Chapters 23-25 Flashcards
what is the present active participle of agō?
agēns, agentis
what is the perfect passive participle of agō?
āctus, ācta, āctum
what are the future active and passive participles of agō?
āctūrus, actūra, actūrum // agendus, agenda, agendum
what is the present active participle of laudō?
laudēns, laudentis
what is the perfect passive participle of laudō?
laudātus, laudāta, laudātum
what are the future active and passive participles of laudō?
laudātūrus, laudātūra, laudātūrum // laudendus, laudenda, laudendum
what is the present active participle of audiō?
audiēns, audientis
what is the perfect passive participle of audiō?
audītus, audīta, audītum
what are the future active and passive participles of audiō?
audītūrus, audītūra, audītūrum // audiendus, audienda, audiendum
what is the present active participle of capiō?
capiēns, capientis
what is the perfect passive participle of capiō?
captus, capta, captum
what are the future active and passive participles of capiō?
captūrus, captūra, captūrum // capiendus, capienda, capiendum
give the genitive singular of agēns, agēns
agentis, agentis
give the dative singular of agēns, agēns
agentī, agentī
give the accusative singular of agēns, agēns
agentem, agēns
give the ablative singular of agēns, agēns
agentī or agente, agentī or agente
give the nominative plural of agēns, agēns
agentēs, agentia
give the genitive plural of agēns, agēns
agentium, agentium
give the dative plural of agēns, agēns
agentibus, agentibus
give the accusative plural of agēns, agēns
agentēs, agentia
give the ablative plural of agēns, agēns
agentibus, agentibus
Give the present infinitives of laudō (chapter XXV)
laudāre; laudārī
Give the perfect infinitives of laudō
laudāvisse; laudātus, -a, -um esse
Give the future infinitives of laudō
laudātūrus, -a, -um esse; laudātum īrī
Give the present infinitives of moneō
monēre; monērī
Give the perfect infinitives of moneō
monuisse; monitus, -a, -um
Give the future infinitives of moneō
monitūrus, -a, -um; monitum īrī
Give the present infinitives of agō
agere; agī
Give the perfect infinitives of agō
ēgisse; āctus, -a, -um
Give the future infinitives of agō
āctūrus, -a, -um; āctum īrī
Give the present infinitives of audiō
audīre; audīrī
Give the perfect infinitives of audiō
audīvisse; audītus, -a, -um
Give the future infinitives of audiō
audītūrus, -a, -um; audītum īrī
Give the present infinitives of capiō
capere; capī
Give the perfect infinitives of capiō
cēpisse; captus, -a, -um
Give the future infinitives of capiō
captūrus, -a, -um; captum īrī