human beings’ worldviews, values, beliefs, likes, and dislikes are known by analyzing participants’ data about his/her mental, social, and spiritual aspects.
Human understanding and interpretation
changes may always happen in qualitative research due to its inductive nature, and research design or methods should adapt to it.
Active, powerful, and forceful
allows the researcher to approach the study in varied ways such as combining it with quantitative research. A qualitative study applies to all research types: descriptive, exploratory, etc.
Multiple research approaches/methods
qualitative research follows an inductive method (from the particular to general)
Specificity to generalization
the goal is to understand human behavior by considering the context, situations, or circumstances under a thorough examination of the participant’s way of living.
prefers collecting data in a natural setting (observing people as they live and work, analyzing photographs or videos as they appear to people, and looking at classrooms unchanged or adjusted to people’s intentional observations).
Diversified data in real-life situations
gathered data through interviews are in words, and can be presented through visual presentation such as pictures, videos, and graphs.
Abounds with words and visuals
the researchers examine the data yielded by the internal traits of the subject individuals (i.e., emotional, mental, spiritual characteristics), and study people’s perception about the topic.
Internal analysis