Characteristics of phobias Flashcards
What are phobias?
Anxiety disorder
Excessive fear/anxiety —> triggered by object or situation
Fear is completely out of all proportion to the stimulus
Leads to conscious avoidance of the stimulus.
What is specific phobias?
Fears about specific objects/situations
What is agoraphobia?
Fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult/ help would not be available if things go wrong.
What is social phobias?
Anxiety relating to social situations
Public speaking/using public toilet
What are the behavioural characteristics of phobias?
Panic —-> involves screaming/crying
Avoidance —-> Person makes conscious efforts to prevents going to places where phobia may reside in.
Endurance —-> Opposite of avoidance. Choose to remain in presence of phobic stimulus.
What are the emotional characteristics of phobias?
Anxiety —> Unpleasant state of high arousal. Prevents person from relaxing and difficult to experience positive emotions
Fear —-> An immediate unpleasant response upon encountering phobic stimulus. Usually more intense and shorter.
Unreasonable emotional response —-> Disproportionate to any threat posed.
What are the cognitive characteristics of phobias?
~~~How people process information
Selective attention to the phobic stimulus ——> Struggle to concentrate as attention always on the stimulus to avoid any ‘threat’.
Irrational beliefs —> Ideas that can’t be easily explained/hold any basis to reality.
Cognitive distortions —> Perceptions of phobic person may be inaccurate and unrealistic.