Chordata Flashcards
What are the three clades in Chordata? Which are invertebrates?
Lancelets (Cephalochordata) (invertebrate)
Tunicates (Tunicata) (invertebrate)
Defining Characteristics
- Notochord
- Dorsal hollow nerve cord
- Endostyle
- Post-anal tail
- Pharyngeal gill slits
- Deuterostomes
Defining Characteristics
- Notochord
- Dorsal hollow nerve cord
- Endostyle
- Post-anal tail
- Pharyngeal gill slits
- Deuterostomes
Synapomorphies of Lancelets (Cephalochordata)
- Neural crest cells nonmigratory
- Pharyngeal (tongue) bars divide slits
- Many sets of paired gonads
- Buccal cirri surrounding oral hood
- Segmented muscles
- Filter feeder
- ALL Chordate characteristics
Synapomorphies of Sea Squires (Tunicates)
- Outer tunic
- Sessile adults in certain groups
- Primitive neural crest cells in tadpole larva
- Chordate characteristics in larval stage
What are the two clades within vertebrata?
1) Cyclostomata
2) Gnathostomata
Synapomorphies of Vertebrata
- Vertebral column
- Migratory neural crest tissue
- Distinct cranium
- One or more semicircular canals (inner ear)
- Gill arches
Name three CRANIATES (animals with skulls)
1) Hagfish
2) Lamprey
3) Gnathostome / Shark
What are the two clades within Agnatha?
1) Myxini
2) Petromyzontida
Synapomorphies of Cyclostomes
- Notochord
- Elongated eel-like body
- Single nostril for respiration / olfaction
- Tongue with horny tooth plates
Symplesiomorphies of Cyclostomes
- Lack jaws
- True gill arches supported by cartilage (pore-like)
- Distinct cranium (cartilaginous)
Hagfish (Myxini / Myxiniformes) Synapomorphies
- Secondarily lost vertebrae
- Continuous caudal fin
- One semicircular canal
- Multiple external mucus glands
- Multiple hearts
- Mouth surrounded by barbels
Lamprey (Petromyzontida / Petromyzontiformes) Synapomorphies
- Parasitism in some adults
- Prolonged larval stage (ammocoete)
- No true teeth (horny epidermal teeth)
- Two semicircular canals
- 1-2 dorsal fins supported by cartilage
- Some anadromous (river - sea)
- Filter feeder / benthic