Child Support and Protection Flashcards
Define abuse/neglect based on National Guidance Scotland 2021 definition
These may involve inflicting harm or failing to act to prevent harm.
Can happen at home; within a family or peer network; in care placements; institutions or community settings; and in the online and digital environment, increasingly so.
Those responsible for abuse may be unknown, familiar, in positions of trust or family members.
Children may be harmed pre-birth (e.g. domestic abuse of a mother or through parental alcohol and drug use)
What actions go under definition of abuse/neglect?
- Directly inflicting harm
- Failing to act to prevent harm
Where may abuse or neglect take place?
- Home
- Within family/peer network
- Care placements
- Institutions
- Community settings
- Online/digital environment
What are the 5 R’s of dealing with cases of suspected abuse/neglect of children?
Concerns about potential ‘significant harm’ to a child from abuse, neglect or exploitation should always be shared with police or social work, without delay.
What individuals must you share concerns of potential ‘significant harm’ to a child from abuse, neglect or exploitation?
- Police or
- Social worker
Is there a statutory definition as to what is classed as significant harm?
No uniform deifning criteria for significant harm
Which article in the UNCRC 1998 act protects children form violence, abuse and neglect?
UNCRC: United Nations Convention on the rights of the child
Article 19
What is the role of a doctor in potential case of child abuse?
- Recognition of obvious signs of harm (e.g. injuroes not fitting Hx, emotuional abuse/neglect seen every contact?
- Recognise risk factors linked to abuse and neglect
- If treating an adult patient, concider if you patient poses a risk to children/young people
- Keep open mind/ objectivity(work in partenrship with family where possible)
- If unsure whether the child is at riks/how best to act -> ask senior
What indiciators may raise your concerns for a childs risk of abuse/neglect?
Recognition of:
* What a child says
* Working with the child over time
* Response to particular incident
* Direct observations
* Child not being brought to appointments (NHSG Policy)
* Reports from family/3rd party/anonymous source
* Child known to social work/have an existing child’s plan
* Awareness that a child may become member of a household with a person with Schedule 1 offence (sexual offences)
What tool may be used to correctly follow the 5 R’s and know what to do in case of possible concern for chidl abuse/neglect?
Public Protection E-card- Child protection
* Aberdeen city
* Aberdeenshire
* Moray
Availble on Intranet
What module is now manditory to complete in order to be well equipped when dealing with chidlren that have come from difficult circumstances?
Trauma-Informed Practice Tool kit
What does GIRFEC stand for?
**Getting it right for every child **(our commitment to provide all children, young people and their families with the right support at the right time)
How may you be able to identify a vulnerble child via their health record?
Systems and Flagging
Next to childs name:
* “Looked after child”
* From Jan 2018, a yellow triangle warning on the right hand side of their name
Acessing teh register where there are concerns
What are some resons for chidlren being registered under child protection register?
Specific to aberdeen
Other (8%):
* Drug offences
* History of violence and offending
* Vulnerable child, potential for exploitation from older peers, violence within the family home between child and parent
* Exploitation
* Emotional neglect
* Offending behaviours and potential risk of harm
Approximately how many chidlren are “Looked after” in the Grampian?