12 Sinew-TendinoMuscular channels Flashcards
S-TM channels emphasize circulation of ____ & _____ to the muscles, tissues, joints & body surface.
Qi & Blood
ALL S-TM channels start at _________ and go to the ______
start at the extremities; go to trunk
T/F: S-TM generally follow the pathways of regular channels
T/F: S-TM channels connect with the Zang Fu organs
False, they usually DO NOT connect with the Zang Fu organs
The 3 Yang S-TM channels of the Foot all connect at the ____. (UB=>GB=>ST)
(S-TM) Yang Foot ==» Face/Zygoma (ST 3/SI 18);
The 3 Yin S-TM channels of the Foot all connect at the ____ ____.
(S-TM) Yin Foot ==» external genitalia (Ren 3)
The 3 Yang S-TM channels of the Hand all connect at the ____ ___ ____. (SI=>SJ=>LI)
(S-TM) Yang Hand ==» corner of face (ST 8/GB 13)
The 3 Yin S-TM channels of the Hand all connect at the ____
(S-TM) Yin Hand ==» diaphragm (GB 22)
A moving forward disorder relates to _____ _____
Tai Yang (UB/SI)
A Twisting disorder relates to ____ ______
Shao Yang (GB/SJ))
Difficulties holding a position relates to ____ ____ channel disorder
Yang Ming (ST/LI)
Difficulties sitting down especially affecting the knees/hips is a ______ _____ channel disorder
Tai Yin (LU/SP)
The S-TM channels are on the ____ level
Wei Qi
Placement of needles when wanting to treat S-TM channels is 1. _____, 2. _____ point and 3._____ to drain.
- MMMP (go deep & pull Qi to shallow level), 2. Ashi points (proximal to distal) and 3. Jing well to drain (bleed, massage or needle).
Before treating S-TM channels, it’s best to open the treatment by disinhibiting _____ & _____.
Du 4 (coax out Mingmen fire) & Du 14 (all Yang meeting point)
What is the order of the primary channels in terms of flow of qi?
LU-LI-ST-SP (Ant)–HT-SI-UB-KD (Post)–PC-SJ-GB-LV (Mid)
The _____ is where the S-TM channel connects with a lot of muscle/sinew tissues
The Lung S-TM goes from _____ ______, LU 9, LU 5 up to _______ cartelage and knots at ___ & continues to ST 12 then down towards diaphragm and GB 25
LU - thenar emminence, LU 9, LU 5 up to intercostal cartlidge (GB25) knotting at LI 15 & continues to ST 12 then down towards diaphragm and GB 25
The LI S-TM goes from _____ and travels up to knot at ___, ___, _____ then back to Du 14 & fans into __-__
LI1 up to knot at LI5, LI 11 & LI 15, then back to Du 14 and fans out to T1-T7. (traps, roms maj/min motor points) – in conjx w. SI 9.5
____ is the most resplendent sinew channel with Qi & Blood
LI (YangMing) - Use in conjx w. ST 36 to protect the middle
The primary technique for Sinews is needling with _______ _______
Warming Method
Pain, Spasms, stiffness, contraction & pulling sensations of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints are _____ of S-TM pathology
Etiology & Pathology include _____, ______, muscle ____ or muscle ______
Bi Syndrome (W/C/D/H), Trauma injury, Muscle strain/overuse or muscle tension/contraction (due to long term mental/emot’l stress)
In acute conditions we use ____ points first
In acute Sprains or injury it’s best to treat corresponding are of the opposite side. This technique is known as ___ ___
Miu Ci (mirroring)
A Miu Ci for the Shoulder is the _____
A Miu Ci for the Elbow is the _____
A Miu Ci for the Wrist is the _____
A Miu Ci for the Hand/Fingers is the _____
A Miu Ci for the Lumbar/back is the _____
A Miu Ci for the Neck are the _____ Hand & Foot points
T/F: Yin Pathways open themselves up for needling more than Yang
False, Yang pathways open themselves up more for needling for most patients
T/F: S-TM tx. can be based on what caused the injury or based on when it hurts most
ST 3/SI 18
3 leg yang mmmp (superficial - center of sensory - tells you time to move)
St 8/GB 13
3 Hand yang mmmp (thinking before you reach)
GB 22
3 arm Yin mmmp (TY=>SY=>JY - sitting to go to bed, curling inward when you lie down and reaching absolute stillness before going back to Rising/Yang)
Ren 3
3 Foot Yin mmmp (TY=>SY=>JY - sitting to go to bed, curling inward when you lie down and reaching absolute stillness before going back to Rising/Yang)
The ST S-TM channel goes ___ the leg & knots at ___, ___, ___ & reemerges at ____ to ascend to knot at ST 12, LI 20 & UB 1.
up the leg & knots at ST 41, GB 34, ST 31 & remerges at Ren 2…(outer channels goes from GB 34 to knot at GB 25/LV13 and DU 9
The SP S-TM channel goes up the leg to knot at ___, ______ region (SP 12), ___ lumbo sacral, gathers @ _____, then hooks around to spine at T9
knot at SP 9, inguinal region of thigh (SP 12), Ren 3 @ lumbo sacral, gathers @ navel Ren 8, then hooks around to spine at T9
The HT S-TM starts at the little finger and knots @ _______, ___, ____& connects with the HT, LU & PC. It ends at umbilicus (same as SP).
knots at pisiform, HT 3, HT 1
Protocol for a classical Tx is:
- Step 1a. Bring Yang Qi to surface by opening up Du 4 & then Du 14 via moxa, Tui Na, needling etc.
- Step 1b. Needle MMMP for the layer you are working on (ST 8 for Large Intestine sinew, Ren 3 for Spleen sinew etc.)
- Step 2. Needle ashi points (most painful spots) from proximal to distal
- Step 3. Needle/massage/moxa Jing Well point to complete Tx.
- *(Order of removal of needles is: Ashi, JW, MMP)
What is the order of the flow of qi FOR THE SINEW MERIDIANS?
This flow is different:
UB, GB, ST, SI, SJ, LI for the yang foot & hand sinews
then Sp/Lu, Kd/Ht, Lv/Pc for the yin sinews
they start @ fingertips or toes & go along reg meridian pathway & expand wider along muscles.
The SI S-TM channel begins at ___ and knots at ___, ___ and ___. It then wraps around the ear and connects with the ___, ___ and ___ channels of the head/face.
begins at SI 1 (corner of little finger), knots at SI 5, SI 8 and SI 9/9.5. It connects with the ST, SJ and GB channels of the head/face.
The SJ S-TM channel begins at the ____ finger and then knots at ___, ___ and the ____ of _____. It then branches to outer canthus and the corner of the forehead.
Begins at Index finger and knots at SJ 4, SJ 10 and the root of the tongue.
The PC S-TM channel begins at the ___ of the ____ finger and then knots at ___. It then goes up to the ______ end of the armpit & connects with the ________
Begins at tip of the middle finger & knots at PC3. IT then goes up to the ANTERIOR end of the armpit & connects with DIAPHRAGM/Sternum.
The KD S-TM channel begins under the sole of the foot @ the pad of the ___ toe and then binds with ___ & _______ _____. It then travel up ______ side of the leg and knots @ _____ and connects with ___, ___ & ____ then travels back to ____ lumbar to travel along the _____ side of the spine to the ____ __ _____/____
pad of the 5th toe and binds with KD3/ Achilles Tendon. Travels up to KNOT at KD10 & connects with Ren 2, 3 & 8. It then goes back to connect with 5th Lumbar and travels up FRONT side of spine to the NAPE of NECK/UB10.
The UB S-TM channel begins at the ____ toe and connects with ______ ____/___ and Achilles/UB 60 then travels to _______/___ and reunites at ____ & knots at ____. It also knots @ ____, ____ & ___ ___.
begins at little/5th toe; connects with Lat. Malleolus/UB 62, & Achilles/UB60 then travels to Gastrocnemius/UB 57, it then reunites at UB 40 & knots at UB 36. It also knots at UB 10, LI 15 and Yin Tang.
The GB S-TM channel begins at the ____ toe and then connects with ______ side of ____ _____/GB40. There is a lateral branch that knots at the ____ of the ____ around ____ & ____ and a branch goes up to cross with ___, ___ ___ and connects with mamillary, DU 20, outer canthus and ___/___. the other goes to sacral foramen to knot around ____.
Begins at 4th toe, connects with Ant side of LAt malleolus/GB40. lat branch knots at front of the thigh around GB34 & ST 32 and crosses with LV13, HT 1 and ST 12 & connects with mamillary…and ST5/ST8. OTher branch goes to SACRAL FORAMEN to knot around UB 31 Ba LIAOS)
The LV S-TM channel begins at the top of the ____ toe and then gathers at ______ region of ___ mallelous/LV 4 & goes up medial side of leg to knot at ____ and then to genitals to knot at ____
top of 1st toe, gathers at ANT. region of MEDIAL malleolus (LV4), & goes to knot at LV7/8 & then to knot at genitals at REN 2/3.