Chords - No Key Signature Flashcards
Identify the chord
D# Major - (D# - Fx - A#)
Identify the chord
E Minor - (E - G - B)
Identify the chord
Bb Augmented - (Bb - D- F#)
Identify the chord
G Diminished (G - Bb - Db)
Identify the chord
Eb Minor (Eb - Gb - Bb)
Identify the chord
D# Minor - (D# - F# - A#)
Identify the chord
F Diminished - (F - Ab - Cb)
Identify the chord
Eb Augmented (Eb - G - B)
Identify the chord
D# Diminished (D# - F# - A)
Identify the chord
Bb Minor - (Bb - Db - F)
Identify the chord
Ab Major - (Ab - C - Eb)
Identify the chord
B Diminished - (B -D -F)
Identify the chord
Db Augmented - (Db - F - A )
Identify the chord
D Diminished (D - F - Ab)
Identify the chord
D# Augmented - (D# - Fx - Ax)
Identify the chord
E Major - (E - G# - B)
Identify the chord
G# Minor - (G# - B - D#)
Identify the chord
Ab Diminished - (Ab - Cb - Ebb)
Identify the chord
Eb Diminished - (Eb - Gb - Bbb)
Identify the chord
Gb Major - (Gb - Bb - Db)
Identify the chord
A Augmented - (A - C# - E#)
Identify the chord
D Major - (D - F#- A)
Identify the chord
B Minor - (B - D - F#)
Identify the chord
E Diminished ( E - G - Bb)
Identify the chord
G Augmented (G - B - D#)
Identify the chord
E Augmented ( E - G# - B#)
Identify the chord
Ab Augmented - (Ab - C - E)
Identify the chord
A Diminished - (A - C - Eb)
Identify the chord
F# Augmented - (F# - A# - Cx)
Identify the chord
A Major - (A - C# - E )
Identify the chord
Gb Augmented (Gb - Bb - D)
Identify the chord
C Minor (C - Eb - G)
Identify the chord
C# Augmented - (C# - E# - Gx)
Identify the chord
C# Minor - (C# - E - G#)
Identify the chord
B Augmented - (B - D# - Fx)
Identify the chord
C Major - (C - E - G)
Identify the chord
D Minor (D - F - A)
Identify the chord
G Minor - (G - Bb - D)
Identify the chord
G Major - (G - B - D)
Identify the chord
A# Augmented - (A# - Cx - Ex)
Identify the chord
C Augmented - (C - E - G#)
Identify the chord
A# Diminished - (A# - C# - E)
Identify the chord
F# Minor - (F# - A - C#)
Identify the chord
Db Minor - (Db - Fb - Ab)
Identify the chord
Db Major - (Db - F - Ab)
Identify the chord
Bb Major - (Bb - D - F)
Identify the chord
C Diminished (C - Eb - Gb)
Identify the chord
G# Diminished - (G# - B - D)
Identify the chord
F# Diminished - (F# - A# - C)
Identify the chord
F# Major - (F# - A#- C#)
Identify the chord
Gb Minor - (Gb - Bbb - Db)
Identify the chord
D Augmented - (D - F# - A#)
Identify the chord
Eb Major - (Eb - G - Bb)
Identify the chord
A# Major - (A# - Cx - E#)
Identify the chord
Db Diminished - (Db - Fb - Abb)
Identify the chord
F Minor
Identify the chord
F Major (F - A - C)
Identify the chord
F Augmented - (F - A - C#)
Identify the chord
C# Major - (C# - E - G#)
Identify the chord
G# Augmented - (G# - B# - Dx)
Identify the chord
Gb Diminished (Gb - Bbb - Dbb)
Identify the chord
C# Diminished - (C# - E - G)
Identify the chord
G# Major - (G# - B# - D#)
Identify the chord
Ab Minor - (Ab - Cb - Eb)
Identify the chord
A Minor - (A - C - E)
Identify the chord
Bb Diminished - (Bb - Db - Fb)
Identify the chord
A# Minor - (A# - C# - E#)
Identify the chord
B Major - (B - D# - F#)