Chem final Flashcards
What is the diff between myoglobin and hemoglobin
- myoglobin has 1 protein and 1 heme group (tertiary structure)
- hemoglobin is 4 subunits each with a protein and heme (quartenary structure)
Structurally, what are the similarities between Hb and myoglobin
Both are composed of a heme complex that have a coordinated Fe ….
T/F: Heme on its own is soluble
What ligands can attach to heme? (4)
- oxygen
- CO
- CO2
- Cyanide (cytochromes)
In regards to oxygen binding, what is the diff between myoglobin and Hb?
- Myoglobin has a higher affinity to oxygen, is monomeric, non cooperative binding
- Hemoglobin is tetrametric (4 domains), cooperative binding,
A rightward shift on an association curve for oxygen binding means?
less affinity for oxygen
When does myoglobin release oxygen?
When levels in muscles are very low
T/F: Hemoglobin can bind to oxygen multiple times
The sigmoidal shape of the hemoglobin curve signifies
cooperative binding
When does oxygen affinity increase for Hb?
as more oxygen is bound to heme (saturation increases)
Why do we see an increase in oxygen binding affinity with hemoglogin?
As oxygen binds, there is a shift in the heme and shift in protein structure
(Tense “t” state to Relaxed “r” state)
Binding always leads to ________ and with Hb this causes more _______
confirmational change
oxygen affinity
What is the R state?
4 oxygen have bound to Heme
what is the diff between fetal Hb and adult Hb
fetal has a higher affinity for oxygen
Why is there a higher affinity for oxygen in fetal Hb?
- Structural differences ( adult have 2 alpha and 2 beta)
- 2,3 BPG
Does 2,3 BPG bind to fetal Hg?
Why does 2,3 BPG do to adult Hb?
preturbe oxygen from binding to Heme
What charge is on histadine rings in adult Hb?
What charge is on serine residue in fetal Hb?
no charge
Why is there no ion-dipole intermolecular force between 2,3 BPG and fetal hemoglobin
The distance is too great because the serine is small
2,3 BPG which stabalizes the structure of Hb, can also be a
competitive inhibitor
Shifting equilibrium to the left means? Would 2,3 BPG binding to adult Hb cause this?
higher affinity for oxygen
no; there would be a shift to the right
Where does 2,3 BPG come from
our bodies produce it
What does 2,3 BPG essentially do?
prevent conformational change and disallow more oxygen from binding
T/F: Both adult and fetal hemoglobin curves are sigmoidal
Shifting equillibrium to the left means oxygen favors the
T state
how can heme overcome binding of 2,3 BPG?
increasing pressure of O2
What are the 3 ways Co2 is transported throughout the blood? Which is primary?
- dissolved gas (10%)
- bicarb (blood buffering system)*
- bound to protein of the Hb
The n terminus of an amino acid is ________ while C is ________
CO2 bound to Hb is called?
Where does CO2 bind on Hb?
the apoprotein, not the heme
High affinity for CO2 causes a _______ affinity for O2
What happens when RBC starts to bind to CO2
localized changes in pH of the environment (Bohr-Haldane Effect)