Characters - Utterson Flashcards
Utterson does not stop people from doing what they want
I incline to Cains heresy
I let my brother go to the devil in his own way
Utterson thinks about whether he’s done anything he could be blackmailed for too
Humbled to the dust by the many ill things that he had done
Come so near to doing yet avoided
Utterson isn’t as he seems on first impression
Lean long dusty dreary yet somehow loveable
Something eminently human beaconed from his eye, something indeed which never found its way into talk
Utterson is strict with himself
He was austere with himself
Utterson is so normal and has little opinions (at first) so we trust him
Utterson too has desires
Drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages
Utterson may not be indulgent himself - but he’s definitely thought a lot about it
Wondering almost with envy at the high spirit involved in their misdeeds
Does not reprove others for their indulgences
and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove
Utterson as the detective
If he be Mr Hyde … I shall be Mr Seek
Utterson’s friendships in general
Affections, like ivy, were the growth of time
Implied no aptness in the object
Utterson cares about Jekyll
very heavy heart
Poor Harry Jekyll
Well I promise
Utterson jumps to the conclusion it is blackmail
Ghost of some old sin
Knows that even the best people can be done for (reputation)
He was Conscious of some touch of that terror of the law
And the laws officers
Which at many times assial the most honest
Utterson is shocked when Guest tells him what he knows
Henry Jekyll forge for a murderer! And the blood ran cold in his veins
On his way to Jekyll’s house he is sensing something - he can tell something is wrong (just like Poole does)
crushing anticipation of calamity
Utterson is very concerned about the will (is hyde blackmailing jekyll)
This document had long been the lawyer’s eyesore
It offended him, both as a lawyer and a lover of the sane
Utterson likes order and austerity in his own life (doesnt mind disarray in others)
A lover of the sane
Utterson’s character
Utterson was a man of rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile
First lines of book
Utterson wants to help his friend (just as he said he did in general earlier - help rather than reprove)
Make a clean breast of this in confidence
And I make no doubt I can get you out of it
People are happy to see Utterson - friendship of him and Jekyll - they trust that he will help
Bless God! It’s Utterson
Utterson is decisive and takes control
He empathises with the servants and takes control so they can find Jekyll together
Pull yourself together Bradshaw
Victorian dependence on religion comes through from Uttersons reaction to seeing a bit of the transformation (blasphemy)
God forgive us
Utterson is clearly disturbed by Enfield’s story
The figure in these two phases haunted the lawyer all night
In his dream - and lo! There would stand by his side a figure
Utterson is shocked Jekyll / Hyde - the last letter is to him
With indescribable amazement
Utterson is rational but his shock to Hyde is irrational
not all these points together could explain the hitherto unknown disgust, loathing and fear with which Mr Utterson regarded him
He goes off to read the letters and we dont know what he does after - if he meets poole as he said he would or his reaction. Stevenson leaves this unanswered because simple, rational people dont always have all the answers
Utterson’s attitude to Hyde - feels instantly repelled by Hyde
Hitherto unknown disgust, loathing and fear, with which Mr Utterson regarded him
Strong responses - more impact because Utterson is a mild man
Utterson expresses emotions when he sees Hyde - odd for him
God bless me! The man seems hardly human
Direct speech