Chem Final Flashcards
In the C501 door Cell wash 1 and 2 are used for
used go clean the reaction cuvettes
Do the C501 regeants need to be at room temp before loading?
how are the samples and reagents mixed in the C501
at ultra sonic mixing stations
the purpose of the IS bath
heats the internal standard solution
Do the E601 reagents need to be at room temps before loading?
does the E601 use the pro cells wash
which reagent needs to have the cap loosened
pre clean M
How do you turn off communications between the cobras and the DI
turn off the host setting
is it possible to turn off the auto verification while the instrument is operating
Shut down is used if one needs
are the print button options always the same?
on the data review screen what does P, O, I and H mean?
processing, ordered, incomplete, sent to hot
where does one reset the reagent volume
the reagent status screen
ISE calibrations are stores at
15-20 C
callibrations should be done prior to running the green rack
the C501 has two bottles of KCL stored on board
in males, testosterone is synthesized by
leydig cells of the testes
3 reasons for testing testosterone in women
- diagnosis androgenic syndrome
- diagnosis of poly cystic ovaries
- when an ovarian tumor is suspected
2 phyiological affeects of Cortisol
- increase of blood glucose
- anti inflammatory / immunosuppresive response
Cortisol diurnal variation
morning is the maxiumum concentration
over production of cortisol is known as
Cushings syndrome
is used as a risk assement marker of cardiovascular disease
why is hgbA1 a better indicator of a patients long term glucose level?
it reflects the average glucose for the past 2-3 months
target range for HgbA1C is?
4.3 to 18.8%
increased microalbumin in the urine is an indicator of
Glomerular damage
due to its short half life prealbumin is a good indicator of
nutritional status
eleveated CRP level one week after surgery this may indicate?
complications after surgery
SLE and rheumatoid Arthritis can cause C3 and C4 to be….
2 instances where you would expect increased C3 and C4
inflammatory process
marked increase in IgG,A or M may be an indicator of
liver function decrease
Ferretin levels below 12ng/ml indicated
latent iron deficiency
ferretin levels are used to asses a patient’s
iron metabolism
Both B12 and Folate measurments should be done to properly diagnose
megablastic anemia
typically, transferrin is increased in
Iron deficiency Anemia
name 2 thyroid hormones and where they are produced
TSH: pituitary gland
T4 thyroid gland
T3 thyroid gland
Free T4 and Free T3 concentrations are measured to determine the hormones’ biological activity
The measurment of ________ serves as the initial test in thryroid diagnositics
LH and FSH are released from the
gonatotropic cells
LH and FSH regulate growth nd function of the
LH is highest during the mid cycle and induce
Release of the oocytes from the follicle occurs approcimately ______after the LH surge
36 hours
Serum estradiol levels gradulally rise to a peak resulting in
proliferation of the uterine endometrium
measurement of progesterone levels is used in fertility diagnosis to detect _______
HCG is produced by the ______ during pregnancy
why would a woman have an elevated HCG level without pregnancy
ovarian tumor
HCG half life is?
24 hrs
HCG leves double every
2-3 days
Hypoprolactinemia is the main cause of fertility disorders
prolactin levels greater than 200 may indicate a?
pituitary tumor
Elevated PSA levels indicate
conditions of the prostate
when evaluating the progress and eddiciency of prostate cancer treatments, which is more important?
the rate of decrease in PSA levels
the higher the percentage of Free PSA the _____ the risk of prostate cancers
CEA is used as a screening test for many types of cancer?
Do smokers have an elevated levels of CEA
Elevated CA125 levels are associated with what type of cancer?
ovarian cancer