Chemistry-Chapter 2-Notes 1 Flashcards
What mixture will allow paper to give off flames but not burn?
water and rubbing alcohol
Real life values: meter
golf club
Real life values: decimeter
diameter of an orange
Real life values: centimeter
width of pinky finger
Real life values: millimeter
width of dime
What are the only truly exact numbers?
Whole things, such as people, which do not come in units less than one
Real life values: meter cubed
washing machine
Real life values: centimeter cubed
sugar cube
How many millimeters cubed are in a meter cubed?
one billion
Real life values: Liter
half a large soda bottle
1 Liter = ? milliliters
1 Liter = ?
hint, think meters
1 decameter cubed
1 milliliter = ?
hint, think meters
1 centimeter cubed (or cc)
How many drops of water fit in a mL?
about 20
Real life values: Room temperature in Celcius
23 degrees
Real life values: Body temperature in Celsius
37 degrees
Real life values: Hot in Celsius
30 degrees
Real life values: Very Cold in Celsius
-20 degrees
Real life values: comfortable in Celsius
20 degrees
Real life values: Cold in Celsius
-10 degrees
Reel life values: Chilly/Cool in Celcius
10 degrees
Real life values: gram
large paper clip
How much does a penny weigh in grams?
2.5 g
Who much does an iPhone 5 weigh in grams?
115 g
What is the density of water?
1.00 g/mL (at room temperature)
What is water displacement?
A method by which the volume of irregularly shaped objects can be determined An object (denser than water) is placed into a recorded amount of water. The increase in volume of the water once the object is added is the volume of said object.
Name all of the steps of the Scientific Method:
Observations (qualitative and quantitative); Hypothesis; Experiment; Analysis; Conclusion (return to Hypothesis if original was incorrect)
a specific portion of matter in a given region of space that has been selected for study during an experiment or observation
the portion of the experiment that is changed; only one variable should be in each experiment
the portion of the experiment tjat is held constant throughout the experiment to ensure that you are only testing the variable
an educated guess or testable question
more than a physical object
explanation of how phenomena occur and how data or events are related
if it successfully explains many phenomena, it may become part of a theory or law
broad generalization that explains a body of facts or phenomena
Are zeroes between nonzero digits significant?
Are zeroes appearing in front of all nonzero digits significant?
Are zeroes at the end of a number but to the right of a decimal point significant?
Are zeroes at the end of a number but to the left of a decimal point significant?
If the zeroes are measured and not just placeholders or there is a decimal at the end of the number, Yes
If the zeroes are placeholders and there is not a decimal point after them, No
digit or figure
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
significant digit or figure
digit that helps you to undertand the details of the entire number given to you
Scientific Notation
M x 10^n
M is a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10
n is a whole number (potentially negative)
Sig Fig Rule for Adding and Subtracting:
limit and round answers to the least number of decimal places in any of the numbers used to make up your answer
Sig Fig Rule for Multiplying and Dividing
limit and round answers to have as many total sig figs as the factor with the least number of sig figs
How many decimal places do you take precise measurements to?
One decimal place past the smallest marking on the means of measurement
Where do you take a measurement of volume on a liquid with a meniscus?
at the lowest point in the curve of the meniscus
Where can the uncertain digit in any number WITH A DECIMAL POINT be found?
it is the last sig fig
Where can the uncertain digit(s) be found in a number WITHOUT A DECIMAL POINT?
last sig fig and any zeroes after that
What is the formula for Percent Error?
Percentage Error= ((Value Experimental - Value Accepted) / Value Accepted) x 100%
related to qualities of matter which do not change based on amount
related to the amount of matter
Density Formulas
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass does not change with gravity
Weight is based on gravity