Chapters 4 & 5 - Orienting movements & Active orientation and localization Flashcards
- Orienting reaction or movement in freely moving organisms directed in relation to a stimulus
- Prefix: defines nature of the stimulus
- Modifiers:
– positive: orienting movement toward the stimulus
– negative: orienting movement away from the stimulus - Taxis responses occur even in organisms without a nervous system
Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868-1947)
- Introduced behavior of paramecium (unicellular protist)
- Instrumental in taxis
Revolution around longitudinal axis
Paramecium and CO2
They stay within a certain pH range (cannot survive if pH is too low – acidic), which is why they stay at a certain distance of the CO2 (CO2 dissolved in water makes a weak acid, lowering the pH)
Method to qualitatively express the concentration of H3O+ ions in a solution. The pH is defined as the negative logarithm to the base 10 of the hydrogen ion concentration. Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7. A pH of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, a pH of greater than 7 indicates a basic (alkaline) solution.
Hairlike appendages of many kinds of cells with a bundle of microtubules at their core. The microtubules are arranged such that nine doublet microtubules are located in a ring around a pair of single microtubules. This arrangement gives them the distinctive appearance of a ‘9+2’ array in electron micrographs of cross-sections.
Negative pole of a voltage source (where the cations move towards)
Positive pole of a voltage source (where the anions move towards)
Cations move towards the…
Phobotaxis in paramecium
- Avoidance response controlled by depolarization and hyperpolarization
- If paramecium gets touched, it propels either forward or backward to avoid it
– For the paramecium to swim forward, the K+ channels open, resulting in K+ leaving the cell and the cell becoming more negative, meaning the cell gets hyperpolarized, triggering forward movement
– For the paramecium to swim backward, the Ca2+ channels open, resulting in Ca2+ entering the cell and the cell becoming less negative, meaning the cell gets depolarized, triggering backward movement
Parallel plate capacitor
Composed of two parallel metal plates isolated against each other. They have equal, but opposite, charges. By definition, the electric field lines arise from the positively charged plate (anode) and run, perpendicular to the plates, to the negatively charged plate (cathode)
In an electric field, a paramecium swims towards the…
- Cathode with their anterior pole first
- This behavior is triggered by a differential polarization of those parts of the cell that are closer to the cathode and the anode, respectively, and, thus, by the generation of a differential beat pattern of the cilia in different parts of the cell
Hyperpolarizing movement of cilia make a paramecium swim…
Depolarizing movement of cilia make a paramecium swim…
Cilia stroke pattern in paramecium is determined by…
The intraciliary Ca2+ concentration
The inner ear is made up of the…
The labyrinth
The vestibular organ is made up of the…
Otolith organs and the semicircular canals
The labyrinth is made up of the…
Vestibular organ and the cochlea
The ossicles are made up of the…
Incus, malleus, and stapes
In the cochlea, further from the center (apex) are the ________ frequencies and closer to the center (apex) are the ________ frequencies.
- Higher
- Lower
Place theory of hearing
- Perceived pitch (frequency) of a tone depends on the position or place on the basilar membrane
- High frequency sounds selectively lead to vibrations of the basilar membrane of the inner ear near the entrance port (the oval window)
- Lower frequencies travel further along the membrane before causing appreciable excitation of the membrane
- The frequency-determining mechanism is based on the location along the membrane where the hair cells are stimulated
A lower pitch (frequency) results in ________ vibration of the hair cells.
A lower volume sound results in ________ vibration of the hair cells.
The inner ear hair cells are arranged…
In groups with the shortest hairs (stereocilia) in the front and the longest in the back, with one kinocilium in the very back of the group
- 9+2 microtubule structure
- True cilia (stereocilia are not because they do not have the proper microtubule structure)
Hair cell
- Array of stereocilia at apical end
- Possibly one true cilium (kinocilium) at one flank of the array of sterocilia
- Cilia bathed in potassium-rich endolymph (normally, extracellular fluid poor in potassium)
- Synaptic connections at basal end: afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor; presumably to control sensory function)
Tip link
- Protein fiber linking one stereocilia to another, connecting the Ca2+ and K+ channels together
- The stereocilia move from one side to the other, opening and closing the channels
– When the stereocilia moves in one direction and the channel opens, Ca2+ and K+ enter the stereocilia, depolarizing the membrane of the hair cell, due to the abundance of Ca2+ and K+ in the extracellular area
– When the channel closes, the Ca2+ and K+ are removed from the stereocilia via pump, hyperpolarizing the membrane of the hair cell
Mechanically sensitive channels
- Transduction mediated by mechanically sensitive channels
- Extremely fast: delay between deflection of hair bundle and onset of receptor current as short as 10 µsec
- Enormously sensitive: deflection of the tip of the stereocilia by as little as +/- 0.3 nm may be sufficient to trigger a response
Hearing: mechanism of transduction
- The transduction of the mechanical stimulation of the stereocilia into an electric response is mediated by mechanically sensitive transduction channels concentrated near the tip of the stereocilia
- During displacement of the stereocilium toward the adjacent taller stereocilium, the tip link provides the tension to open the transduction channel, leading to an influx of cations, and thus to a depolarization of the membrane of the hair cells, which is followed by an increase in firing in the afferent fiber (sensory information to brain)
- Conversely, deflection of the stereocilia toward the shorter edge of the hair bundle closes the transduction channels open at rest, leading to a reduced influx of cations into the cell, and thus, to a hyperpolarization, which is then followed by a decrease in firing in the afferent fiber
Effect of aminoglycoside antibiotics
- The cation-selective channels in hair cells are blocked by amino-glycoside antibiotics, e.g., streptomycin
- Higher doses of such antibiotics have toxic effects on hair cells, damaging the stereocilial bundles and eventually killing the cells
Transduction is mediated by…
Mechanically sensitive channels in hair cells
Carlsbad Caverns National Park (New Mexico)
Known for the abundance of bats
Lazaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)
Believed bats oriented by hearing
Donald R. Griffin (1915-2003)
Demonstrated that bats use ultrasound
Sound in the frequency range above that of human hearing, above approximately 20 kHz
Simmons’ bat behavioral experiments
- Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
– Trained bats to discriminate targets placed at different distances
– Then replaced natural echo by electronically controlled ‘phantom echoes’ - Threshold at which the bats can still discriminate two targets based on signal-to-echo delays: 60 µsec (corresponding to difference in target distance of 10-15mm)
Doppler shifts
- Discovered by Austria physicist Christian Johann Doppler (1803-1853) in 1842
- They involve a shift in frequency and occur whenever the source of any kind of propagating energy, such as light or sound, moves relative to the receiver of this energy
- E.g., the siren of an ambulance, which is perceived as a constant pitch by a listener as long as both ambulance and listener are stationary, changes in pitch (frequency) when the ambulance goes by
– As the ambulance approaches, the frequency is increased, since sound waves from the siren are compressed toward the observer
– As the ambulance moves away, the frequency is decreased, since the sound waves are stretched relative to the listener - Lower frequency echo –> receding object
- Higher frequency echo –> approaching object
Bats and acoustic orientation via hair cells
Based on the frequency spectrum, the ultrasound produced by bats can be divided into frequency modulated (FM) signals, quasi-constant-frequency (QCF) signals, and signals consisting of a rather long constant-frequency (CF) component, followed by a downward frequency-modulated sweep (CF-FM signals)
Hair cells play a critical role in…
Processing auditory information (including information used for acoustic orientation)
Frequency modulated (FM) signals
- FM signals are used to estimate the distance of the bat from an object
– This is achieved by measuring the time delay between the emitted signal and the returning echo
–In the inferior colliculus of bats, neurons have been identified that serve as time markers by encoding for the time interval between the emitted pulse and the returning echo; in the auditory cortex, neurons exist that respond best to a particular pulse-echo-delay time
Constant frequency (CF) component in signals
- The CF component of bat ultrasound is well-suited for the so-called Doppler shift analysis, which is performed during flight and when localizing flying insects
– During flight movements of the bat, this analysis forms the basis for Doppler shift compensation to keep the frequency of the returning echo in the range of maximal sensitivity of the auditory system
– During prey hunting, Doppler shift analysis is used to detect the fluttering of wings of the flying insects
– Both sensory structures in the ear and neural structures in the brain of the bat are specialized to maximize sensitivity to frequencies in the range of the CF component of the returning echo (this includes an over-representation of such frequencies in the cochlea and the auditory cortex)
Noctuid moths
- To counteract bat echolocation, noctuid moths have developed a number of adaptations
– They include the development of ears sensitive in the ultrasound range, and, in some species, the production of high-frequency clicks