Child custody + parenting Flashcards
What was the finding in Palmore v. Sidotti?
Biracial custody case. SCOTUS rejected the argument bc of a lack of psychological evidence to support the lower court’s assumption that the child would be damaged from a biracial relationship.
What are some roles psychologists take in child custody disputes?
Evaluator, mediator/intervenor. Be careful with dual roles here. Mediation is not always beneficial.
What document did the APA produce for child custody cases?
Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Family Law Proceedings. (also ref Association of Family and Conciliation Courts’ Model Standards of Practice for Child Custody Eval)
Instead of custody, use terms like parenting plan, parenting time, or parental rights and responsibilities.
Focus on assessing functional skills and values of parents and their match to the child’s needs.
What is the “tender years” standard?
When it switched from paternal focus to mom as the de facto custodian in the 19th c; from birth to 7yo, it’s BIOC for kid to be with mom. Back then, moms stayed at home, and Freud focused on mom-child rel, so this drove some of the emphasis. The women’s mvmt helped to mitigate this bias toward mom, arguing that dad-child rel is important.
What is the BIOC standard?
Best interests of the child. In 1960s, researchers began to pay attention to dad’s role in child dvpt. Amorphous def, depends on court weighing factors they believe to be important in any given case. Some states have case law.
What was the finding in Painter v. Bannister?
BIOC. Court ruled in favor of the grandparents v. hippie fboy dad.
What is the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act?
- wishes of the parents
- those of the kid
- interaction of the kid with the parents, siblings, and other peeps who may affect the child’s best interest
- child’s adjustment to home, school, and community
- the mental and physical health of all individuals involved.
What is the “least detrimental alternative” approach?
Not adopted formally. Look for most fit parent (psychological parent). If they are equally fit, it’s a toss up. UNdesirable approach because it’s all-or-nothing custody decision.
What is the “primary caregiver” standard?
Similar to “tender years,” and more objective than the least detrimental alt approach, because it argues that kids do their best when their established attachments are preserved. More easily proven than the psychological parent approach.
Consider: preparing and planning of meals, bathing and grooming, purchasing and cleaning of clothes, arranging social interaction, putting child to bed at night, disciplining, education. However, just bc one parent takes on most of these roles, doesn’t mean the behaviors are responsible for the development of a relationship.
What is the “approximation standard”?
Used in Virginia. Custody and visitation are determined by the approximate amount of time each caregiver spent with/caring for the child prior to the proceedings.
ALI proposed this approximation rule in 2002.
What was the finding in Lawrence v. TX (2003)?
SCOTUS struck down discrimination and criminalization of homosexual conduct. This included matters relating to family issues, thereby making custody decisions based on sexual orientation questionable like race-based decisions in Palmore v. Sidoti. To ensure custody rights for a nonbiological, same-sex partner, it behooves that individual to formally adopt the child to ensure parental custody rights.
What is the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act?
Bars consideration of deployment and relocation in deciding BIOC. Make things easier regarding custody and visitation for military personnel.
What is the Indian Child Welfare Act?
It gives tribal courts exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving kids that reside on or are domiciled on reservations or who are wards of the tribe.
What was the finding in Troxel v. Granville?
If both parents are unfit, nonparents can get custody… however, grandparents get special consideration and say about visitation privileges (the custodial parent can still get say in terms of visitation).
How long does it take on average for emotional turmoil to stabilize after a divorce or separation?
1 year.
- However, continued adjustment issues can persist 5 years later, esp for boys.
- The kid’s resiliency is a big factor, as is stability of new arrangements, and amount of support in the home environment.
- Preschoolers were most traumatized at first, but minimally impacted 10 years later
- Teenagers are likely to disengaged, but if monitored it could be protective. Otherwise can resulting deviant bx.
- Depends on amount of conflict in separation.
- Depends on degree to which you can keep the noncustodial parent in the loop, and poverty that may result from divorce.
- Might do better when kept with siblings.
What does the research on joint custody say?
- Limit: Parents highly motivated to make JC work were involved…
- Forced JC can lead to more conflict.
- However, ongoing contact and involvement with both can be beneficial.
- Better outcomes than single-parent situations or maternal primary custody situations.
Are kids able to give input on custody arrangements?
Yes. While kids 6 and under are rarely asked, they can provide accurate and meaningful info. However, the young are susceptible to pressure, bias, and suggestion. No research to guide clinicians on how to interview kids.
- Attorneys will look at kid’s preferences first, and then bioc. However, if there could be abuse issues, GAL could be called in.
What case law first mentioned or alluded to BIOC?
In re Bort (1881).
What was the finding in Findlay v. Findlay (1925)?
The judge acts as parens patriae to do what is BIOC. Put in the position of a wise, affectionate, and careful parent.
What was the finding in Ford v. Ford (1962)?
SCOTUS upheld BIOC, but said domestic relations are best determined by individual states.
What is legal custody?
The care, control, and maintenance of the child - which parent has decision making control over the child re: education, religious upbringing, mental and physical health.
What is physical custody?
Where the child resides and who is responsible for day to day care. The custodial parent is typically the one the child lives with most, may often include other decisions like where the kid will be on certain holidays, etc.
Can a parent relocate?
Yes. 37 states have relocation statutes. Must consider BIOC, and:
- motive of moving parent
- motive of opposing parent
- quality/ of rel between the child and each parent
- hx or threats o DV
- likelihood move will improve QoL for kid
- feasibility of restructuring parenting/visitation time to preserve rel with the non-relocating parent.
What is the relevance of Griggs et al v. Duke Power Co (1971) to child custody evals?
Assessments must be demonstrably reasonable measures of job performance, so only use measures that measure and describe aspects of a person that relate directly to what the person is being evaluated for (e.g., attributes, bx, attitudes, and skills…fx’l abilities that are reliably related to demands of parenting).
What standards of admissibility should you use in conducting child custody evals?
Daubert. Use scientifically-informed conclusions vs. professional judgment. Be ready to competently defend approach within the framework of the scientific lit.
What is gatekeeping in child custody?
One of the more common contested issues. The act of one parent attempting to block or limit access of the other parent to the child. Also look at whether second parent took advantage of opportunities to engage in child care.
What is a relocation analysis?
1/3 of postseparation relocation involves moving out of the area, so look at adv/disadvantages of move in improving QoL for kid, genuiness of motives for and against move, and whether a feasible visitation arrangement can exist.
How does one detect child abuse in a child custody eval?
There is no evidence to suggest that abused kids act a certain way so as to make the detection of victimization obvious to a psychologist.
What is child alienation?
When one parent attempts to align most closely with the child, pushing the other parent out of the pic. The child adopts malicious, intolerant, and rejecting attitude of the alienating parent toward the targeted parent.
What factors facilitate child alienation?
- Background factors theory (intense marital conflict, humiliating separation, divorce conflict/litigation, personality dispositions, child related factors)
- Moderating factors (parenting beliefs/bx, sibling rel, kid’s own vulnerabilities in family dynamic)
- Risk factors: triangulation, kid’s perception of divorce as humiliating, high conflict divorce, tribal warfare from extended family or new partners.
What is the research on the impact of DV on kids and parenting?
- Kids are psychologically affected by DV
- Kids often ID with aggressor, creating less legitimacy for rel with victimized parent