Chemical control of the brain and behavior Flashcards
Diffuse Modulatory System
- Typically, the core of each system has a small set of neurons (several thousand).
- One of several systems of CNS neurons that project widely and diffusely onto large areas of the brain and use modulatory neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine.
- highly divergent axonal projections and prolong their actions by using metabotropic postsynaptic receptors.
Locus Coeruleus
A small nucleus located bilaterally in the pons; using NE as their neurotransmitter, its neurons innervate: all of the cerebral cortex, the thalamus and the hypothalamus, the olfactory bulb, the cerebellum, the midbrain, and the spinal cord
The raphe nuclei
- Serotonin-containing neurons are mostly clustered within the nine raphe nuclei.
- clustered along the midline of the brain stem and project extensively to all levels of the CNS.
- fire most rapidly during wakefulness, implicated in the control of mood and certain types of emotional behavior.
nigra and Ventral tegmental area
-lie close together in the midbrain.
-Dopaminergic cells arises in the substantia nigra in the mid brain
-They project to the striatum (caudate
nucleus and putamen), voluntery movements
-Axons from ventral tegmental area innervate frontal cortex and parts of the limbic system
forebrain complex
- Basal nucleus of Myenert and Medial septai nuclei
- Cholinergic interneurons exist there
- Project widely upon the cerebral cortex, including hippocampus.
Pontomesencephalotegmental complex
- Cholinergic interneurons exist there
- Located in the pons and midbrain tegmentum, it is the origin of cholinergic cell bodies in the brainstem. Acts mainly on the dorsal thalamus, but also projects up to the midbrain and parts of forebrain.
components of the nervous system that act over great distances and for long periods of time
secretory hypothalamus, autonomic nervous system (ANS), diffuse modulatory systems of the brain
Location of secretory hypothalamus
-sits below the thalamus, along the walls of the third ventricle. It is connected by a stalk (runko,tappi) to the pituitary gland (aivolisäke), which dangles below the base of the brain, just above the roof of your mouth
Homeostasis of hypothalamus
- regulates body temperature (sweating, shivering, turning blue or red) and blood compositions (koostumus) in response to changing environment.
- tight regulation of blood volume, pressure, salinity (suolaisuus), acidity (happamuus), and blood oxygen and glucose concentrations.
Structure and Connections of the Hypothalamus
Each side of the hypothalamus has three functional zones (from out to in): lateral, medial,(regulate certain type of behaviour) and periventricular
-Third ventricle between these sides
In periventricular zone exists a complex mix of neurons with different functions. What are these?
- suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): These cells receive direct retinal innervation and function to synchronize circadian rhythms with the daily light–dark cycle
- Other cells control the ANS and regulate the outflow of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the visceral organs
- neurosecretory neurons, extend axons down toward the stalk of the pituitary gland.
Hypothalamus control of the posterior pituitary, which cells and the task?
magnocellular neurosecretory cells:
- Largest neurosecretory cells
- Extend axons down the stalk of pituitary and into the posterior lobe.
- Release two neurohormones into bloodstream: oxytocin, vasopressin (ADH)
- Peptide chain, nine amino acids
- final stages of childbirth
- ejection of milk from the mammary glands.
- Love hormone
Vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone ADH
- regulates blood volume and salt concentration. (Body deprived of water
- > changes detected by pressure receptors in the cardiovascular system and salt concentration-sensitive cells in the hypothalamus
- > signal to hypothalamus
- > release ADH
- > acts on the kidneys
- > water retention and reduced urine production)
Renin enzyme and the followed biochemical reactions in the blood
-Secreted from kidney to blood when lowered blood pressure and volume
- >angiotensinogen by renin ->angiotensin l ->angiotensin ll ->blood vessels, kidney
->subfornigal organ->axons to neurosecterory cells and lateral hypothalamus, overwhelming thirst.
Anterior Pituitary
- actual gland
- secrete a wide range of hormones that regulate secretions from other glands throughout the body
- The pituitary hormones act on the gonads, the thyroid glands, the adrenal glands, and the mammary glands (kilpirauhanen, lisämunuainen, maitorauhanen)
- release of corticotropin (ACTH)
- FSH, LH, prolactin
Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary, what cells and how and where?
- parvocellular neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus, in the periventricular area.
- communicate via the bloodstream
- hypophysiotropic hormones into a capillary bed by tiny blood vessels down to anterior lobe of pituitary. This network of blood vessels is called the hypothalamo-pituitary portal circulation.
- specific receptors on the surface of pituitary cells
- > secrete or stop secreting hormones of anterior pituitary into the general circulation.
- control the adrenal cortex determine whether a stimulus is stressful or not
- release a peptide called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) into the blood of the portal circulation.-> stimulates the release of corticotropin, or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in anterior pituitary.
Adrenal glands (lisämunuaiset)
- above kidneys
- two parts, a shell called the adrenal cortex and a center called the adrenal medulla
- Cortex: cortsiol, mobilize energy reserves and suppress the immune system, stress hormone.
- > In brain, cortisol interacts with specific receptors->inhibition of CRH.
adrenal insufficiency(riittämättömyys)
After using a inflammation drug, that increases cortsiol:
-not enough time to ramp up cortisol production in adrenal cortex->causes severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, extremely low blood pressure, and changes in mood and personality. a feature of a rare disorder called Addison’s disease=degeneration(rappeutuminen) of the adrenal gland.
flip side of adrenal insufficiency
Cushing’s disease=pituitary gland dysfunction that results in elevated levels of ACTH and, consequently, cortisol. The symptoms include rapid weight gain, immune suppression, sleeplessness, memory impairment, and irritability.
FSH, follicle-stimulatin hormone
Target: gonads(sukupuolirauhanen)
Action: ovulation, spermatogenesis
LH, Luteinizing hormone
Target: Gonalds
Action: Ovarian (munasarja) and sperm maturation
TSH, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (kilpirauhanen)
Target: Thyroid
Action: Thyroxin secretion
Adrenocorticotropic, ACTH
Target: Adrenal cortex
Action: Cortsiol secretion
Growth hormone, GH
Target: All cells
Action: Stimulation of protein synthesis
Target: Mammary glands (maitorauhanen)
Action: Growth and milk secretion
Peripheral nervous system
1) sensory NS
Somatic NS=voluntery control
Autonomic NS= sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric
Autonomic NS, features and what it innervates, types of tissue(3) and more specific(3) and regulates(7)
- Periventricular zone controls the ANS
- multiple, widespread, and relatively slow
- Takes two motor neurons to get to the effect organ preganglionic, postganglionic
- disynaptic pathway
- innervates three types of tissue: glands, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.
- innervates secretory glands, heart and blood vessels to control blood pressure and flow, lungs to meet the oxygen demands
- regultes digestive, matbolic functions of liver, pancreas(haima), functions of kidney, bladder, large intestine(suolisto), and rectum.
- sexual responses
- immune system
Sympathetic NS, where and what kind of neurons and tasks(10):
- coming out from Thoraco-Lumbar Segments, area in spinal cord
- Preganglionic nerves are short, postganglionic long
- Interaction of synapses: ACh
- Preganglionic sympathetic neurons: cholinergic neurons
- Postganglionic sympathetic neurons : release NE, adrenergic neurons
-dilates pupil, inhibits salvation, relaxes airways, accelerates heartbeat, stimulates glucose production and release, inhibits digestion, stimulates secterion of NE, epinephrine in adrenal medulla, regulates large intestine, bladder, stimulates orgasm
Parasympathetic NS, where and what kind of neurons and tasks(9):
- Coming out from Craniosacral outflow
- brain stem: CN lll, CN Vll, CN lV, CN X (vagus)
- S_2-S_4 (lowest (sacral) segments )
- Preganglionic nerves are long postganglionic short
- Terminal or Intramural ganglia (next to, on, or in their target organs)
- Release ACh in the interaction and in the target organ, cholinergic neurons
-Constricts pupils, stimulates salvation, constricts airways, slows heartbeat, stimulates digestion, regulates: pancreas, small intestine, bladder, sexual arousal
Different pathways for sympathetic neurons:
Route of Preganglionic neuron:
- Lie in intermediolateral gray matter
- Ventral root-> white rami communicans (myalinated)
1) Chain ganglia
- Postganglionic neuron
- >Gray Rami communicans (not myalinated) -> three types of tissues-> Arrector pili, blood vessels, sweat glands
2) Chain ganglia
- Pre ganglionic neuron
- >Descents down to another ganglia level down from the first to chain ganglia
- > Postganglionic neuron -> motor neurons or come out as its own nerve.(splanchnic nerve)
3) Chain ganglia
-> Preganglionic neuron ->
same level to collateral ganglia -> (part of ANS going to abdominal pelvic viscera(sisäelin) -> splanchnic nerve
4) Preganglionic neurons
- >Ascents up to higher level ganglia -> Part of the pylon, pseudo motors etc.
Enteric nervous system
- two networks: the myenteric plexus and the submucous plexus.
- contain visceral sensory and motor neurons that control the functions of the digestive organs.
- about 500 million neurons
- operates independently
- Enteric sensory neurons monitor tension and stretch of the gastrointestinal walls, the chemical status of stomach and intestinal contents, and hormone levels in the blood.
- receives input indirectly from the “real” brain via axons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
Central control of ANS, what and how?
hypothalamus s the main regulator of the autonomic preganglionic neurons
- integrates the diverse information it receives about the body’s status, anticipates(ennakoida) some of its needs, and provides a coordinated set of both neural and hormonal outputs.
- connections of the periventricular zone to the brain stem and spinal cord nuclei=preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions (jaottelu).
- nucleus of the solitary tract, located in the medulla. The SN projects to, among other regions, the reticular formation (aivoverkosto), parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, hypothalamus and thalamus, forming circuits that contribute to autonomic regulation.
cortisol’s tasks
-mobilize energy reserves and suppress the immune system, stress hormone.
(-stimulates gluconeogenesis
-indirect impact in liver and muscle glycogenolyse )
-in brain, cortisol interacts with specific receptors->inhibition of CRH
Batterfield trauma victims who have lost large volumes of blood often express a craving to drink water. Why?
Volume decreases-> pressure receptors in cardiovascular system -> vasopressin-containing neurons receive information about changes-> release ADH-> Kidney releases renin-> Liver releases Angiotensinogen, converted to angiotensin 1 by renin->breaks down to angiotensin 2 -> blood pressure increases and also subfornical organ detects this->neurons to hypothalamus and activate cells in lateral area->overwhelming thirst.
How has the periventricular zone of hypothalamus orchestrated your body’s physiological response to stressful situation? Describe in detail.
Periventricular zone includes the parvocellular neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus. They communicate with anterior pituitary gland via blood stream. If a stimulus is stressful->release of CRH from hypothalamus to blood stream, blood of portal circulation, short distance to anterior pituitary in 15 seconds->bind to specific receptors on the surface ->release off corticotropin in anterior pituitary->cortisol from adrenal cortex, which mobilize energy reserves and suppress immune system
What causes the symptoms of Addisonian crises (weakness, mental confusion, drowsiness, low blood pressure, abdominal pain) and what can be done to treat them?
Adrenal insufficiency causes these symptoms, this means that the release in adrenal cortex has shut down. This again is caused by degeneration of adrenal gland. This can be treated by daily hormone replacement, compensate the loss of cortisol.
Why is adrenal medulla often referred to as a modified sympathetic ganglion? Why isn’t the adrenal cortex included in this description?
Epinephrine is released into blood from adrenal medulla. It effects on target tissues almost identical to those caused by sympathetic activation. This is why it is a modified sympathetic ganglion. Adrenal cortex release cortisol, so it is not included to this description.
Why does cocaine cause heart failure? How would you explain the peripheral action of cocaine?
Cocaine exert their effects at synapses made by dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. It causes peripheral effects that mimic activation of the sympathetic division of ANS: increased heart rate and blood pressure. Cocaine targets DA reuptake and thus prolong and strengthen the effects of released DA.
How do the diffuse modulatory and point-to-point synaptic communication systems in the brain differ? List four ways.
Diffuse modulatory systems have:
- Core, each system has a small set of neurons
- Neurons arise from the central core of the brain, most of them from the brain stem
- Each neuron can influence many others because each one has an axon that may contact more than 100 000 postsynaptic neurons spread widely across the brain
- The synapses made by many of these systems release transmitter molecules into the extracellular fluid, so that they can diffuse to many neurons rather than be confined to closeness of synaptic cleft.
Under what behavioral condition are the noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus active? The noradrenergic neurons of the ANS?
The neurons in locus coeruleus seems to activate by new, unexpected, nonpainful sensory stimuli in the animal’s environment. In ANS, they activate when sympathetic NS activates, which is most active during crisis.