Chemical Process Flashcards
Purest form of water
Rain water
With increase in temperature, the equilibrium constant at constant pressure (Kp) for oxidation of sulphur dioxide
Electrodeposition of metals i.e. electroplating is never done on
Hollander beater used during paper pulp manufacture does not facilitate the __________ of fibre.
The biochemical treatment applied to sewage effluents is a process of
Sucrose content in cane sugar may be around __________ percent.
Sweetest sugar
Main use of HCl
drilling of petroleum and pickling of steel sheets
Sucrose content in the raw juice extracted from sugar cane is about __________ percent.
Co-efficient of thermal expansion of glass is decreased by the addition of __________ during its manufacture.
Haemoglobin is a/an
Concentration of NaOH solution produced by mercury electrolytic cell is about __________ percent.
Which of the following is the most adverse factor challenging the choice of mercury electrolytic cell process for the production of caustic soda?
Pollution of water stream by mercury.
In sulphate pulp manufacture, the pressure and temperature in the digestor is
10 atm, 170-180 C
Frasch process is for
mining sulfur
Very fine suspended and colloidal impurities are removed from water by a process called
Pitch (a product of coal tar distillation) is always mixed with creosote oil, when it is to be burnt in a burner, because
it reduces viscosity and imparts fluidity for its transportation through pipelines at economic pressure drop.
Calgon used in water treatment is chemically
sodium hexametaphosphate
Ethylene oxide is produced by oxidation of ethylene in presence of AgO catalyst at
5 atm & 275°C
Cumene is the starting material for the production of
phenol and acetone