Chemistry of the Lanthanides Flashcards
Describe the radial distribution functions of the lanthanide elements.
> 4f orbitals penetrate closer to the nucleus than 5d or 6s, therefore, 4f electrons are held more tightly.
6s/5d electrons are lost first on ionisation before any 4f.
Why is the chemistry of the Lanthanides dominated by the +3 oxidation state?
> As positive charge increases (upon ionisation), 4f orbitals are stabilised by higher Zeff so much that beyond 3+, ionisation is very difficult. +3 oxidation state therefore is most stable/common oxidation state.
What exceptions are there to this? (+3 ox state)
> Eu2+ : [Xe}4f7 and Yb2+ : [Xe}4f14 - Stability of half filled or filled shell makes 3rd ionisation energy high in these cases so 2+ state is important.
> Ce4+ : [Xe]4f0 and Tb4+: [Xe]4f7 - the ionisation energy is low in these cases as 3+ ions have 1 electron surplus to empty or half-filled shell. So, 4+ state is important.
> i.e. 2+/4+ state is accessible if 4f0/4f7/4f14 configuration results.
What is the lanthanide contraction?
> Steadily increasing nuclear charge along the series is not compensated for by extra electron (poor shielding) giving higher Zeff - leads to reduction in ionic/atomic radii.
> i.e. The lanthanide contraction cancels out expected increase in atomic/ionic radii.
What are the exceptions to the lanthanide contraction? (anomalies)
> Eu/Yb have slightly larger atomic nuclei than expected as they only donate 2 electrons to the conduction band (stable 2+ ions).
Coordination chemistry of the Lanthanides(III): What important differences are there compared to the d block?
> No significant overlap between highly contracted 4f orbitals on metals with ligand orbitals - bonding is essentially ionic.
> High charge (+3) and lack of covalent boning means that Ln 3+ ions prefer ‘hard’ ligands (O,N - donors mostly, especially with negative charges).
> No specific directional nature to bonding; ligands pack around metal cation so as to minimise steric/electrostatic repulsions.
> No CFSE effects: 4f orbitals and ligand orbitals barely interact, therefore, no electronic preference for particular geometries (4f cant split). Also means no ‘kinetic inertness’ - kinetically labile complexes with fast ligand substitution reactions.
> Ions are large (r= 1Å) so coordination numbers are generally higher than for d block (around 8-10) because more ligands can pack around the metal.
All Ln3+ cations behave similarly with small differences due to steady decrease in ionic radius,. what does this cause?
(i) Increased bond strengths due to higher charge density on cation.
(ii) Reduced coordination numbers with smaller/heavier ions (huge contrast with d block)
Why are aqua complexes only stable in acidic solution (pH <6)?
> Hydrolysis occurs to give insoluble hydroxides.(Ln(OH)3 ppt).
Why are water stable Ln complexes difficult to achieve and how is it achieved?
> Ln3+ - OH2 interaction is sufficiently strong that other monodentate ligands (amines, halides) do not bind strongly in water.
> To get water stable complexes requires multidentate chelating ligands (High positive ∆H and high negative ∆S).
> Geometries = whatever results from minimising ligand/ligand repulsions- no specific requirements from the metal.
How can low coordination complexes be stabilised?
> Low coordination numbers can be stabilised with very bulky ligands.
What complications are there with the separation and purification of lanthanides?
(i) ores contain all lanthanides together: main ones are Ln(PO4) (monazite) and LnF(CO3) (basthaesite).
(ii) separation of lanthanide (+3) ions from a mixture is difficult due to similar sizes, changes and coordination behaviour of ions (indiscriminate mixture).
How are lanthanides separated and purified?
> First get crude mixture of lanthanide salts in solution:
(i) dissolve ore in hot conc. NaOH -> slurry of hydrated oxides Ln2O3.xH2O (sodium carbonate and sodium phosphate remain in aqueous solution). Loading: extraction of aqueous solution of Ln3+ salts with
HL in kerosene. Smaller, heavier ions bind more strongly to L- so are preferentially extracted.
Organic Phase = slightly enriched with heavier La
Aqueous phase = slightly enriched with lighter La
(ii) dissolve oxides in boiling HCl (strong acid with pH 3.5) -> solution of mixed [Ln(H20)n]3+ as chloride salts. Stripping: La ions ‘stripped’ from organic phase using aqueous acid which reverses above process (ligand is protonated and drops off). Smaller, heavier ions need stronger acid to separate them from L- and get them back into the aqueous phase. Biggest La ion= most weakly bound to ligand due to lower charge density (acid doesn’t have to be as strong to extract).
> The steps are combined in continuous flow system to give complete separation of Ln3+ ions. Pure Ln 3+ ions precipitate as hydroxides and then calcined (oxidised) to give pure Ln2O3.
> Separation method depends on scale: Large (industrial) scale: solvent extraction. Small (lab) scale: ion-exchange chromatography. In both cases, separation is based on small, steady increase in stability constants across series as ionic radius decreases.
Outline the process of ion exchange chromatography
> Ion exchange chromatography uses a resin based on polystyrene beads (column support) with pendant anionic sulfonate groups.
> Ln3+ ions have high affinity for sulfonates (they stick to the column) and displace Na+ ions.
Ln3+ (aq) + 3Na+ (resin) ↔ Ln3+ (resin) + 3Na+ (aq)
> Elute using solution of good ligand such as (edta)4-. Ln3+ is partitioned between sulfonate (stationary phase) and (edta)4- (mobile phase).
Ln3+ (resin) + (edta)4- (aq) + 3Na+ (aq) ↔ [Ln(edta)]- (aq) + 3Na+ (resin)
> Smaller, heavier 3+ ions have higher affinity for (edta)4- and elute first (logK is higher).
> Separation occurs on the basis of size/charge density of cation.
d-d transitions for TM ions arise principally from d-orbital splittings due to CFSE effects, does this occur for Ln3+ ions? Why?
> NO. This does not occur for Ln3+ ions as f orbitals are ‘buried’ close to the nucleus and are barely affected by ligands, therefore, the 7 4f orbitals remain degenerate.
> Instead, different arrangements of electrons within 4f orbitals have different energies because of different values of: S,L and J.
How do you arrange electrons in the ground state in f orbitals? Why?
> Electrons are added to the f orbital set (7 boxes) using Hund’s rules.
(i) start at LHS and
(ii) fill orbitals singly with spins aligned as far as possible..
… This gives the maximum number of unpaired spins as 1st priority (HUND 1) and maximum values of orbital angular momentum (L) as 2nd priority (HUND 2) - so immediately we have the ground state.
How do you determine the order of the ground state levels?
> Order of the ground state levels depends on whether the f shell is more or less half full.
> More than half full (≥f8) : highest J is lowest in energy.
> Less than half full (≤f8): lowest J is lowest in energy.
> Note: components of ground state term are not equally spaced. Spacing is proportional to J so spacing decreases at higher energies as J value decreases.
What are the 3 main difference between f-f absorption peaks and d-d absorption peaks?
(i) They are very low intensity (1-10 dm3mol-1cm-1). Both d-d and f-f transitions are laporte forbidden (no change in parity) - ‘g’-‘g’ vs ‘u’-‘u’.
Note: laporte rule= transitions must involve a change in parity (g ↔ u).
For d-d transitions, effects of low symmetry or molecular vibrations (which lower symmetry) relax the laporte rule and result in d/p mixing so ‘forbidden’ d-d transitions gain some d-p character which is parity allowed.
This does not happen with f-orbitals as they are so ‘buried’ that they do not feel changes in geometry or molecular vibrations, and remain pure f-orbitals, so f-f transition remain very weak and La(III) slats have very pale colours (or are colourless).
(ii) f-f transitions are very narrow (sharp) compared to broad d-d transitions. d-d transitions are broad because vibrations of ligands affect d-orbital energies (∆oct oscillates). Promotion of an electron is fast compared to molecular vibrations (Franck-Condon principle) so energy of transition depends when it occurs during the vibrational cycle and absorption peak is broad.
F orbital energies are unaffected by ligand vibrations so f-f absorptions are fixed in energy and peaks are very narrow.
(iii) Spin-forbidden transitions occur easily.
Note: spin rule = ∆S=0
High spin orbit coupling for heavy atoms means that pure ‘spin’ quantum number is no longer valid (S and L mixed up in J) so spin selection rule is circumvented.
Luminescence: In TM ions, d-d excited states usually lose their energy to molecular vibrations so light absorbed is converted to heat. Does this happen for Ln(III)?
> NO. Weak interactions between f orbitals and vibrating ligands mean that the likelihood of f-f excited state energy being converted to molecular vibrations is low so energy of excited state emitted as a photon: LUMINESCENCE.
Outline the process of luminescence in Ln(III) with some examples.
> All emission originates from single excited state, down to difference components of ground state ‘ladder’ giving multiple closely-spaced emission lines.
> Luminescence is particularly strong when there is a big energy gap between the excited state and the ground state manifold because the energy gap is too large for any one vibration to take the energy.
> Eu3+ (red) and Tb3+ (green) ions show strong luminescence in the vis region of the spectrum. (basis for a large number of useful applications e.g. lighting, imaging).
If absorption of light by Ln3+ complexes is so weak, how do they get into this excited state in the first place?
> Direct excitation would require intense light source(e.g. laser) perfectly matched in energy to that of the narrow absorption bands.
> Sensitisation of La luminescence occurs via strongly absorbing aromatic ligand (fully allowed π→ π* of aromatic ligand by absorption of UV) which transfers its energy to Ln3+ ion to generate the luminescent f-f excited state.
Outline the process by which a Ln(III) aromatic complex is luminescent.
(i) Absorption of UV light by the aromatic ligand occurs (fully allowed π→ π* transition) to give singet excited state of ligand (S0 → S1).
(ii) ‘Intersystem crossing’ (fast) occurs to give the ligand triplet excited state (T1): spin forbidden but possible due to spin orbit coupling of heavy metal ion.
(iii) Energy transfer from ligand to f-f excited state of La (fully allowed) - CRUCIAL STEP - T1 must be higher in energy than luminescent f-f level of Ln3+ ion for this transfer of energy to be possible.
note: NOT REDOX (no transfer of electrons).
(iv) Emission from La excited state to various components of ground state.
Applications of La luminescence: Outline fluorescent lamps.
> Fluorescent lamps contain a mixture of red, green and blue luminescent solid-state materials which combine to give ‘white’ light.
> Excited state is generated by absorption of UV light from a Hg vapour discharge (spark). UV light that is generated is initially reabsorbed by Ln3+ ions in phosphor coating to generate f-f excited states which then emit visible light.
Applications of La luminescence: Outline ‘OLEDS’
> OLEDS: ‘organic light-emitting diodes’ are based on electroluminescence. Stable, volatile, neutral, diketonate complexes can be deposited as thin films (strong emission from Tb(III) (green) or Eu (III) (red) complexes in these films).
> High potential across device injects electrons
and holes into opposite sides.
Energy liberated by their recombination pumps
lanthanide into excited state → luminescence
Applications of La luminescence: Outline Nd(III)-YAG Laser.
> based on Y3Al5O12 (Yttrium Aluminium Garnet) doped with around 1% Nd3+ ions in y3+ sites.
> Intense irradiation of Nd3+ ions at 700-800 nm (with Krypton flashlamp) promotes ions from ground state (4 I 9/2) to manifold of levels state from 4 F 1/2 upwards.
> 4 F 3/2 state = long lived so end up with more Nd3+ ions in excited state than ground state (population inversion). These can be stimulated to collapse almost simultaneously resulting in intense burst if coherent (in phase) photons with burst duration of around 10ns.
> Repopulation of excited states takes ms. Result= series of short pulses of laser light.
> Main transition: 4 F 3/2 → 4 I 11/2 at 1064nm (near IR)
> Uses: Military (range finders), Medicine (soft tissue surgery), Manufacturing (cutting), Science (laser spec.).
Applications of La luminescence: Outline Luminescent imaging of cells.
> used to visualise cell interiors.
> based on a 8 dentate ligand with hard donor set (very stable even in aggressive cellular environment). - Water soluble and permeable through cell membrane (good for uptake by cells).
> Organic aza-thioxanthone unit absorbs light strongly at 350-400nm and performs energy transfer to Eu3+ ion which luminesces.
> Cells are visualised using fluorescence microscopy - dye localises in protein rich regions. can selectively ‘light up’ parts of cell interior using molecules that localise in specific parts.
Outline how magnetism of the d block is dealt with?
> Contribution of orbital angular momentum is completely ignored and it is assumed that only electron spin contributes to magnetic moment.
μeff= 2√S(S+1)
S=spin of ion (orbital spin x no. of unpaired electrons)
Why is it okay to ignore angular orbital momentum when dealing with 3d ions?
> d electrons have orbital angular momentum (L=2) arising from movement of electrons between orbitals which constitutes ‘rotation’ around the nucleus. So cant ignore this when considering the free ion.
> BUT in complexes, electrons have to jump up in energy to rotate (orbitals are not degenerate due to splitting by ligands) therefore, the removal of orbital angular momentum is a fair approximation.
Is it okay to ignore orbital angular momentum when dealing with magnetism in the lanthanides?
> NO: For Ln3+, orbital angular momentum is (i) inherently larger than for the d block (because L=3) and (ii) is not quenched by ligand field splitting so CANNOT BE IGNORED.
How is the magnetism of the lanthanides calculated?
μeff= g√J(J+1)
g=3/2 + [S(S+1)-L(L+1)]/2J(J+1)
> Large numbers of unpaired electrons and high J values lead to high μ values.
Generally there is excellent agreement between μ(calc) and μ(obs) but what are the 2 significant exceptions?
> Eu3+ μ(calc)=0 μ(obs)=3.3-3.6 BM
Sm3+ μ(calc)=0.85 μ(obs)= 1.4-1.7 BM
> There arise due to SPACINGS of energy levels close to the ground state are small such that excited states with larger values of J are thermally accessible at room temperature.
> These excited states have HIGHER J VALUES than the ground state. For Eu3+ (4f6), magnetic moment of 7f0 ground state is 0 despite the presence of 6 unpaired electrons (S=3 and L=3 , spin and orbital angular momentum contributions exactly cancel out therefore no magnetism).
> Appreciable population of the first and second excited states occurs at room temperature will give μ>0 (but as T decreases, these higher levels become depopulated and μ→0.
Outline the application of lanthanide magnetism as NMR shift agents.
> Tris-diketonates of Eu3+/Pr3+ are lewis acids to which electron rich organic molecules coordinated.
> Proximity to the paramagnetic Ln centre shifts 1H signals (amount depends on proximity to Ln3+ ions). This allows overlapping signals to be split.
> Fast exchange on NMR timescale means that only a small amount of Eu complex is needed.
> Chiral shift reagents bind to 1 enantiomer of substrate more strongly than the other, giving differential shifts allowing enantiomers to be resolved.
Outline the application of lanthanide magnetism as contrast enhancement agents for magnetic resonance imaging.
> Important medical diagnostic tool for soft tissue imaging using NMR signals of 1H in water to build up a 2D map of water containing tissues.
> Uses a gradient magnetic field which varies at very point such that resonant frequency of 1H nucleus depends on its spatial location.
> Intensity of the signal depends on relaxation time of protons after excitation: a nucleus cannot absorb another photon until it has relaxed.
> Highly paramagnetic Gd3+ complexes (4f7) have molecular vibrations which produce oscillating magnetic fields which stimulates excited 1H nuclei to relax faster.
> Effect= proportional to 1/r^6 so most effective on water molecules coordinated to Gd3+.
Note: Free Gd3+ is HIGHLY TOXIC , therefore needs to be wrapped up in a strongly binding ligand to give a stable complex which does not liberate gd3+ ions. e.g. [Gd(DOTA)(H2O)]-.
> Distribution of Gd complex amongst tissues depends on many factors such as charge, hydrophobic/phillic, ability to cross lipid membranes etc. so different agents are used to visualise different parts of the body.
What 2 important differences are there between dblock organometallics and organometallic La(III) compounds?
> 18 ELECTRON RULE DOES NOT APPLY: electron counts and coordination numbers dictated solely by steric/electrostatic effects (as in coordination complexes).
> π PACKBONDING IS NOT SIGNIFICANT: f orbitals are too deeply buried, therefore, complexes involving carbonyl, side-on alkene or alkyne ligands are either unknown or very unstable and cannot be isolated.
What is the general synthetic route to make σ bonded complexes (alkyls and aryls)?
LnCl3 + 3LiR → LnR3 + 3LiCl
Ln(OR’)3 + 3LiR → LnR3 +2Li(OR’)
> driving force is the high lattice enthalpy of the stable Li salts that precipitate out.
> If LiR is in excess and R is not too bulky, the reaction can go further (multiple R groups in final complex).
Why is it is difficult to get above 6 coordination in alkyl/aryl complexes?
> Due to build up of negative charge on the final complex.
What is the structure of alkyl La complexes?
> Structures of these complexes are subject to packing as many R- groups around the metal centre as possible consistent with limitations of steric bulk.
These complexes (alkyl) are very reactive, how can they be stabilised?
> The presence of additional coordinating groups to block metal sites can stabilise Ln(III) - alkyl complexes .
How do Ln(III)-alkyl complexes decompose?
> β-elimination is an important decomposition route (elimination of alkene to leave the hydride Ln-H) - limits stability of the complex.
> Requires:
→β-H on ligand
→planar Ln-C-C-H
→vacant coordination site on Ln to accommodate a H atom.
> Most Ln-alkyl/aryl complexes that are stable enough to be isolated cannot undergo β-elimination as thy have no β-H.
Discuss the bonding in Ln(III) cyclopentadienyl complexes.
> Bonding between Ln(III) and C5R5-is essentially ionic.
> Lower basicity of C5R5- compared to R- means complexes are less reactive and not so susceptible to protonolysis.
How are Ln(III) cyclopentadienyl complexes made?
LnCl3+ Na+Cp- → Ln(Cp3).thf → (heat) Ln(Cp)3 + 3NaCl
What is the structure of these complexes? (Ln(III) cyclopentadienyl complexes)
> Range of solid state structures:
→ Maximise coordination number around metal ion
→ Minimise repulsive interactions between ligands.
> Simplest monomeric structure = Ln(Cp)3 - nominally ‘9-coordinate’ assuming that Cp- counts as occupying 3 coordinate sites.
> With larger ions (La3+, Pr3+), polymeric chains form with each metal ion having 2 close contacts with C atoms from adjacent LnCp3 unit ( η2 interaction - weak).
> Coordination number of metal in solid Cp3Ln depends on radius of metal cation.
> High coordination numbers are aided by the fact that Cp- occupies less space than 3 separate monodentate ligands.
How are Cp2Ln-R complexes made?
> From Alkyls: Cp2LnCl + R-Li → Cp2Ln-R + LiCl
(variable structures of alkyls dependent mainly on steric factors such as bulk of R and substituents on Cp)
> From Hydrides: Cp2LnCl + MH → CpLn-H + MCl
What 3 properties make lanthanides suitable for catalysis?
(i) Gradual decrease in ionic radius across series: allows exceptional fine tuning of steric/electronic properties between similar complexes → precise control of reactivity and selectivity.
(ii) High lability of Ln-ligand bonds: fast turnovers of catalytic reactions, rapid binding of substrate and easy dissociation of products.
(iii) High and variable coordination numbers: changes in coordination number during catalytic cycle can easily be accommodated (don’t need to lose L to create a vacant site).
What Ln complexes are suitable alkene hydrogenation catalysts?
> Cp*2Ln-H - very effective alkene hydrogenation catalysts.
> Activity increases for smaller members of the Ln3+series.
> Cp* rings (C5Me5-) solubilise catalyst in non-coordinating hydrocarbon solvents preventing blocking of coordination sites.
Describe the process of catalysed hydrogenation of alkenes.
- Coordination of alkene
- Attack of hydride on alkene to give alkyl complex
- Reaction with H2 liberates alkane product and regenerates hydride catalyst.
What are the major difference from d-block hydrogenation catalysts?
> No oxidative addition or reductive elimination steps because Ln3+ ons cannot undergo 2-electron changes of oxidation state.
> Can increase catalytic behaviour by ‘tying back’ 2 Cp rings to create space (using SiMe2).
How do lanthanide complexes catalyse polymerisation of alkenes?
> (Cp)2Lu-CH3 → (Cp)2Lu-CH3-Lu(Cp*)2-CH3
> There is a monomer/dimer equilibrium of the catalyst involving formation of a methyl bridge.
What is the mechanism of catalysed alkene polymerisation?
- Initiation: attack of Me group on alkene to give coordinated alkyl R.
- Propagation: same reaction - attack of alkyl chain R on alkene to give longer chain R with 2 monomer units.
(i) β-elimination to give Ln-H and free alkene.
(ii) β-Me elimination (no parallel in dblock) to give Ln-Me and alkene.
(iii) C-H activation - uses proton from incoming alkene to eliminate alkyl chain as alkane resulting from allyl anion is σ bonded to Lu3+ centre.
How can catalytic activity during catalysed alkene polymerisation be increased?
> As with hydrogenation, catalytic activity can be increased by ‘tying back’ the 2 Cp rings to give greater access to metal centre.
What are the attractive features of Ln(III) complexes as lewis acids, compared to d/p block?
> ‘hard’ lewis acidic metal centres are strongly polarising.
> High stability of complexes (not moisture sensitive like many lewis acids).
> Ln-ligand bonds are labile, therefore fast turnover and product is released quickly.
> Large ionic radius and flexible coordination geometries allow binding of wide range of substrates.
How does lewis acid catalysis work?
> In any reaction involving attack of a nucleophile on an electrophile, coordination of the electrophile to a lewis acid increases δ+ and speeds up the reaction.
How do Ln(III) complexes catalyse the hetero diels-alder reaction?
> Eu(fod)3 coordinates to the aldehyde and activates it, making it susceptible to attack by the diene.
> Eu(fod)3 does not damage other acid-sensitive functional groups.
> ZnCl2 can also be used (but requires stoichiometric amount rather than catalytic amount because turnover is low).
> Chiral catalysts can also be used to give enantioselective reaction.
What are La(III) triflates?
> Anhydrous Ln(CF3SO3)3 salts are slightly soluble in some organic solvents and catalyse a range of reactions e.g. friedel crafts acylation, diels-alder reaction and nucelophillic attack on carbonyls.