music theory and terminology

This class was created by Brainscape user Daryn Dawson-Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Music Terminology - Melody
What is a conjunct melody,
Disjunct melody,
Disjunct melody
37  cards
Music Terminology - Harmony
Primary chords,
Secondary chords,
Dominant 7th chord
37  cards
Music Terminology - Tonality
13  cards
Music Terminology - Form and Structure
Binary form,
Ternary form,
Rondo form
37  cards
Music Terminology - Sonority
Vocal belt,
Speech like vocals
12  cards
Music Terminology - Texture
21  cards
Music Terminology - Rhythm and Metre
Regular rhythm and metre,
Irregular rhythm and metre,
Simple time duple triple and quad...
18  cards
Key Signatures
What are the major and minor keys...,
What are the major and minor keys...,
What are the major and minor keys...
38  cards
Major and Minor Thirds
Major or minor 3rd,
Major or minor 3rd
30  cards
Chords - With Key Signature
Identify the chord,
Identify the chord,
Identify the chord
106  cards
Chords - No Key Signature
Identify the chord,
Identify the chord,
Identify the chord
68  cards
Chord Inversion - Open Voicing (Triads)
Identify the chord and it s inver...,
Identify the chord and it s inver...,
Identify the chord and it s inver...
201  cards
What Chord in the Key? (Major / Root Position)
What chord in key major root posi...,
What chord in key major root posi...,
What chord in key major root posi...
105  cards
What Chord in the Key? (Harmonic Minor/ Root Position)
What chord in key harmonic minor ...,
What chord in key harmonic minor ...,
What chord in key harmonic minor ...
105  cards
What Chord in the Key? (No Sheet Music/Major)
What is chord 2 in f major,
What is chord 1 in c major,
What is chord 2 in db major
105  cards
What Chord in the Key (No Sheet Music/ Harmonic Minor)
What is chord 1 in a minor,
What is chord 2 in a minor,
What is chord 3 in a minor
105  cards

More about
music theory and terminology

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Daryn Dawson-Jones's Music Theory and Terminology flashcards for their Rochdale Sixth Form College class now!

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