Chart Analysis Flashcards
When planning the mission, what factors contribute to choosing track, distance and time?
- Airspace
- Towns
- Diversion airfields
- Terrain
- Other adverse operations
For fuel planning purposes, what fuel load is full tanks?
1200 lbs
What does departure fuel consist of?
- STTO fuel
- Flight fuel
- Alternate fuel
- Variable reserve
- Fixed Reserve
- Holding fuel
- Fuel for instrument approach
For PC-21 what is Start, Taxi, TO fuel?
50 lbs
For PC-21, what is variable reserve?
10% of flight fuel
What is fixed reserve for visual recovery?
200 lbs on downwind for full stop landing
What is fixed reserve for instrument recovery?
At the IAF to provide at least 200 lbs on downwind for a circling approach
What is instrument approach fuel?
80 lbs
What is holding fuel? What is this based on?
400 lbs/hr fuel flow
- 160 KIAS at 20-30 TQ, sea level
To determine flight fuel, what must a pilot of PC-21 do?
Determine the fuel used for each phase of flight in climb, cruise, descent.
What should hazards be demarked as?
Using a red highlighter
What is the Critical Point (CP) or Equi-Time Point (ETP)?
- The position from which it takes equal time to fly to any of two airfields.
- Can determine which airfield will take the least time to fly to from the present position if an emergency were to occur.
What is the formula for the Critical Point (CP)?
X = (D x H) / (O + H) where: X = Distance from departure to CP D = Total Distance O = Groundspeed On H = Groundspeed Home
What is the point of no return (PNR)?
The last point at which an aircraft can return to the departure Airfield with fuel reserves intact.
What is the Maximum Safe Endurance (MSE)?
Total time an aircraft can fly before the fuel remaining reaches a nominated Fuel Reserve
What is the formula for PNR?
Time to PNR = (MSE x Groundspeed Home)/(Groundspeed out/Groundspeed Home)
What are the different safety altitudes ?
1) LSALT - Lowest Safe Altitude
2) MORA - Minimum Off-Route Altitude
3) MSA - Minimum Sector Altitude
4) MVA - Minimum Vectoring Altitude
4) ASH - Area Safe Height
What is the definition of LSALT?
An altitude calculated to be 1000ft above the highest terrain or obstacle within a navigated tolerance area
Where elevation of highest terrain does not exceed 500 ft AMSL, what must LSALT must not be less than?
1500 t AMSL
What height of obstacles do not need to be reported and therefore must be taken into account when calculating LSALT?
360 feet
What clearance do Minimum Off Route (MORA) give ?
1000ft altitude above terrain and 2000 ft altitude clearance above mountainous terrain.
What are reference points for route MORA?
Route MORA is an altitude that provides reference point clearance within 10NM of the route centerline and end fixes
What is an area safety height ?
An altitude that will provide terrain clearance for an aircraft along the planned route or while diverting if IMC are encountered.
How is ASH calculated?
1) Determining the elevation of the highest feature within the effective area
2) Adding altitude tolerance
3) Rounding to nearest 100 feet
What radius around planned track must be considered when calculating ASH?
55 NM