Describe the flow of conventional currents.
Positive to negative
Describe the flow of electron flow.
Negative to positive
Does the direction of current flow matter when shown in circuits?
No, apart from diodes that only allow current in one direction. (line blocks current)
What is the actual direction of current flow?
Electron flow
What carries charge?
In metals its electrons
In electrolytes its ions
How to calculate current?
I = Q/t
What is the unit for charge?
coloumbs C
What is elecmentary charge?
Charge is quantisied. What does this mean?
In discrete packets (can only be specific values). Multiplies of e
How do you calculate the amount of electrons in 1C?
1C/e = answer
Why is ammeter connevted in series but voltmeter is not?
Ammeter has no resistance, voltmeter has infinite resistance so in parallel. (not atually true)
Current entering a juntion is equal to current exiting the junction. Name the law.
Kirchoff’s First Law
When does CE has random movement in a metal?
No pd
What type of movement does CE have when pd is passing thro the metal?
Net movement in one direction, still slightly random hence ‘drift’ velocity.
Calculating drift velocity
Explain the process of how inaev was made
(check notes)