Child Development Flashcards
prior to 3 months
reflexive grasp 0-3 months
moves arms symmetrically 0-2 months
turns head side to side in prone 0-2 months
3 months
uses ulnar palmar grasp-3.5-4.5 months
brings hands to midline in supine-1-3.5 months
holds head up 90 degrees in prone 1-3 months
rolls prone to supine 2-5 months
no head lag pulled to sit 3-6.5 months
6 months
uses palmar grasp 4-5 months
uses radial palmar grasp 4.5-6 months
transfers objects hand to hand 5.5- 7 months
circular pivoting in prone 5-6 months
sits ind. When placed 5-8 months
rolls supine to prone 5.5-7.5 months
gets to sitting without assistance 6-10 months
9 months
uses radial digital grasp 7-9 months
uses inferior pincher grasp 7.5-10 months
pokes with index finger 9-12 months
takes object out of container 9-11 months
creeps on hands and knees 9-11 months
12 months
uses neat pincer grasp 10-12 months puts object into container 11-12 months cruises holding onto furniture 9.5-13 months walks with both hands held 10-12 months walks alone 2-3 steps 11.5- 13 months
18 months
all but holding pencil adult like inc. not till 29-31 months
imitates verticle stroke 18-24 months
all gross motor skills learned by 13 months
walks sideways 14-15 months
pulls tow behind while walking 15-18 months
carries large toy while walking 17-18.5 months
runs fairly well 18-24 months
creeps up stairs 13.5-15 months
walks up stairs marking time (MT) 1 hand held 17-19 months
2 years (24 months)
same as 18 months (still minus pencil)
imitates horizontal stroke 21-24 months
imitates cross 24-36 months
all developed (cross only one still in process)
all have been learned since 12 months
picks up toy from floor w/o falling 19-24 months
jumps in place with both feet 22-30 months
walks up stairs MT holding rail 22-24 months
walks up stairs alone MT 24-25.5 months
3 years old (36 months)
all grasps learned (including adult pencil) 29-31 months
all fine motor skills have been mastered 24-26 months
all have been mastered 9.5-13 months
last ambulation skill: hops on 1 foot 30-36 months
walks down stairs alone MT 25.5-27 months
walks up stair alone alternating feet (AF) 30-34 months
walks down staris alone AF 34+ months
3 months
props self on forearms in prone 2-4 months
sits alone on floor momentarily, using hands for support 4.5-5.5 months
shows fear of strangers 5-8 months
rolls from supine to prone 5.5-7.5 months
6 months
drinks from a cup with cup held 6-12 months
9 months
plays pat a cake
says “mama” for correct person
12 months
rolls ball back n forth to adult 12-15 months
drinks from a cup alone with some spilling 1- 1.5 years
points to 3 maned body parts 12- 19 months
walks w/o assistance 13-15 months
removes socks 15-18 months
feeds self with spoon some spilling (parenting influence) 15-24 months
18 months
names 3 body parts 19-22 months
makes 8 block tower 28-31 months
removes jacket 2.5 years
uses fork to spear food 2.5-3 years
goes to bathroom w/o assistance 2.5-3 years
assembles a 3-piece puzzle (also varies on exposure) 2.5-3 years
3 years
rides a tricycle 3 years
establishes hand dominance 3-5 years
imitaties drawing a square 3.5 years
5 years
copies a square (after imitation) 4 years
Ties shoes no earlier than 5 years