Cholinergic Antagonists Flashcards
Antimuscarinic Agents MOA
Relatively non-selective.
=Competitive, reversible antagonists of ACh at muscarinic receptor sites.
Marked affinity for muscarinic receptors, but no intrinsic activity.
ex. Atropine and scopolamine (eye)
Atropine Effects on Secretions
- reduction in salivary secretions
- reduction in sweating…Atropine Fever
Atropine Effects on Respiratory System
-reduction of bronchial spasm and secretion
Used as adjunct to bronchodilation therapy (Ipratropium (Atrovent) , Tiotropium)
Atropine Effects on Eyes
Used during Eye Exams
-Cycloplegia (no accommodation for near vision)
-Reduced lacrimal secretions
=Tropicamide is used because recovery is 2-6 hrs (vs. atropine recovery up to 10 days)
Atropine Effects on Heart
Increased heart rate
Atropine Effects on Blood Vessels
** Vasodilation **
“atropine flushing”, redness
(counterintuitive but it is what it is)
Atropine Effects on Bladder
-reduced urination (micturation)
-reduced bladder spasm (rx: overactive bladder)
=oxybutyin, tolterodine (older drugs)
=darifenacin, solifenacin (newer and more selective for M3= fewer side effects)
Atropine Effects on GI Tract
-reduced GI motility and spasm
-reduced gastric acid secretions
= dicyclomine, glycopyrrolate
Atropine Effects on CNS
- sedation
- prevention/rx of motion sickness
- reduce sx of drug-induced parkinsonism tremors
- delirium, confusion, memory loss
Atropine Adverse Reactions
Hyperthermia Dry Mouth, Eyes, Mydriasis, BLURRED vision (Don't take if dx with glaucoma!!!) Tachycardia Hot and flushed Skin Agitation, Delirium Constipation + Urinary Retention
Anti-nicotinics - Ganglionic Blockers MOA
Trimethaphan is a non-depolarizing (competitive) blocker. It binds to the ACh nicotinic receptor site, but has no intrinsic activity.
=Trimethaphan (Hexamethonium)
Anti-nicotinics - Ganglionic Blockers Side Effects
CVS sedation
loss of accommodation
loss of thermoregulatory sweating
Atropine Poisoning
Cause, Symptoms, Treatment
Bella donna or Deadly Night Shade. Foliage and berries are extremely toxic.
Blind as a Bat, Dry as a Bone, Hot as a Hare (fever), Red as a Beat (flushing), Mad as a Hatter, (+) constipation, urinary retention, tachycardia
Rx: Phyisostigmine (AChE inhibitor, crosses BBB), pump stomach