Child health assessment Flashcards
Which antibodies cross the placenta from mother to child?
Maternal IgG can cross the placenta
At term, the concentration of IgG in the fetal blood is higher than that of the mother
The half life of the IgG is only several weeks
By what age will most of the maternal antibodies have disappeared from the fetal circulation?
Most of these antibodies will have disappeared from the circulation by 4-5 months
What does colostrum contain? (and what is colustrum)
Colustrum is secreted by the breast during the first few days of lactation
Contains ten times more protein than milk produced later in lactation
Protein is mostly in the form of IgA!!!
What does breast milk contain?
IgA, macrophages, lymphocytes and complement
Atopy is characterised by high levels of…
Name three types of lymphocyte
B cells
T cells
Natural killer cells
What is stridor
-is stridor an inspiratory or expiratory noise?
Stridor refers to the harsh monophonic noise from the upper airway during INSPIRATION
The correct name for croup?
Organism which causes croup
Do children maintain their oxygen saturations in croup?
Yes - oxygen levels may be falsely reassuring
the upper airway problem does not affect gaseous exchange at an alveolar level
Which bacteria causes epiglottitis?
H. influenzae
Is MMR contraindicated in children who are allergic to eggs?
No, fire away
(for children who have had anaphylactic shock to eggs, seek specialist advice and give vaccination uner controlled conditions)
When would illness stop you giving the MMR?
If child has had minor illness without fever or systemic upset then it is fine to give the vaccine.
If child has had acute febrile illness then don’t give vaccine.
(let them recover first)
- this is so they don’t blame the vaccine on the symptoms
Where is the MMR vaccine given?
Given by IM injection into the outer aspect of the thigh
Why would you not give an injection in the bum?
Incase you damaged the sciatic nerve
How old is a neonate?
A neonate is a child who is less than one month old
How old is an infant?
An infant is a child up to the age of 12 months
What is cryptorchidism?
Hidden testis (i.e. abdominal testis)
Which structure allows fluid to enter the scrotum? and what does this result in?
A patent processus vaginalis allows fluid to enter the scrotum from the peritoneal cavity
Results in a hydrocele
- varies in size but usually resolves by age 2
- Transillumination is not absolutely diagnostic since children’s tissues contain a high percentage of fluid and transilluminate easily
Reduced blood flow on doppler
Testicular torsion