Chest Radiography- 166 Flashcards
Chest anatomy is divided into 3 parts, name them:
Bony Thorax, Respiratory System, & Mediastinum
Name the Top 10 of the Chest (must be included in the radiograph)
1.) Apices of lungs
2.) Clavicle
3.) Right & Left Hemidiaphragm
4.) Costophrenic Angles
5.) Trachea
6.) Ribs
7.) Heart
8.) Sternum
9.) Thoracic Vertebrae
10.) Hilum
How many parts are there to the sternum?
Name the 3 bones that make up the sternum.
Manubrium, Body, Xiphoid Process
What vertebrae hosts the name “Vertebra Prominens”?
What are 3 body positioning landmarks on the sternum?
Jugular Notch, Suprasternal Notch, Manubrial Notch
How many pairs of ribs are there?
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
What are the 2 primary functions of the respiratory system?
Obtain Oxygen, Remove Carbon Dioxide
What 3 parts make up your pharynx?
Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx
What four parts make up the respiratory system proper?
Larynx, Trachea, Right & Left Bronchi, & Lungs
What is your larynx commonly known as?
Voice Box
How long is your larynx typically?
1.5” to 2” in length
What vertebrae does your larynx run from?
Framework of larynx consists of __________.
What cartilages make up the larynx?
Thyroid Cartilage, Cricoid Cartilage, & Epiglottis
What bone is your larynx suspended by?
Hyoid Bone
What is your trachea commonly known as?
Is your trachea anterior or posterior to your esophagus?
In diameter, how big is your trachea?
About how long is your trachea?
4.5” long
What vertebrae does your trachea (approximately) start and end at?
Your trachea splits at the _________.
About what level does your carina bifurcate?
How many lobes does your right lung have?
How many lobes make up your left lung?
Which lung is shorter and broader? Why?
Right Lung; because it rests on the liver
What types of pleura surround the lungs?
Parietal Pleura & Visceral Pleura