Chemical Biological and Radiological Warfare Flashcards
Define chemical warfare
Employment of chemical agents intended to kill, seriously injure or incapacitate personnel due to their physiological effects
What is meant by the term NBC environment
A deliberate or accidental employment or threat of nbc weapons attack including industrial materials
Four types of chemical agents
What detects the presence of liquid chemical agents by turning a red to reddish color
M9 chemical agent detector paper
What type of chemical agent is the Atropine/2-PAM-Chloride auto injector used for
Nerve agents
Define biological warfare
The use of agents to cause disease sickness or death
What are the two divisions of biological warfare agents
What does IPE stand for
Individual protective equipment
What does IPE for chemical/biological environments consist of
Protective mask MCU-2P with c2 canister filter Advanced chemical protective garment Chemical protective gloves and liners Chemical protective over boots and laces Skin decontamination kit
Define radiological warfare
The deliberate use of radiological weapons to produce injury and death
What are the types of nuclear explosions?
High altitude burst Air burst Surface burst Shallow underwater burst Deep underwater burst
What altitude does a high altitude air burst occur
100,000 feet
What does MOPP stand for
Mission oriented protective posture
How many MOPP levels are there
At what MOPP level afloat do you go to gq install filters and don over boots
What MOPP level ashore do you don protective over boots
What MOPP level is IPE issued
What MOPP level ashore do you wear gloves with liners
What MOPP level afloat do you set circle William