CHIS Flashcards





  • A Handler or Co-Handler is a Police constable who has completed training to Level 1 in CHIS Handling.
  • A Co-Handler assists the primary Handler or assumes the Handler’s role and responsibilities when required.

Recruitment and registration

Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

  • examine motivation of potential CHIS as part of the assessment of risks during recruitment
  • consult with CHIS Supervisor or Controller prior to use or tasking of a CHIS who’s relationship has been established without an initial cultivation or recruitment process
  • ensure CHIS are managed and registered in accordance with policy
  • comply with conditions of contact as imposed by the Controller and/or OC HSMU
  • register CHIS within 5 days unless approved otherwise by OC HSMU
  • conduct authorised recruitment processes of potential CHIS
  • consider the welfare of the young person in accordance with the CYPF Act 1989
  • request reimbursement of ancillary expenses, using the HSM 7 - Request for Reward form (word doc, KB)
  • meet with the Supervisor and Controller to complete a risk assessment and HSM 1 - Registration form, at the time of registration and reassess for any risk throughout the relationship
  • ensure the Supervisor and Controller are aware of any concerns about the personal circumstances of the CHIS
  • regularly assess the CHIS, associated risks, quality and reliability of information being provided in consultation with the CHIS Supervisor
  • register CHIS within 5 days unless approved otherwise by OC HSMU.


Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

  • maintain files in such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of the CHIS and the information provided by that CHIS
  • complete HSM 3 - Information Reports after every CHIS contact and return to the OC HSMU
  • update CHIS profiles after meetings have taken place and when requested by the OC HSMU
  • ensure CHIS documents are handled securely
  • allocate sufficient time for profiling meetings – to be held in a secure environment with the specific objective of fully profiling the CHIS
  • develop the initial CHIS profile and update the profile after meetings and whenever new information comes to hand
  • strictly control the identity, anonymity and security of the CHIS
  • ensure that all CHIS profiles are as complete and comprehensive as possible
  • regularly review procedures for maintaining confidentiality, the integrity of systems and the ‘tradecraft’ of Handlers and CHIS Supervisors
  • regularly assess the CHIS, associated risks, quality and reliability of information being provided, in consultation with the CHIS Supervisor
  • ensure a CHIS understands their registration does not automatically protect them from prosecution for ANY unlawful act - immunity must not be offered to any source without consultation with Manager CHIS and Crown Law
  • advise CHIS Supervisor or Controller of all proposed contact meetings before the meeting takes place
  • comply with conditions of contact as imposed by the Controller and/or OC HSMU
  • submit a HSM 4 - Contact Report for any CHIS contact and especially where there are concerns that might impact the CHIS risk assessment

Letters of Assistance

Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

  • contact the OC HSMU to advise that a Letter of Assistance is being considered, and on advice from the OC HSMU, drafts the letter using the template for signoff
  • forward draft Letter of Assistance to the OC HSMU for vetting and sign off by the District Crime Manager or District Commander
  • not become involved in negotiations with defence counsel in respect to the production of a Letter of Assistance on behalf of a CHIS.


Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

  • ensure that all CHIS profiles are as complete and comprehensive as possible
  • make contact with the CHIS for whom there is a ‘hit’ returned from a system search
  • consider the possibility of the CHIS being compromised in completing the tasking and ensure a risk management plan is in place prior to tasking
  • ensure the CHIS fully understands the tasking and are capable of completing the tasking without being compromised
  • action CHIS information if urgent and it will not compromise any other policing activity
  • ensure CHIS documents are handled securely.


Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

  • submit applications for rewards and ancillary expenses
  • avoid creating expectations on the part of the CHIS that may prejudice the Controllers or Authorising Officers objective assessment of the appropriate level of reward
  • carefully plan for and manage the potential impact that large sums of money may have on a CHIS to avoid the risk of exposure
  • ensure rewards are paid as per policy and the receipt forwarded to OC HSMU.
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What are the Roles and responsibilities of Handler/Co-handler - Recruitment and registration


Recruitment and registration


Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

M - examine motivation of potential CHIS

R - register CHIS within 5 days unless approved otherwise by OC HSMU

C - comply with conditions of contact imposed by supervisor/ OC HSMU

C - ensure the Supervisor and Controller are aware of concerns about the personal circumstances of the CHIS

A - regularly assess the CHIS, associated risks, quality and reliability of information being provided

P - ensure CHIS are managed and registered in accordance with policy

C - consult with CHIS Supervisor or Controller prior to use or tasking of a CHIS who’s relationship has been established without an initial cultivation or recruitment process

R- conduct authorised recruitment processes

W - consider the welfare of the young person in accordance with the CYPF Act 1989

7 - request reimbursement of ancillary expenses, using the HSM 7 - Request for Reward form

1 - complete a risk assessment and HSM 1 - Registration form and reassess for any risk throughout the relationship

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What is the definition of a handler and co-handler



A Handler or Co-Handler is a Police constable who has completed training to Level 1 in CHIS Handling.

A Co-Handler assists the primary Handler or assumes the Handler’s role and responsibilities when required.

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What are the Role and responsibilitiesof Handler/Co-handler - Management




Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

C - ensure that all CHIS profiles are as complete and comprehensive as possible

R - review procedures for maintaining confidentiality, the integrity of systems and the ‘tradecraft’ of Handlers and CHIS Supervisors

A - assess the CHIS, associated risks, quality and reliability of information being provided

M - allocate sufficient time for profiling meetings

P - develop initial profile and update it after meetings and recieving new information or when requested by OC HSMU

F - maintain files to preserve the confidentiality of the CHIS and information

C - control the identity, anonymity and security of the CHIS

D - ensure documents are handled securely

P - ensure a CHIS understands they are not automatically protected from prosecution for ANY unlawful act - immunity must not be offered to any source without consultation with Manager CHIS and Crown Law

C - comply with conditions of contact as imposed by the Controller and/or OC HSMU

A - advise Supervisor or Controller of all meetings before they take place

4 - submit a HSM 4 - Contact Report for any contact

3 - complete HSM 3 - Information Reports after every CHIS contact

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What are the Role and responsibilitiesof Handler/Co-handler - Letters of assistance


Letters of Assistance

Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

contact the OC HSMU to advise that a Letter of Assistance is being considered, and on advice from the OC HSMU, drafts the letter using the template for signoff

forward draft Letter of Assistance to the OC HSMU for vetting and sign off by the District Crime Manager or District Commander

not become involved in negotiations with defence counsel in respect to the production of a Letter of Assistance on behalf of a CHIS.

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What are the Role and responsibilitiesof Handler/Co-handler - Tasking




Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

C - ensure that all CHIS profiles are as complete and comprehensive as possible

S - ensure CHIS documents are handled securely.

U - ensure the CHIS fully understands the tasking and are capable of completing the tasking without being compromised

C - consider the possibility of the CHIS being compromised in completing the tasking and ensure a risk management plan is in place prior to tasking

A - action CHIS information if urgent and it will not compromise any other policing activity

H - make contact with the CHIS for whom there is a ‘hit’ returned from a system search

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What are the Roles and responsibilities of Handler/Co-handler - Rewards




Handlers and Co-Handlers must:

S - submit applications for rewards and ancillary expenses

E - avoid creating expectations on the part of the CHIS that may prejudice the Controllers or Authorising Officers objective assessment of the appropriate level of reward

M - carefully plan for and manage the potential impact that large sums of money may have on a CHIS to avoid the risk of exposure

P - ensure rewards are paid as per policy and the receipt forwarded to OC HSMU.

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