Character Drill Flashcards
Esther 2:22
Ninjago Kai is bitten by the S Star with 3 shoes on its star spikes
Genesis 34:1
Gens sis was walking around a tree and sees a door: a lighting hits and the door opens, she walks in, finds a Dino and pulls her gun
1 Corinthians 3:4
1 core Indian meets an ice bear under a frozen tree, a ligthning hits and they run into the igloo door
Ezra 8:8
Michael Jackson is riding on the Z is running like crazy from gate to gate at the airport about to loose his flight
Luke 19:2
The key is in the hand of Luke Skywalker and in the other hand he holds a space gun, next to him walks a prison guard swine, a lightning hits his shoe
Genesis 25:26
Genesis 5:24
Gens Sis dances a jive with knox , a lightning hits, she throws her shoe at his door
Ruth 1:3
Naomi our receptionist climbs up on the roof with a water gun to water the tree
Acts 18:18
Cresselia the Pokémon throws an ax to a teenager and screams eyyyy teeeeen eyyyy teeeeeen catch
Micah 6:4
Miriam grabs the mic and drums with sticks when a lightning hits and she runs right into Moses’ door
Micah 6:4
Miriam grabs the mic and drums with sticks when a lightning hits and she runs right into Moses’ door
Joshua 14:13
Caleb helps Joshua rescue the judo mummy by driving underneath with John’s train and the wheels keep going 1-4-1-3
1 kings 1:11
King Louie surrounded by 4 sheep
Matthew 20:20
The centipede walks over the mat to make a line for the corona test in 2020
Genesis 25:26
Romans 9:9
Zara Figueroa and A Roman soldier gallop together on a swine, a lightning hits, they fall down and another swine comes licking them
John 1:49
Yaniel’s 4 boys jump to the water to John the Baptist with water guns, a lighting hits and they rush out to door of the swine stable where they hide
Matthew 1:5
Pokémon Jesse stands on a bath mat, shoots with a water gun, a lightning hits and she dives into the water
1 chronicles 1:1
Adam runs with a chronic eel under the arm rescuing him from a triple water gun attack
Exodus 1:2
Little Levi runs from mass exodus in North Carolina, he shoots a grabbler gets lifted up someone grabs him but his shoe slips off
Jude 1:11
Balambalambalabamba Aris dog is driving a truck when his tire gets chewed riding over three nails - pffffff the air goes out and he is stuck
Joshua 7:1
When Joshua was rescuing the judo mummy achorns started falling from heaven with a lightning shooting to the sun
1 Chronicles 5:5
One chronic eel plays a soccer game 5v5
Acts 8:5
Philip is lost on a kayak that gets pulled towards a waterfall behind a gate that open because strings are holding it. He throws an ax against to cut the strings, the gate crashes down and holds the water. A lightning hits, his kayak catches fire so he dives into the water
Jeremiah 40:6
Pinocchio with a long nose picks up the eyes in jars all sporty, a lightning hits and his sticks light in fire
Jeremiah 1:3
Baby Josiah squishes candy eyes in a jar, lights up a 1 year birthday candle, which accidentally lights up the tree above