Chemical Control Flashcards
Physical Restraint
Restrain patients only if necessary to protect the patient or personnel from harm. Restrained patients shall be positioned supine
Physical Restraint
Adult & Pediatric
- Do not compress the head or neck with a knee, foot, etc.
- Keep patient in an upright position to allow for hyperventilation
- Restrained patients shall not be left unattended.
- Frequently monitor and document vital signs, airway, and neurovascular status.
Chemical Restraint
Excited Delirium
Patient presentation
presents as bizarre, aggressive behavior which may be associated with cocaine or “crack”, PCP or “angel dust”, MDMA, methamphetamine or
amphetamine, and FLAKKA use.
Chemical Restraint
Violent Patients: Indications
How to treat when ketamine is not available
Indicated for violent, agitated patients who place themselves and/or crew
in danger.
- When Ketamine is not available for adult violent patients: substitute
Haldol 5 mg IM one dose and Benadryl 50mg IM one dose – These can be given in the same syringe with retractable needle
Chemical Restraint
Adult - procedure
• Law enforcement must first gain physical control of the patient.
• KETAMINE: 200-400mg IM. May repeat 1x prn. Max single dose 400mg.
• Allow patient to hyperventilate.
• Do not hold the patient in a prone position.
• Once calm, physical restraints may be unnecessary, but may be used as an added
Chemical Restraint
Adult - After Ketamine Administration
• Continuously monitor and maintain patient’s SpO2 at 95% and EtCO2 between 35-45mmHg.
• Obtain IV/IO access.
• If patient begins to wake up: Repeat DOSE OF KETAMINE
• Obtain and document a temperature early into treatment and monitor the
temperature throughout delivery to the ED.
Chemical Restraint
Adult - Adverse Reaction to Ketamine
- Hypersalivation: Administer ATROPINE 0.5mg IV/IM/IO.
- Laryngospasm (Stridor): Try the following interventions in the order of: High flow O2, BVM, rapid sequence intubation.
- Laryngospasm is uncommon and is usually self-limiting. It almost always resolves with high flow O2 or brief ventilation via BVM.
Chemical Restraint
Adult - Rapid cooling for a temperature of greater than ____
- 103 degrees F
• Apply ice packs to axilla and groin area.
• COLD NORMAL SALINE: (If available) 1L NS IV/IO, assess lung sounds and blood pressure every 500mL. Maximum 2L.
• SODIUM BICARBONATE 50 mEq IV/IO, each amp administered slow
over 2 minutes
Chemical Restraint
Adult - Special considerations for Ketamine:
For these patients give 200mg IM Ketamine
- Over 65 years of age
- Head Trauma
- <50kg (110lbs)
- Other sedatives on board (Benzodiazepines or alcohol)
May repeat 3x prn in 5 min intervals to gain control of the patient.
Pain Management
When administering pain medications continuously monitor the ECG. Maintain the SpO2 at 95% and the EtCO2 between 35-45 mmHg. Monitor patient’s blood pressure and
respirations prior to and after administering Fentanyl and/or Ketamine. Pain management can be administered to all patients complaining of pain with the exception of pregnant women near term (32 weeks or greater) or in active labor.
Pain Management
• Fentanyl is the front line medication for pain, however Ketamine is preferred for
hypotensive patients or patients who have opiate contraindications (allergy, history of abuse, etc.)
- FENTANYL: 100mcg slow IV/IO/ IM/IN. May repeat once AFTER 5 minutes prn. Max
total dose 200mcg. - Monitor patient for respiratory depression.
- Discontinue if patient becomes drowsy.
- To reverse respiratory depression or chest wall rigidity: NARCAN -as per protocol
• Administer Zofran 4mg for treatment of nausea and vomiting secondary to
• ZOFRAN: 4mg IM, or slow IV/IO/PO over 2 minutes prn nausea/vomiting secondary to
Fentanyl administration. Max dose 4mg.
• Nitrous Oxide:
Pain Management
Adult - For continued pain management
- Ketamine should be given after Fentanyl max dose for severe pain.
- KETAMINE: 25 MG IV/IO/IM. May repeat 2x every 5 minutes prn. Max total dose 75mg..
IO INFUSION PAIN MANAGEMENT: (1%lidocaine=10mg/ml)
-LIDOCAINE: 40mg IO over one minute (FOR PT GREATER THAN 20KG). Allow Lidocaine to dwell in IO space for one minute and flush with NORMAL SALINE 10mL. May administer
additional LIDOCAINE: 20 mg IO over one minute prn.
Pain Management
• FENTANYL: 1mcg/kg slow IV/IO OVER 2 MIN May repeat every 5 mins prn. Max single dose 100mcg. Max total dose 200mcg. (SEE
• FENTANYL: 1.5mcg/kg IN/IM. May repeat every 5 mins prn. Max
single dose 100mcg. Max total dose 200mcg. (SEE PEDIATRIC
• ZOFRAN: 0.1mg/kg, IM, or slow IV/IO/PO over 2 minutes prn
nausea/vomiting secondary to Fentanyl administration. Max
dose 4mg.
- Monitor patient for respiratory depression.
- Discontinue if patient becomes drowsy.
- Contraindicated in age appropriate hypotension.
- To reverse respiratory depression or chest wall rigidity, administer NARCAN 0.5mg IV/IO/IM or 1mg IN every 2-3 minutes prn. Max total dose 2mg.
Pain Management
Pediatric - For continued Pain Management (>2 years old)
- Ketamine should be given after Fentanyl max dose for severe pain.
- KETAMINE: 1MG/KG IM MAX 25 MG See Peds Med Tool
ZOFRAN ADMINISTRATION: If IV access is unobtainable,
it is acceptable to administer the IV formulation of Zofran via the PO route to the patient.