Chapter 7 - Neuronal processing of sensory information Flashcards
Feature detectors
Neurons that respond selectively to specific features of a sensory stimulus
Natural prey catching behavior of toads
- Consists of a series of well-defined individual behavioral patterns:
– if recognizes predator either escape or freeze
– if prey try to grab and eat it - In the toad’s sensory world, prey are elongated objects that move in the direction of their long axis, while enemies/predators are objects that move in the direction of their short axis
– Results in two behavioral responses –> worm-like and anti-worm-like
Jorg-Peter Ewert (1938-)
- Wanted to know how toads recognize their prey
– Determined that specific neurons in the retina respond selectively based on if prey or not (cannot identify the type of prey as they are not that specific)
Feature detectors can be identified by…
Recording from the brain while exposing the animal to behaviorally relevant stimuli
The major neural parts of the visual system of the toad
- The receptor cells and ganglion cells in the retina
- The optic nerve formed by axons of the ganglion cells
- The optic tectum and the thalamic-pretectal area
Feature detectors for toads
- T5(2) neurons in the optic tectum show many properties that qualitfy them as feature detectors responding best to worm-like stimuli
– T5(2) cells receive inhibitory input from the thalamic-pretectal area; this connection is thought to contribute to the enhancement of selectivity for features relevant for prey-enemy discrimination
– Electrical stimulation of the optic tectum, believed to activate T5(2) neurons, elicits orienting movement in toads characteristic of prey-catching behavior
Transorbital lobotomy
- Severs the connections to the prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobes of the brain
- Used to treat “mental health issues” at the time
Walter Jackson Freeman (1895-1972)
Performed transorbital lobotomies
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1915-2011)
- Inserted electrodes into the hypothalamus to control aggression in bulls
– Applied stimulation/electricity to reduce aggression - People were afraid that this research could lead to complete governmental control
Acute electrode
Is removed after the experiment; short-term
Chronic electrode
Is place permanently or long-term
Masakazu ‘Mark’ Konishi
- Studied barn owls
– Their food consists of field mice and they hunt at night
– Wanted to know how they localize their prey
— Acoustic predators –> face is structured for hearing/funneling sound and one ear is higher than the other
Barn owl prey localization
Can localize prey solely based on acoustic cues
Horizontal plane in barn owl’s acoustic space
Vertical plane in barn owl’s acoustic space
Barn owl sound localization
- The accuracy of sound localization, as indicated by a turning of the owl’s head toward the source of the stimulus, can be monitored by means of an electromagnetic angle-detector system
- Can locate sound with high accuracy in both azimuth and elevation
Human vs barn owl sound localization
- Humans are good at localizing in the azimuth/horizontal plane (like barn owls), but they are not as good in the elevation/vertical plane
– Elevation plays a critical role in a barn owl’s life (catching prey), but it doesn’t for humans, resulting in this difference
Barn owl precision in both planes
1 to 2 degrees in both azimuth and elevation
Barn owls analyze interaural time differences to locate sound in…
Barn owls analyze interaural intensity differences to locate sound in…
Interaural time and intensity pathways
- Interaural time and intensity data are segregated in the first way stations processing auditory information
– Neurons of the angular nucleus process intensity information
– Neurons of the magnocellular nucleus respond to timing information
Lloyd Jefferess’ model for detection of interaural time differences
- Interaural time differences are computed in the laminar nucleus
– This is achieved by neurons of this nucleus functioning as coincidence detectors and axons arising from the magnocellular neurons as delay lines - Coincidence –> waves are in sync and coincidence detector has maximal firing
- Noncoincidence –> waves are a little off-set and coincidence detector has weak firing
- Phase ambiguity –> waves from different phases are in sync, leading to max firing from coincidence detector
Interaural intensity differences are computed in…
The posterior lateral lemniscal nucleus
After parallel processing over several brain levels, time and intensity converge in the…
Lateral shell
Space-specific neurons
Respond only to acoustic stimuli originating from a restricted area in space
Through systematic arrangement of space-specific neurons…
A neural map of auditory space is formed in the external nucleus
Auditory pathways in the brain
See diagram
Baby barn owl fitted with prism glasses that deviate vision
- Owl sees the object a certain number of degrees away from the object’s actual location
- The connections that were already formed between auditory and visual pathways break down and are reformed due to the prism glasses, and when the glasses are removed the connections again need to be reformed
– before glasses owl can see and hear perfectly
– initially with the glasses owl can locate the object correctly with auditory data but sees it in the wrong place
– overtime with the glasses owl locates and hear the object in the wrong place
– after removing the glasses owl can see object in the right place but hears it in the wrong place
In the optic tectum…
A joint auditory-visual map is formed