Checklists - emergency procedures Flashcards
Fire on the ground
Throttle, close Mixture - ICO Fuel - tank off, pump off Ignition off Master switch off Brakes ON (as per checklist but as required)
Best Glide speed
LDG - select RW or field
Flap as required
- Fuel off
- Ignition off
- Master switch off
- If time permits: inform ATC/brief PAX
Ditching procedure (without power)
Head for nearest coast/shipping
Est. Best glide speed
Check for causes of failure (if time permits)
- Radio - Mayday…
- Transponder 7700
- Harness - tight
- Doors - unlatched
- Crew/Pax - briefed, survival equipment prepared
- (do not inflate life jkt in cabin)
Electrical failure
- Electrical load - reduce: non essentials off
- Circuit breakers - check/reset
- Ammeter/volt - check reading, warning light and annuciator panel
Warning light as appropriate
IF output restored:
Restore essential services singly
IF no output:
Reset master switch (off 2secs, ON)
If continued no output
essential electrical services only
Divert if applicable
Note radio transmission makes particularly heavy drain on
Cabin fire in the air
- Master off
- Elect ccts - off (pull, as req)
- Fresh air vents - open
- Cabin heaters/defrost - off
Forced LDG procedure or diversion as applicable
Engine fire in the air
- Fuel off, pump off
- Throttle - close
- Mixture - ICO
- Cabin heaters/Defrost - off
Forced LDG (without pwr) procedures DO NOT ATTEMPT RESTART
Forced LDG (without pwr) procedure
A. Attain and maintain best glide speed - trim CARB heat ON Assess SFC WD Select suitable LDG area Plan approach pattern
B. 1. Carb heat ON 2. Fuel - change tanks, fuel pump ON, contents sufficient 3. Mixture - rich 4. Primer - locked 5. Ignition - ON + check 6. Throttle - check Attempt restart. If engine does NOT restart 7. Engine warm
C. PAX Brief:
We have an engine failure we are going to LD in the field [below]. Please ensure that your harnesses is tight, unlatch the door and get into the brace position by putting your hands on the dash and leaning forward as much as you can.
D. Mayday call
“Mayday, mayday, mayday, Scottish Information, Tayside AP, 5NW Errol airfield, engine failure landing in field ahead”
E. Transponder 7700
Engine Warm
F. Committed checks: 1. Fuel OFF 2. Ignition OFF 3. Harnesses - tight 4. Doors - unlatched 5. Crew/PAX - briefed, as time permits 6. RT MAYDAY call acknowledged? Engine warm
- Master switch OFF
- Apply flaps ONLY if will make field. Do S manoeuvres if too high.
Aft TO/GA checklist
- Flaps UP
- Eng T+Ps // CARB OFF!
- Radios set/clearances obtained
- Alt set
- Fuel pump off (not <1000ft)
Pre stall/Aerobatic checks
Height - recover by 3000ft AGL Aircraft - flaps: clean/base/final Security - harness tight, loose articles stowed Engine T&Ps green, Carb ON Location - ABCD Lookout
Cruise/Cct rejoin checks
- Fuel ON, pump ON check, contents sufficient
- Radios set
- Engine - carb ON, T&Ps green, Mix set, ammeter charging, suction
with range, carb OFF - Direction - DI in sync with compass
- Alt - check set & correct
(Downwind) Pre-LDG checks
- Brakes off
- Mix rich
- Fuel ON, check contents, pump ON
- Flaps (as required)
- Pitch - fixed/in trim
- Instruments - T+Ps in green, CARB ON, alt set
- Hatches/harnesses - secure/fastened
Radio failure procedure
Check -
Freq Vol On/off switches Squelch Headset plugged correctly Electrics - ammeter charging, Master ON, cct breakers - reset once only Transponder 7600
[speechless/transmit blind/non-radio procedure as appropriate]
Radio failure speechless code:
One (Short) PTT
Yes or acknowledged
Radio failure speechless code:
Two (short) PTT
Radio failure speechless code:
Three (short) PTT
Say again
- last transmission not fully heard
- last transmission not fully understood
- last transmission cannot be complied with
Radio failure speechless code:
Four (short) PTT
Request homing (heading to steer to reach an airfield)
H in morse code
Radio failure speechless code:
One long, two short, one long PTT
I have another emergency, or a greater degree of emergency
X in morse
Radio failure triangles:
Fly right triangle
Flying RIGHT 2min legs as tight as is safely possible =
RECEIVER not operative
Radio failure triangles:
Fly left triangle
Fly LEFT 2min legs as tight as is safely possible =
The LOT (transmitter and receiver) has failed
Checks before entering RW?
Approach clear Transponder ALT Permission granted Lights on Compass aligns with RW
Checks when cleared for TO?
T+Ps in the green
RPM full power obtained ~2700
Airspeed live
(Final) pre-LD checks
Carb heat OFF
Appr stable? (+/- 5kts, should be ~ 65kts)
RW clear?
Permission granted?