axon groups to form fascicles.
The __ surround the entire nerve.
How are the 31 pairs of spinal nerves distributed amongst the spinal cord?
8C pairs, 12T pairs, 5L pairs, 5S pairs, and 1Co pair.
The first pair of spinal nerves exit the vertebral column between the __ and __. Others exit through intervertebral foramina.
Skull; Atlas.
The cervical enlargement corresponds to segments ____, and the lumbar enlargements corresponds to segments ____.
C4-T1; L1-S3
The spinal cord is continuous with the ____ of the ____.
Medulla oblongata; Brainstem.
The cervical plexus (C1-C4), innervates ____, ____, posterior portion of the head, and the phrenic nerve.
Superficial neck structures; skin of neck.
What is the role of the phrenic nerve and where is it located?
The phrenic nerve innervates the diaphram and spans from C3-C5, extending across both cervical and brachial plexuses.
The brachial plexus spans from C4 from cervial plexus, plus ____.
The 5 branches/nerves found in the brachial plexus are the _____________.
Musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, ulnar, median.
These four major nerves exit the lumbar and sacral plexuses and enter the lower limb.
Obturator, femoral, tibial, and common fibular.
S5, the coccygeal nerve, is the only nerve of the coccygeal plexus and provides sensory information for ____
skin over coccyx.
Ans are conducted more rapidly when transmission is ____.
from node to node on a myelinated axon.
White matter is composed of ____.
bundles of myelinated axons.
A change in the resting membrane potential has the following characteristics (non-propagated, graded, can summate). This type of change can ____.
be a local potential and a consequence of an increase in the permeability to Na+.
Increased permeability to __ or __ results in hyper polarization.
K+; CI-.
Voltage-gated sodium channels are sensitive to changes in the extracellular concentration of ____.
Calcium ions.
A local potential ____.
increases or decreases in direct proportion to the stimulus strength.
Depolarization of the nerve cell membrane occurs when there is a rapid influx of ____.
Sodium ions.
When the local potential returns quickly to resting membrane potential even though the stimulus continues, ____ is occurring.
Monamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) ____
enhance the binding of norepinephrine to its receptors.
An IPSP can result from the influx of ____
either chloride or potassium ions.
What are two mnemonic devices that can help remember the 13 cranial nerves and whether or not each are motor, sensory, or both.
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh! To touch and feel very good vagina. Such heaven!
Some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter more.
What is the event of a stretch reflex?
Muscle contraction.
Reciprocal innervation reinforces the ____ reflex.
Intercostal nerves are formed from the ____ ____ of thoracic spinal nerves.
Ventral root.
The ____ ____ is affected by the compression of the nerve in the axilla as a result of the improper use of crutches (Saturday Night Palsey).
Radial nerve.
____ ____ is stimulated by a tap on the shoulder.
Axillary nerve.
Which nerve innervates the gastrocnemius muscle.
The tibial nerve.
The axillary nerve innervates these two muscles:
The deltoid and teres minor.
Injury to the median nerve may cause ____ ____ ____.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
What nerve innervates muscles of the posterior part of the arm?
Radial nerve.