choreographic skills Flashcards
what are the actions?(8)
travel , turn , elevation , gesture , stillness , use of different body parts , floor work , transfer of weight
what are the space contents?(6)
pathways , levels , direction , size of movement , patterns , spatial design
what are the dynamic contents? (6 pairs)
fast/slow , sudden/sustained , acceleration/deceleration , strong/light , direct/indirect , flowing/abrupt
what is the relationships content? (8)
lead and follow , mirroring , action and reaction , accumulation compliment and contrast , counterpoint , contact , formations
what are the different structures? (9)
binary , ternary , rondo , narrative , episodic , beginning/middle/end , unity , logical sequence , transitions
what are the choreographic devices? (7)
motif and development , repetition , contrast , highlights , climax , manipulation of numbers , unison and cannon.
what are the different aural settings? (8)
song , instrumental , orchestra , spoken word , silence , natural sound , found sound , body percussion
what are the performance environments? (4)
proscenium arch , end stage , site sensitive , in the round