Characteristics of Living Organisms Flashcards
Movement Respiration Sensitivity Homoeostasis Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition
They move:
+ All living cells - structures in the cytoplasm may move.
+ More complex organisms - the whole structure may move.
+ Animals - The entire body may move
+ Plants - may move parts of their bodies in response to external stimuli such as light.
+ Organisms move towards things like water and food, and away from things like predators and poisons.
They respire:
+ Series of reactions that take place in living cells to release energy from nutrients.
+ This energy is used for all the chemical reactions that keep the body alive.
+ The energy released from their food is done by respiration
They respond to their surroundings:
+ Are able to detect and respond to changes in the external and internal condition.
+ Living organisms can react to changes in their surroundings
They can control their internal conditions:
+ To provide the best conditions inside cells for all the reactions needed for life to exist.
e.g. When we eat and drink we take in water. Our body controls how much water is absorbed and removed from the blood, so that cell processes can continue to work efficiently.
+ Internal conditions include temperature and water content.
They grow and develop:
+ The permanent increase in the size and/or dry mass of cells or the whole body of an organism.
+ Mass changes throughout the day, depending on how much you eat and drink.
+ But growth is the amount by which your body increases in size when you take nutrients into cells to increase their number and size.
mass without water content
They reproduce:
+ All the processes that result in making more individuals of that kind of organism.
e.g. Making gametes and the fertilisation of those gametes.
+ Organisms have to produce offspring in order for the species to survive.
They excrete their waste:
+ Living cells produce many products from the reactions that take place inside them
+ Some of these are waste products
+ Waste products may also be toxic so they must be removed from the body by excretion.
e.g. Humans/animals remove carbon dioxide and urine from the body as they cannot be used during respiration and digestion
materials that the body does not use
They need nutrition:
+ The taking of nutrients, such as organic substances and mineral ions into the body.
+ Nutrients are the raw materials that cells need to release energy and to make more cells.
+ Living organisms need nutrients to provide them with energy and the raw materials for growth and repair.
e.g. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals