How many species are in Charaxinae?
Approximately 400 species, whose habitat is predominantly the tropics, although some species extend all the way into temperate regions in North America, Europe, China, and southern Australia.
How similar are the species of Charaxinae?
They are actually quite variate. Their patterns may vary according to necessary Mullerian mimicry, having pattersn which resemble a dead leaf on their underwings.
What do Charaxinae generally consume?
They generally consume liquids from carrion (decaying flesh of dead animals), dung, and rotten fruits, rather than nectar from flowers.
What is characteristic of the mobility of Charaxinae?
They are rather fast flyers.
How are the eggs of the Charaxinae?
They are generally round with a concave apex.
Where do males establish their territory?
Males usually establish their territory on tree trunks, branches, and event the ground.
What are the different genera of Charaxinae
Tribe Charaxini
Tribe Euxanthini
Trible Pallini
Tribe Prothoini
Trible Preponini
Tribe Anaeini
What clade does Charaxes belong to?
The satyrine clade.
How are their caterpillars?
They usually have sppines or projections.