chp 1 vocab Flashcards
greek: “anointed”
Jesus- priest, prophet, and king
1- unity of the faithful in the body of Christ
2- Eucharist
set apart as holy (person or thing)
ex: bread & wine, priests
agreement or promise (between God & man, man & man)
God’s bringing fourth of the universe and life out of nothing
is good, but has been corrupted by sin
fallen angel, who sinned against God by refusing to accept His reign
satan or evil one
theological virtue by which one believes in all God has revealed and that the Church teaches
Biblical Revelation about the Original Sin which introduced sin into human history
hebrew: “anointed”
Jesus- priest, prophet, and king
Mystical Body of Christ
the faithful people of God, who become one body with Christ as the head in a supernatural way
Old Testament
the first part of the Bible containing 46 books and tells the story of salvation history through God’s covenant with Israel in preparation for the coming of Christ
Original Sin
Adam and Eve’s abuse of their human freedom in disobeying God’s command; everyone is now born with it as a consequence
greek: “first gospel”
first message of Good News (the first Gospel) is Genesis 3:15, in which the promise of the Messiah is told
God’s saving act of sending His Son 59 suffer and die for humanity and then rise from the dead
God’s decision to make Himself known to us in a way beyond natural capacity
salvation history
the story of God’s plan to save men from the consequences of sun; it begins with the Fall, is unfolding now, and will continue until the end of time