Chemical Oceanography Flashcards
Chemistry of the ocean?
• Mostly Cl, Na and Mg
• Determined by atmospheric, glacial and river input
o Hydrothermal inputs and outputs from basement rock
o Outputs into bottom dwelling sediment and eventually the basement rock
• Inputs and outputs balanced
River inputs:
o Transport organic carbon, chemical by-products of rock weather and particulate matter
• Whether matter is exported as particulate matter or a dissolved species depends on bedrock present and type of erosion (climate/latitude)
o Ocean dissolved inputs largely dominated by large tropical rivers (weathering dominated)
o Erosion
• Chemical erosion on rock types such as limestone
• Hydrolysis
• Dissolution
• Mechanical erosion for harder rocks in high energy rivers
Three types of river (independent of bedrock)
Types of river?
Precipitation dominated:
• Composition mostly controlled by rainfall (diluted seawater)
• These rivers are dilute seawater plus organics and dissolved bedrock
• Rivers in low relief areas. Can be far away from the sea
• Tropical rivers in Africa and South Africa
• High weathering
• Tend to go across area of crystalline rock
Weathering Dominated • Largely tropical/subtropical rivers with moderate rainfall (Congo, Orinoco, Niger) • Also Mississippi • Abundant dissolved species • In “equilibrium” with their basins • High weathering • Medium precipitation Evaporation dominated • Composition of concentrated rainwater + dissolved species • Arid regions • VERY high dissolved species concentrations • Ions concentrated by evaporation • Colorado River 98
Composition of the three river types?
- Distinguished by N, Cam TDS, Cl and HCO3
- River water discrimination diagram
- Rainfall dominant – high weight ratio of Na and low total dissolved salts
- Weathering dominant – Low weight ratio of Na and medium dissolved salts
- Evaporation dominant – High weight ratio of Na and high total dissolved salts
Estuarine Processes
• Where the river meets the Sea
• Mixing between freshwater and seawater
• Change from fresh to brackish to salt water
o Extreme change in salinity
• Rivers have more Si, Fe, Al, P, N, DOC
• Oceans have more Na, Ca, Mg, K , Cl, SO4
• The change in salinity can cause precipitation
• Slowing of flow can give time for reaction
o Thus across simple mixing may not occur
• Mass of inorganic substances per mass of water – total dissolved salts
• Measured by conductivity (pure water very poor conductor of electricity)
o Expressed as ppt or percentage
o Oceans have average 35%
Conservative mixing line?
• Addition to solution results from desorption or dissolution
• Subtraction results from ‘sorption’, ‘flocculation’, ‘precipitation’, biological activity
• Important because:
o Limits extent some solutes enter ocean
o High concentration of some species found in flocculants
Atmospheric inputs:
• Aerosols:
o Fine particle of liquid or solid in air
o Sea to air flux contributes seawater composition to rainwater
o Gases CO2
• Wet deposition
o Over land atmospheric water dissolves gases and particles
• Dry deposition
o Particles in air deposit out without influence of rain
• Dust fluxes
o From deserts
o Provide nutrients
o Sahara
• Phytoplankton in the worlds oceans (summer)
o Nutrient rich north
o Sahara Desert dust in equator
o River inputs in South America
o Upwelling on West Coast of South America
Hydrothermal systems
- Chemical mass balance showed an additional sink/source required
- Mass balance satisfied with discovery of hydrothermal systems
- Outgassing and circulation of seawater through crust
- High and low T/P systems
- Provides metals to oceans
Importance of sources?
- Rivers – supply to surface and margins
- Atmosphere – supplies to the surface
- Hydrothermal systems – supplies to deep water and mid ocean
- Rivers dominate in coastal regions
- In open oceans, rivers dominate for all but some scavenged metals
Le Chatelier’s Principle:
“If a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the equilibrium moves in the direction that tend to reduce this disturbance”
• If you add extra reactant more product is made
• If a reaction is exothermic and you heat it the equilibrium shifts to decrease the temp
• If a reaction is endothermic and you heat it the equilibrium shifts in favour of taking in more heat
• Pressure changes affect reactions involving gases
o Decrease in volume will shift equilibrium to the side with fewer moles
• Evaporation in tropical areas increases concentration of dissolved ions, pushing equation to the let
o Results in calcite deposition
- pH is a concentration measure
- pH = -log(H+)
- It is important because it controls other reactions
- The most important pH system in the oceans is that due to dissolved CO2
- Essentially a way of stating the H+ concentration of a solution
- Scale of 0 to 14 (acidic-neutral-basic)
Marine Carbonate System?
Gaseous carbon dioxide dissolves to become aqueous (CO2(g) ⇋ CO2(aq))
Then reacts with water to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3) (CO2(aq) + H2O ⇋ H2CO3(aq) )
Carbonic acid then dissociates H2CO3(aq) ⇋ HCO3-(aq) + H+(aq) or reacts with rocks in the lithosphere to produce the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-)
The bicarbonate ion can dissociate further to produce hydrogen and carbonate ions CO32-(aq) + H+(aq) ⇋ HCO3-(aq)
The carbonate ion can also react with calcium ions to form calcium carbonate CO32-(aq) + Ca2+(aq) ⇋ CaCO3(s)
Both bicarbonate and carbonate are the main forms of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in the oceans
The carbonate system has importance in both controlling the global temperature, as CaCO3 serves as a major sink of carbon dioxide, and in regulating the pH of the oceans
The system itself allows for some control over the pH of natural waters through the production or removal of hydrogen ions as carbonic acid dissociates or associates
- Acid neutralising capacity of water
- Carbonate and bicarbonate are basic ion – capable of absorbing H+
- If excess basic ions over the H+ = water has a buffering capacity
- Easy to measure, difficult to calculate
Composition and structure of seawater?
• Polar water molecule due to differences in electronegativity between hydrogen and oxygen
• Covalent bonding between oxygen and hydrogen
• Dipole – positive and negative region = allows for hydrogen bonds
o Causes unusually high boiling point and freezing point
• Does not follow the trend of other dihydride molecules in the same column
• Will dissolved salts into ionic solution due to polar nature
o Interaction between ions and water molecules by polarity
o Decreases hydrogen bonding
Thermostatic Properties of water?
• Possess the largest heat capacity of any common substance
o Heat capacity: “amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of any substance by 1 degree centigrade”
• A substance with large heat capacity can absorb (or release) large quantities of heat with only small changes in temperature
• Large heat capacity due to hydrogen bonding
• Latent heat: heat energy absorbed or emitted during changes of state
o Water has large latent heat
• Water regulates the temperature of the Earth by absorbing heat during evaporation (latent heat of evaporation) at low latitudes and releasing it in colder, high-latitude regions, during condensation
Water density:
- Density of pure water increases until 4 degrees then decreases – why ice floats in the oceans
- Frozen water forms a lattice structure (ice domains) causing a decrease in density
- Dissolved salt (seawater) reduces the temperature of maximum density for water as well as its freezing point
pH of seawater?
• pH is slightly above 8
• Buffering provided by reaction involving carbonate
• Lake water is mostly slightly below 7
• pH = -log(H+)
o H2O + H2O = H3O+ + OH-
o H2O = H+ + OH-
• The more H+ in the water the more acidic it is
• Neutral water (pH 7) contains 10-7 moles H+ and OH-
Salinity of seawater?
- Six ions account for 99% of dissolved components in seawater:
- Cl-, Na+, SO42- (sulphate), Mg2+, Ca2+, K+
- Biologically important elements such as oxygen, iron, nitrogen occur in variable concentrations depending on utilisation by organisms
- Salinity = ratio of conductivities of sea water to standard of 32.4356 g KCL/kg waater (standard water)
- Rule of constant proportion: ratio of ions remains constant at all salinities
- Most abundant ion, Cl-, easy to measure (chlorinity)
- Highest salinity = where most evaporation and least mixing
- Lowest in arctic = freshwater
- Salinity in the deep sea is fairly homogenous
Temperature profiles?
• SST = Sea surface temperature
• Tropical: 25 C
• Subtropical: 15 C
• Temperate 5-2 C
• Polar <0-2 or 5C
• Important:
o Controls the rates of chemical reactions
o Controls rates of biological processes
o With salinity determine water density
o Determines concentration of dissolved gases in water
• As water sinks to greater depth it becomes wamer
o Pressure increases causing compression
o Exerts work on water
o Work converted to heat, increasing the water temperature
o Adiabatic process = no exchange of heat
o Small degree of warming
• Great ocean conveyor belt or thermohaline
o Warm surface water in tropics, moves to poles, cools and releases heat to atmosphere, sinks and moves back to warm areas
o Also drops salts
Residence time?
- How long does a substance stay in the ocean?
- Substance enters at a rate (R) (tonnes/yr)
- A = number of tonnes of the substance in the ocean
- T = A/R
- Assumes steady state; i.e. input=output and amount in ocean is not changing
- This is a first order removal rate – very coarse and the simplest black-box model
- Reflects reactivity within oceans
- Longest residence times are for simple alkali/alkaline earth metals that have no real removal or reaction pathways
- Long residence times mean large build ups relative to concentration in the inputs
- Hence ion such as Na+ and Cl- accumulate in the ocean and the sea is salty
Conservative behaviour?
- Major constituents (Na, Cl) tend to be conservative
- Minor constituents which have similar properties to Na have low reactivity and are also conservative
- Residence time is longer than mixing of ocean water (1000 years)
- Thoroughly mixed (constant concentration with depth
Non-conservative behaviour?
- Surface depletion and depth enrichment (recycled) or vice versa (scavenged)
- Concentration changes with depth due to multiple phenomena (biological activity, decaying of organic matter, dissolution, hydrothermal inputs)
Nutrient and recycled elements profile?
Nutrient profiles:
• Above thermocline, atmospheric boundary and photosynthesis dominate
• Below thermocline, respiration dominates
Recycled elements:
• Biolimiting constituents
o Those totally exhausted in the upper water column from biological processes
o Concentration increases with depth due to organic matter decomposition and mineral skeleton dissolution
o Rate of advection in Pacific water far less than Atlantic – Atlantic nutrient gradients get “washed out”
What is a redox reaction?
Redox reactions are those that involve the transfer of electrons between reactants
Oxidisation number?
- The charge the atom will have if all its bonds were considered to be ionic
- Does not represent the real charge of an atom (except for monoatomic ions) but indicates the more positive and negative atoms in a molecule
- Are used to keep track on the number of electrons “exchanged” during redox reactions
- Number for uncombined elements (solid, gas (O2)) = 0
- Number for a monoatomic ion is the charge on the ion
- Number for hydrogen is +1 in almost all compounds
- Number for oxygen is -2 in almost all compounds
- The sum of the oxidation numbers in an ion is equal to its charge
Redox reactions terms?
- When a substance accepts electrons it is reduced
- When a substance loses electrons it is oxidised
- The reducing agent is oxidised
- The oxidising agent is reduced
- Reactants are called the electron donors
- Oxidants are called electron acceptors
Redox potential of natural waters?
• Can calculate the redox potential in the environment Eh
• Is a measure of the tendency of the solution to lose or gain electrons when a new species is introduced
• The more positive the redox potential the more oxidising the environment
o Electrons will be removed from the new species (which is oxidised) and the existing species is reduced
• The more negative the redox potential the more reducing the environment
o The solution will give electrons (reduce) the new species and the existing species is oxidised
Oxygen in natural waters?
- Oxidation in natural waters is controlled by oxygen (strong oxidising agent)
- In the presence of oxygen most biochemically active elements will exist in their highest oxidation forms
- Oxic: waters that contain measurable oxygen
- Suboxic: waters that lack measurable oxygen or sulphide, but do contain significant dissolved iron
- Reducing (anoxic): waters that contain both dissolved iron and sulphide
Manganese profile?
- Low at surface and high near middle and bottom of water column
- Peaks in Mn coincide with minima in oxygen
- Changes from Mn4+ to Mn2+
- Mn4+ is insoluble and easily scavenged
- Mn2+ soluble
Redox state in the oceans?
- Species present is indicative of the redox state of the environment
- All natural redox reactions are driven the oxidation of organic matter
- Organic matter is thermodynamically unstable
Oxygenation of water (profile)?
- Water contains far less oxygen than air
- Surface enrichment due to O2 production fro photosynthesis + exchange with atmosphere
- Fast decrease with depth as photosynthesis stops
- Increase with deep due to mixing with cold waters containing more dissolved oxygen
Redfield Ratio?
- Alage have a fixed elemental composition
- Algae are the most abundant organism and so their elemental composition represents the formula at which most life will want to operate
- C:N:P = 106:16:1
Latitudinal Gradient?
- Polar oceeans are most productive
- More effective mixing of nutrients with depth
- Polar lands are least productive
- Less rapid nutrient release from Soil Organic Matter
Sediment classification?
• Location:
o Neritic: On the continental Margin
o Oceanic (Pelagic): overlaying the oceanic crust
• Water depth:
o Pelagic: below 3000m
o Hemi pelagic: 200-3000m
• Grain size:
o Sand, silt, clay
• Origin:
o Authigentic or autochthonous: precipitation from solution
• Hydrogenous: abiogenic (inorganic)
• Biogenous: produced by biological activity
o Allochthonous: carried into the oceans as solid phases
• Luthogenous/terrigenous: from Earth’s crust
• Cosmogenous: extraterrestrial materials
• Sedimentation rate:
o Non-pelagic: form at rates higher than 1cm/1000y
o Pelagic: from at rates lower than 1cm/1000y
o Relic: sedimentation rates of – or less (net dissolution
Terrigenous muds?
• No biogenic – carbonates dissolve at depth
• Silica confined to areas of high productivity
o Red clay:
• Composed of clay minerals such as montmorillonite, kaolinite and chlorite
• 4000-5000 metres deep
• Cover nearly half of the Earth’s surface
o Grey mud
• Enter the ocean from rivers through deltas and from deserts (wind-blown dust (Sahara))
• Clays from weathering of feldspars
• Kaolinite is more common in lower latitudes from tropical weathering
• Chlorite more dominant in higher latitudes where weathering more physical
Calcareous Oozes
• Sediments dominated by coccolith or foraminiferal assemblages
• “Biogeneous”
• Periplatform ooze
o Pelagic sediment
o Platform sediment
o Slopes in vicinity of a carbonate platform
Siliceous oozes?
- Below the CCD
- Fluffy texture
- Phytoplankton – will photosynthesize
Silicate compensation depth?
- Surface water not supersaturated with respect to silica
- Dissolution occurs more rapidly
- Corrosion zone in surface water
- Decreases with depth
Cosmogenous Sediments:
- Cosmic dust found in red clay
- Composed of iron-nickel and magneitie formed by oxidation during passage through Earth’s atmosphere –are 50-200 microns in diameter
- Aound 300x103 tonnes of cosmic/meteoritic dust falls on the Eath’s surface each year
Distribution of sediments?
- Slides move on bedding planes
- Slumps cut across the bedding in rotational failures
- Debris flows (also called mud flows) are cohesive, viscous flows depositing debites
- They may develop into turbidity currents mixtures of sediment + water, depositing tubidites
Turbidity currents?
- Main agent for transporting shallow-water sediment into deep water dwon submarine canyons on to submarine canyons on to submarine fans and the ocean floow
- Speed depends on slope and amout of sediment (current density)
• Fining upwards sequence in deep sea setting
• Bouma Sequence
o Muds – often bioturbated
o Parallel laminated silts
o Cross laminated fine sands
o Plannar laminated fine-to-medium sands
o Sand and any larger grains the turbidity current was carrying at the time of deposition