Chapters 4-5 Flashcards
give the genitive singular of dōnum magnum
dōnī magnī
give the dative singular of dōnum magnum
dōnō magnō
give the accusative singular of dōnum magnum
dōnum magnum
give the ablative singular of dōnum magnum
dōnō magnō
give the nominative plural of dōnum magnum
dōna magna
give the genitive plural of dōnum magnum
dōnōrum magnōrum
give the dative plural of dōnum magnum
dōnīs magnīs
give the accusative plural of dōnum magnum
dōna magna
give the ablative plural of dōnum magnum
dōnīs magnīs
give the genitive singular of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliī magnī or cōnsilī magnī
give the dative singular of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliō magnō
give the accusative singular of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsilium magnum
give the ablative singular of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliō magnō
give the nominative plural of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsilia magna
give the genitive plural of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliōrum magnōrum
give the dative plural of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliīs magnīs
give the accusative plural of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsilia magna
give the ablative plural of cōnsilium magnum
cōnsiliīs magnīs
give the nominative singular forms of magnus
magnus, magna, magnum
give the genitive singular forms of magnus
magnī, magnae, magnī
give the dative singular forms of magnus
magnō, magnae, magnō
give the accusative singular forms of magnus
magnum, magnam, magnum
give the ablative singular forms of magnus
magnō, magnā, magnō
give the vocative singular forms of magnus
magne, magna, magnum
give the nominative plural forms of magnus
magnī, magnae, magna
give the genitive plural forms of magnus
magnōrum, magnārum, magnōrum
give the dative plural forms of magnus
magnīs, magnīs, magnīs
give the accusative plural forms of magnus
magnōs, magnās, magnōs
give the ablative plural forms of magnus
magnīs, magnīs, magnīs
give the vocative plural forms of magnus
magnī, magnae, magna
conjugate the verb to be in the present singular
sum, es, est
conjugate the verb to be in the present plural
sumus, estis, sunt
Conjugate laudō in the future active singular (Chapter 5)
laudābō, laudābis, laudābit
Conjugate laudō in the future active plural
laudābimus, laudābitis, laudābunt
Conjugate laudō in the imperfect active singular
laudābam, laudābas, laudābat
Conjugate laudō in the imperfect active plural
laudābāmus, laudābātis, laudābant
Conjugate moneō in the future active singular
monēbō, monēbis, monēbit
Conjugate moneō in the future active plural
monēbimus, monēbitis, monēbunt
Conjugate moneō in the imperfect active singular
monēbam, monēbās, monēbat
Conjugate moneō in the imperfect active plural
monēbāmus, monēbātis, monēbant
give the nominative singular forms of līber
līber, lībera, līberum
give the genitive singular forms of līber
līberī, līberae, līberī
give the dative singular forms of līber
līberō, līberae, līberō
give the accusative singular forms of līber
līberum, līberam, līberum
give the ablative singular forms of līber
līberō, līberā, līberō
give the vocative singular forms of līber
līber, lībera, līberum
give the nominative plural forms of līber
līberī, līberae, lībera
give the genitive plural forms of līber
līberōrum, līberārum, līberōrum
give the dative plural forms of līber
līberīs, līberīs, līberis
give the accusative plural forms of līber
līberōs, līberās, līberōs
give the ablative plural forms of līber
līberīs, līberīs, līberis
give the vocative plural forms of līber
līberī, līberae, lībera
give the nominative singular forms of pulcher
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
give the genitive singular forms of pulcher
pulchrī, pulchrae, pulchrī
give the dative singular forms of pulcher
pulchrō, pulchrae, pulchrō
give the accusative singular forms of pulcher
pulchrum, pulchram, pulchrum
give the ablative singular forms of pulcher
pulchrō, pulchrā, pulchrō
give the vocative singular forms of pulcher
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
give the nominative plural forms of pulcher
pulchrī, pulchrae, pulchra
give the genitive plural forms of pulcher
pulchrōrum, pulchrārum, pulchrōrum
give the dative plural forms of pulcher
pulchrīs, pulchrīs, pulchris
give the accusative plural forms of pulcher
pulchrōs, pulchrās, pulchrōs
give the ablative plural forms of pulcher
pulchrīs, pulchrīs, pulchris
give the vocative plural forms of pulcher
pulchrī, pulchrae, pulchra