Chapters 6-9 Practice final Flashcards
True or False
Rectus capitis anterior is easy to palpate?
Which muscle mean temple?
Which Of the following muscles is one of the largest and most superficial muscles in the neck? a. Sternocleisoamastoid b. Obliquus capitis inferior c. Temporalis D. Masseter
A. Sternocleidomastoid
True or False?
The rectus capitis posterior major Is one of the four muscles that make up the sub occipital group.
Which muscles work together to laterally flex and stabilize the head and neck?
a. scalenes
b. Suprahyoids
c. Infrahyoids
d. Intercostals
a. Scalenes
Which of the following muscles is very small and deep in the anterior neck
a. Obliquus capitis inferior
b. Obliquus capitis superior
c. Rectus capitis anterior
d. Mylohyoid
c. Rectus capitis anterior
Which of the following muscle names may be roughly translated as long neck?
a. Longus capitis
b. Longus colli
c. Obliquus capitis inferior
d. Semi spinal is
b. Longus colli
The suprhyoid muscles perform which of the following functions?
a. Protract the mandible
b. Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage during swallowing
c. Retract the mandible
d. Elevate the hyoid bone in thyroid cartilage during swallowing
d. Elevate the Hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage during swallowing
Platysma functions primarily in which of the following ways
a. Rotation of the neck
b. Lateral flexion of the head
c. Facial expressions of stress or anger
d. Extension of the neck
c. Facial expressions of stress or anger
Which of the following muscles is large and broad making it a more effective prime mover for extension lateral flexion and rotation of the head and neck?
a. Splenius capitis
b. Sternocleidomastoid
c. Trapezius
d. Temporalis
A. Splenius capitis
Which muscle pound for pound is the strongest muscle in the body and generates the most force for biting and chewing. a. Medial Pterygoid b Masseter c. Lateral pterygoid d. Trapezius
b. Masseter
Which of the following muscles extends the vertebral column and means roughly “of the spine“?
a. Iliocostalis
b. Longissimus
c. Internal oblique
d. Spinialis
d. Spinialis
Which bone maybe palpated in the midline of the posterior trunk?
a. Posterior rib
b. Iliac crest
c. Spinous process
d. Sternum
c. Spinous process
True or false? The external and internal intercostals help maintain the shape and integrity of the rib cage?
a. True
Which bone would you be palpating if you were to place your palm on a clients abdomen between the navel and pelvis?
a. Spinous process
b. Pubis
c. Lamina groove
d. Posterior rib
b pubis
The iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinialis form which group of muscles?
a. Erector Spinae
b. Transversospinialis
c. Scalenes
d. Abdominals
a. Erector Spinae
The contraction and relaxation of which muscle drives breathing?
a. Iliocostalis
b. Spinialis
c. External oblique
d. Diaphragm
d. Diaphragm
True or false? The iliocostalis extends and laterally flexes the vertebral column?
A. True
Which bone would you be palpating if you were able to slide your fingertips laterally away from the sternum?
a. Posterior rib
b. Anterior rib
c. Pubis
d. Iliac crest
B. Anterior rib
Which of the following muscles is donut shaped in the primary muscle of breathing
a. Longissimus
b. Iliocostalis
c. Rectus abdominous
d. Diaphragm
D. Diaphragm
“Six pack abs“ are a result of horizontal lines of connective tissue segmenting which of the following muscles?
a. Rectus abdominis
b. Transverse andominis
c. External oblique
d. Internal oblique
A. Rectus abdominis
Which of the following is the most superficial of the transversospinialis muscles And means half of the spine?
a. Rotatores
b. Multifundi
c. Semispinalis
d. Quadratus lumborum
c. semispinalis
True or false? Longissimus is a long muscle that spans the entire axial skeleton and connects to the sacrum and cranium?
a. True
Which muscle is deep to the rhomboid and trapezius muscles and elevates the ribs during inhalation?
a. Rectus abdominis
b. Semispinalis
c. Quadratus lomborum
d. Serratus posterior superior
d. Serratus posterior superior
Which of the following would you be palpating if you were to slide your fingertips from the lumbar spinous processes inferiorly between the right and left posterior superior iliac spine?
a. Ischial tuberosity
b. Sacrum
c. Greater trochanter of the femur
d. Tibial tuberosity
b. Sacrum
Rectus femoris is part of which muscle group?
a. Adductors
b. Glutes
c. Lumbricals
d. Quadriceps
d. Quadriceps
Which of the following is a small muscle on the lateral edge of the anterior hip that forms the other half of a “V“with satorius?
a. Tensor fascia latae
b. Gracilis
c. Iliacus
d. Psoas
A. Tensor fascia latae
True or false? Tightness in the piriformis can compress the sciatic nerve?
Which of the following would you be palpating if you were to slide your thumb medially from the patella?
a. Lumbar vertebral bodies
b. Medial femoral condyle
c. Rami of the pubis
d. Adductor tubercle
D. Adductor tubercle
The pectineus has attachments on which two bones?
a. Femur and patella
b. Femur and tibia
c. Pubis and femur
d. Tibia and fibula
c. Pubis and femur
Which of the following is not true of gluteus maximus?
a. It extends the hip during walking running and jumping
b. It straightens the body when the lower extremity is fixed
c. It extends the knee in kicking
d. It is one of the most powerful muscles in the body
c. It extends the knee in kicking
True or false? Biceps remoris flexes the elbow
Which of the following is the prime abductor of the hip
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Gluteus medius
c. Gluteus minimus
d. Vastus lateralis
b. Gluteus medius
Which of the following muscles is the longest muscle of the human body in with referred to as the tailor’s muscle?
a. Tensor fascia latae
b. Satorius
c. Rectus femoris
d. Iliotibial band
b. Satorius
True or false? Semitendinosus is part of the quadriceps group?
False it’s part of the hamstring group
Kicking involves which of the following actions?
a. Knee extension
b. Knee flexion
c. Knee abduction
d. Knee internal rotation
a. Knee extension
Which of the following muscles flexes and externally rotate the hip and creates a connection between the trunk and lower extremity?
a. Psoas
b. Vastus lateralis
c. Vastus intermedius
d. Gracilis
a. Psoas
Which of the following muscle names mean roughly huge and side?
a. Vastus medialis
b. Vastis intermedius
c. Vastis lateralis
d. Rectus femoris
c. Vastis lateralis
True or false? Extensor digitorum longus extends the big toe
Which muscle has as its main function to extend the four smaller toes?
a. Extensor hallucis longus
b. Extensor digitorum longus
c. Peroneus longus
d. Peronius brevis
b. Extensor digitorum longus
True or false? Posterior tibialis is the deepest muscle in the posterior leg
Which muscle of the three triceps Surae is composed of more slow twitch then fast twitch fibers making it a fatigue resistant postural muscle?
a. Gastrocnemius
b. Plantaris
c. Soleus
d. Tibialis posterior
c. Soleus
Which motion raises the distal end of the foot up and walking preventing the toes from catching on the ground?
a. Plantar flexion
b. Dorsi flexion
c. Inversion
d. Eversion
b. Dorsiflexion
Which muscle is the largest and most superficial of the three triceps surae muscles?
a. Tibialis anterior
b. Plantaris
c. Soleus
d. Gastrocnemius
d. Gastrocnemius
Which muscle has as its main function to extend the great toe?
a. Extensor hallucis longus
b. Extensor digitorum longus
c. Peroneus longus
d. Peroneus brevis
a. Extensor hallucis longus
The talocrural joint allows which two movements?
a. Inversion and eversion
b. Internal rotation and external rotation
c. Flexion and extension
d. Plantar flexion and dorsiflexion
D. Plantar flexion and dorsiflexion
True or false? Flexor halicus longus is
the primary muscle for push-off during gate and propulsion of the body
Which of the following would you be palpating if you used a pincer group with your thumb and fingers on the posterior heel?
a. Sustentaculum
b. Cuneiforms
c. Calcaneus
d. Lateral malleolus
c. Calcaneus
What are the attachments of the flexor digitorum longus?
a. Tibia and distal phalanges
b. Tibia and calcaneus
c. Tibia and tarsals
d. Tibia in metatarsals
a. Tibia and distal phalanges
Which of the following will you be palpating if you explored the large protrusion at the distal medial end of the tibia? a. Calcaneus b. Medial malleolus c. Tropical of the talus d. Navicular
b. Medial malleolus
Name four muscles of the sub-occipital group
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Obliquus capitis superior
Rectus capitis posterior major
Obliquus capitis inferior