Childhood Anemia Flashcards
Define Anemia
Red RBC, Hemoglobin, Red volume of RBC
Decreased O2 carrying capacity to support life
What does lab data look like to make diagnosis of anemia?
RBC Indices - Low 70 + age upper limit 84+.6xage RDW - high in iron deficiency - Normal in thalassemia WBC/platelets - Inc WBC/low platelets can be sign of infection - Norm WBC/Low platelet wiht mild anemia - platelet prob Peripheral smear - size Reticulocytes - tells about marrow
Classify childhood anemia by size of RBC
Lower limit 70 + age
Upper 84 + 0.6xage
What is a history consistent with Iron Deficiency Anemia?
excessive milk intake
dont eat anything else - milk doesnt have much iron
dont let them have milk until one year
MCV down, RDW inc, Ferritin/Transferrin dec, TIBC inc, Retic is normal/inc
What are the complications of Sickle Cell Anemia in children?
100% hgb is SS Chronic Hemolytic anemia Sickle Crises - Vaso occlusive pain, - - #1, acidosis, dehydration, sickling stuck in syste and hurts. hospitalizations. - Aplastic, - Hemolytic/splenic sequestration.
What is a simple treatment plan for:
Diamond Blackfan Anemia?
Dx under one yr. anemia, MCV normal, Retic low, HgF inc, PHYSICAL FINDINGS Snub nose, wide eyes, flat thenar eminence, triphylangeal thumb, short
Tx: Prednisone tx, transfusion, bone marrow transplant
What is a simple treatment plan for:
Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Give Iron until improvement in Hemoglobin.
wait 30 days to see rise.
What is a simple treatment plan for:
Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood?
VIRUS then get pale
less than 1 yr. bone marrow not making cells
Just watch supportive therapy. they come back around.
What are the complications of Sickle Cell Anemia and Prevention and Tx strategies for them?
Vaso-Occlusive: Supportive - hydration, narcotics, O2, watch body systems, may need transfusion, hydroxyurea can be helpful by inc HgbF-
Aplastic Crisis: Parvovirus
- Transfusion necessary
Hemolytic Crisis:
Splenic Sequestration Crisis: spleen gets big.
Infection: salmonella
Infection Risk - Vaccinate
- against S. Pneumo, H flu, N mening,
- Give PCN