Characters - Hyde Flashcards
The horrible thing Hyde did to the 9 year old girl
The man trampled calmly over the child’s body
What Hyde is described as by Enfield
Damned Juggernaut
What people want to do to Hyde - even the doctor!
I saw Sawbones turn sick and white with the desire to kill him
Hyde’s appearance (but not really appearance) frightens people - just by seeing him
So ugly that it brought the sweat on me like running
But not just fear they want revenge - Hyde frightens them to the extent they want to get rid of him
What does Enfield say about the way Hyde looks and why he is unable to tell Utterson all about it
Extraordinary looking man and yet I really can name nothing out of the way
Enfield admits that Hyde is difficult to describe
I can’t describe him
When Utterson sees Hyde what does he associate him to?
Something troglodytic
Old story of Dr Fell
What does Utterson first describe Hyde as
Pale and dwarfish
Impression of deformity without any noticeable malformation
Utterson starts to realise the impact Hyde is having internally on him
Mere radiance of a foul soul that this transpires through, transfigures its clay continent
The setting anticipates Hyde
City in a nightmare
Fog rolled over the city
The maid’s description of what Hyde does to sir danvers carew
Ape like fury
Trampling his victim under foot
Bones were audibly shattered
Clubbed him to death
Hyde acts very strangely around Lanyon
Will you be wise? Will you be guided?
What Jekyll admits Hyde is
Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil
What happens when you repress Hyde
My devil had long been caged, he came out roaring
How Hyde is manipulative - wants to get rid of Jekyll but keep himself (he understands this so is smart enough)
Ape like tricks that would play me
Destroying the portrait of my father
Why Hyde cannot try and harm Jekyll too much
Had it not been for his fear of death
Long ruined himself … To involve me
How people feel as soon as they see Hyde
Strongly against the watcher’s inclination
Things that make Hyde seem like an animal
Ape like Hissing intake of breath Grunted Snarled Savage laugh
Hyde gets scared too
Fear … Momentary
Hyde can weigh things up
Upon some sudden reflection
When he is considering showing Utterson his face
Religious references to Hyde
Satans signature upon a face Spirit of hell Child of Hell Devilish fury like Satan
Everybody else may find Hyde ugly, but Jekyll doesn’t
WI was conscious of no repugnance rather a leap of welcome
Hyde’s hand - Stevenson describes this in detail to show how animal like he is
Thickly shaded with a swart growth of hair
Jekyll thinks of Hyde as a young teenager
Hyde had more than a son’s indifference
Hyde may share memory, but no emotions attached to them
Hyde would be not even conscious of all he had lost
Jekyll does not want to bring Hyde back but eventually has to give into temptation
Not that I dreamed of resuscitating Hyde
Jekyll has to become Hyde again - its part of his body and mind now to remain psychologically able
Moral weakness
Jekyll liked as Hyde what he felt as Hyde
lust of evil…. love of life screwed
Hyde likes seeing pain in others
Smile withered from his face … more happily for myself
Hyde is strengthened by Jekyll’s weakness - hatred for Jekyll
Power of Hyde seemed to have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll
He is like a disease
Distaste for Hyde was well known
Loathing to my gentleman … only natural
Everyone including Lanyon finds Hyde repulsive
there was something abnormal and misbegotten in the very essence of his creature
Hyde is a distillation of the evil and selfishness in Jekyll
Jekyll says
Was a being inherently malign and villainous, his every act and thought centered on self
A good person looks pleasant but an evil person like Hyde does not - physiognomy
The mere aura and effulgence of certain of the powers that made up my spirit