Child Flashcards
Describe the NHS immunisation programme for babies, infants, children and adolescents
8 weeks: 6MR
- 6-in-1 (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, Hib, HepB)
- MenB
- Rotavirus
12 weeks: 6PR
- 6-in-1
- Pneumococcal
- Rotavirus
16 weeks: 6M
- 6-in-1
- MenB
1 year: PMHM
- Pneumococcal
- MenB
- Hib/MenC
2-10 years:
- Flu vaccine
3 years, 4 months:
- 4-in-1 preschool booster (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis)
12-13 years:
- HPV (girls AND boys)
14 years:
- 3-in-1 teenage booster (diphtheria, tetanus, polio)
What are the components of the NICE traffic light guidance for assessing the febrile child?
AARCH + other
- Appearance
- Activity
- Respiratory
- Circulation and Hydration
+ other
Describe the AMBER criteria of the NICE traffic light guidance for assessing the febrile child
- Pallor (reported by parent/carer)
- Not responding normally to social cues
- Wakes only with prolonged stimulation
- No smile
Respiratory: - Nasal flaring - Tachypnoea: > 50 breaths/min (6-12 months) > 40 breaths/min (>12 months) - O2 sats < 95%
Circulation and Hydration: - Tachycardia: > 160 bpm (<12 months) > 150 bpm (12-24 months) > 140 bpm (2-5 years) - CRT > 3 seconds - Dry mucous membranes - Reduced oral intake/urine output
- Fever 5 days +
- Fever > 39 degrees (3-6 months)
Describe the RED criteria of the NICE traffic light guidance for assessing the febrile child
- Pallor/cyanosis
- No response to social cues
- Does not wake when roused
- Weak/high-pitched/continuous cry
- Grunting
- Moderate/severe chest indrawing
- Tachypnoea (> 60 breaths/min)
- O2 sats < 92%
Circulation and Hydration:
- Reduced skin turgor
- Fever > 38 degrees (< 3 months)
What is the FeverPAIN score used for?
Describe the criteria
Assessing the likelihood that sore throat is caused by a bacterial streptococcus infection (higher score = more likely)
- Fever (in the last 24 hours)
- Purulence (pus on tonsils)
- Attend rapidly (within 3 days of onset of symptoms)
- Inflamed tonsils (severely)
- No cough of coryza