Chong Mai Flashcards
At what level is the Chong Mai?
Jing/Yuan level
What is the Chong Mai’s character?
Heavy/ Moving - therefore moves, moves Yin, blood/stasis
Chong Mai often used for those suffering w/ blood xu or counterflow & rebellion
Chong Mai paired:
Open: SP 4
Close: PC 6
( generally-also dependent on Trajectory’s 1-5 )
Note: When closing the chong tx. in a patient with menstrual issues, close with LU 7
Waiting for the “Heart to be Born”
Evolves into our behavior patterns, genetics & medical history.
The Heart is the _______ ruler. It resides in the _____ and its element is ________.
Sovereign, Chest, Fire
There is a Heart & Kidney connection to Chong Mai
Heart presents ________, _________, to be answered. Once answered, the quest is over. KD qi is the ___ seeking fulfillment of the ___.
Challenges, Questions
Self, Shen
HT Fire =
KD Water =
=Interaction w/Earth
=Storehouse of the Self
When is Chong Mai influence completed in a developing individual? When is its most greatest influence (age)?
- 6-8yrs ( Cycles of 7 & 8 )
- From first breath until 2-3 yrs. after birth/affecting one’s entire life going forward.
Chong Mai can provide ________ in future interactions or relationships or ________ by setting up barriers.
-Provide confidence
-Withdrawal personalities
Chong Mai is the sum of:
-emotional & physiological experiences
inutero + earliest months + post heaven years
Is it important to provide infant with touch & support therapy? (IE: holding, feeding & attending when crying)
-failure can result in “needs” not being met later in life, leading to an UNSATISFIED life.
If tension between SP & KD? Develop?
Allergies, Food intolerances, possible eating disorders
An always insecure, unsatisfied person can manifest a “Hidden Beam” abdomen? T/F
-Hidden Beam ===> tension & palpable nodules up & down along the abdominal region (( Major Chong Mai pathology ))
Chong Tongue =====>
Pallor/dusky = Blood XU ( usually appears as two large swollen oval shaped areas on either side of MJ area )
5 Trajectories ( Jeremy said: need not concern yourself with all 5 for now. Know 1st Trajectory )
1st Trajectory
*Begins @ lower abdomen - Ren 1 / Ren 2
goes to pubic bone - where the LV DM goes
*Horizontal axis on pubic bone major points for Chong
(Ren 2, KD 11, ST 30, & SP 12)
- Moves to genitals from Lower abdomen ( connection to LV luo, last luo in the sequence )
- Comes out @ KD 11 ( unfolding KD essence )
- Travels along KD meridian to KD 21 ( Mysterious Pylorus Gate) .5cun from Ren 14 ===> Mu of the HT
- Diffuses to chest ( HT disperses/scatters the QI )
** LJ/MJ Focus - relates to KD-SP-ST ( KD supporting post-natal Qi - ripening & rotting )
1st Trajectory can help with:
- endometriosis
- late periods
- epigastric pain
When Chong has illness, _______ moves contrary to normal flow.
Stagnating Qi in the Chong (LJ) is associated with:
Eating disorders, and trauma due to Sexual ID or Sexual abuse
Relationship between KD, ST, SP -KD supporting post natal Qi?
Digestion, Sex, Reproduction
Pain in genitals (during sex)
KD 11
genital d/c
KD 12
Point of qi- tonifies KD
KD 13 - for itching/genital herpes
Does KD 13 also regulate the Chong & Ren for infertility?
What KD point is often used for fullness in the Chong trajectory series?
KD 14 - for blood, qi, phlegm-fluid, food stag., mucus/blood/stool & pain during defection
Damp-heat in LJ
KD 15
Permeablility- “regulating something out of place”
KD 16 - endometriosis / fibroids
Which KD point is good for tx. of Bi-obstruction and tonifying SP?
KD 17
KD point for food stag. & harmonizing ST/SP?
KD 20 - sleepy after eating, poor digestion, loss of appetite
Eliminating accumulations: abd. masses in MJ, also strengthening ST/SP - point?
KD 18
Blood stag. due to blood xu – point?
KD 19 - bleeding ulcers
For LV invading SP- when SP is weak? This point Regulates LV & EMOTIONAL DISTRESS!!!!!
KD 21 - Comfort food eating w/depression
Can palpating along the Chong channel “clue you in” on areas of dysfunction and possible points to include?
Yes.. of course :)
- palpate for flaccidity or coldness, hardness, nodules.
What is the opening point for needling Chong & which side for female & male?
SP 4
Female- R
Male- L
*reverse for inutero-prenatal
When needling Chong trajectory needle ______,_______.
bottom, up
Major landmark points for needling?
KD 11, ST 30, KD 16, KD 21, KD 27 *KD 27 is from Trajectiory #2