Chapters 30 and 32 Flashcards
Pathologic Fracture
A broken bone resulting from a disease that causes bone degeneration
A degenerative bone disorder associated with accelerated loss of mineral, primarily calcium, from the bones
Direct Force
Direct blow. Injuries from direct force occur at a point of impact
Indirect Force
A force that causes injury some distance away from the point of impact
Twisting Force
A force that twists a bone while on end is held stationary
The sound or feel of broken fragments of bone grinding against each other
Any device used to immobilize a body part
A prickling of tingling feeling that indicates some loss of sensation
Compartment Syndrome
Tissue Pressure in a confined space causing decreased blood flow, leading to hypoxia and possible muscle, nerve, and vessel impairment
Spinal Column
The 33 vertebrae that enclose and protect the spinal chord
Bony segments of the spinal column
Fluid filled cartilage pad between the vertebrae
Cervical Spine
The first 7 vertebrae, the neck
Thoracic Spine
The 12 vertebrae that comprise the upper back
Lumbar Spine
the 5 lower vertebrae that form the lower back
Sacral Spine
The five fused vertebrae at the posterior pelvis
The four fused vertebrae that form at the lower end of the spine, the tailbone
Spinal Chord
Nervous tissue the extends from the brain to level L2 within the spinal Column
Complete Spinal Chord Injury
Spinal chord injury causing complete loss of motor, sensory, and autonomic function below the level of injury
Spinal Shock
Paralysis, loss of sensation, and possible vasodilatation caused by spinal chord injury
A persistent erection of the penis
Neurogenic Hypotension
Vasodilation and relative hypovolemia caused by spinal injury
Incomplete Spinal Chord Injury
Injury to some but not all of spinal chord tracts so the some functions are lost and others are intact
Central Cord Syndrom
Loss of function in upper extremities from central cord injury
Anterior Cord Syndrome
Loss of most function below the site of anterior cord injury
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
Loss of different functions on opposite sides of the body from injury to one side of the spinal chord