CHINESE WA2 词语 Flashcards
yóu yù
犹豫 - 拿不定主意, 迟疑不决 (to hesitate, indecisive)
–> 毫不犹豫 (without hesitation)
nèi jiù
内疚 - 心里感到惭愧而不安 (guilty)
–> 深感内疚 (feel guilty)
bù fáng
不妨 - 最好还是 (might as well)
shū yuǎn
疏远 - 关系、感情不亲近 (keep a distance, to drift apart)
–> 关系疏远
yíng rèn ér jiě
迎刃而解 - 解决问题很顺利, 比较容易 (problems are easily solved)
chóng bài
崇拜 - 崇敬钦qīn佩pèi (adore, admiration, to idolize)
–> 崇拜英雄
jīng pí lì jié
精疲力竭 - 非常疲劳, 没有力气 (exhausted)
shuāi lǎo
衰老 - 年老而身体、精力衰退 (feeble, old)
yì yù
抑郁 - 愁苦不能说出心中烦恼(depressed)
qǐ chǐ
启齿 - 开口说话
–> 难以启齿
ào nǎo
懊恼 - 愧悔而心里不自在 (annoyed, upset/ to feel remorseful)
–> 懊恼不已
sì jī
伺机 - 等待时机 (wait for opportunity)
–> 伺机行动
xīn bù zài yān
心不在焉 - 心里不在这里 (preoccupied, absent- minded)
jì mò
寂寞 - 孤独冷清 (lonely and deserted)
ài bù shì shǒu
爱不释手 - 非常喜欢, 舍不得放手
pō lěng shuǐ
泼冷水 - 比喻用言语或行动打击别人的热情 (dampen enthusiasm of someone)
chén mò guǎ yán
沉默寡言 (内向) - 有话想说, 但说不出口 (uncommunicative)
dǎ tuì táng gǔ
打退堂鼓 - 比喻做事中途tú退缩 (do things halfway and give up, to retreat, back out)
zài jiē zài lì
再接再厉 - 一次又一次不断努力 (make persistent efforts)
cāng cù
仓促 - 急促 (hastily, hurriedly)
–> 时间仓促, 行动仓促
ān fǔ
安抚 - 安慰 (comfort)
–> 安抚灭民 (appease people)